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D3DMTA Values (Windows CE 5.0)

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These macros define texture argument flags. Each texture stage for a device can have two texture arguments that affect the color or alpha channel of the texture.

Set and retrieve texture arguments by calling the IDirect3DMobileDevice::SetTextureStageState and IDirect3DMobileDevice::GetTextureStageState methods, and specifying the one of the following elements of the D3DMTEXTURESTAGESTATETYPE enumeration.


The following table shows flags, organized as arguments and modifiers, that can be used with color and alpha arguments for a texture stage. You can combine an argument flag with a modifier, but two argument flags cannot be combined.

Value Description
D3DMTA_SELECTMASK Mask value for all arguments; not used when setting texture arguments.
D3DMTA_DIFFUSE Attaches the pixel's diffuse color to the texture stage input.

This is a read-only operation.

D3DMTA_CURRENT Attaches the current color register to the texture stage input.

This is a read/write operation.

D3DMTA_TEXTURE Attaches the color value read from the stage's texture map at the pixel's coordinates to the texture stage input.

This is a read-only operation.

D3DMTA_TFACTOR Attaches the texture factor color value to the stage's input. The texture factor is a render state, D3DMRS_TEXTUREFACTOR, that accepts a 32-bit ARGB color value (see D3DMRENDERSTATETYPE)).

This is a read-only operation.

D3DMTA_SPECULAR Attaches the pixel's specular color to the texture stage input.

This is a read-only operation.

D3DMTA_TEMP Attaches the temporary color register to the texture stage input.

This is a read/write operation.

D3DMTA_OPTIONMASK Mask value for option bits.
D3DMTA_COMPLEMENT Takes 1.0 – x for each color channel and use that as the input.

This flag is used to specify a preprocessing operation. It only affects the input to the texture stage, not the original color value used as the input.

This is a read-modifying operation.

D3DMTA_ALPHAREPLICATE Replicates the value in the alpha channel to all color components for the stage input.

This flag is used to specify a preprocessing operation. It only affects the input to the texture stage, not the original color value used as the input.

This is a read-modifying operation.



OS Versions: Windows CE 5.0 and later.
Header: D3dmtypes.h.

See Also

Direct3D Mobile Macros

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