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Other OAL Functions (Windows CE 5.0)

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The following table shows other OAL functions.

Programming element Description
FileSystemPowerFunction This function initiates a power up or down sequence for all loaded file system drivers.
GwesPowerOffSystem This function initiates a power–down or suspend state. It is called by an OEM.
InitPubKey This function initializes a public key to be used for signature verification.
KLocalFileTimeToFileTime This function converts a local file time to a file time based on the Universal Time Coordinate (UTC).
LoadKernelLibrary This function loads a DLL into the kernel's address space.
lpReadDebugByteFunc This function points to the OEMReadDebugByte function by default. It is defined in the kernel.
lpWriteDebugByteFunc This function points to the OEMWriteDebugByte function by default. It is defined in the kernel.
lpWriteDebugStringFunc This function points to the OEMWriteDebugString function by default. It is defined in the kernel.
NKIsSysIntrValid This function determines if a particular interrupt identifier, or SYSINTR, value is valid
NKrdmsr This function puts the CPU into ring 0, if it is not already there. It is a C wrapper function for the x86 RDMSR instruction.
NKRegCreateKeyEx This function creates a specified key. If the key already exists in the registry, the function opens it.
NKRegCloseKey This function releases the handle of the specified key.
NKRegOpenKeyEx This function opens the specified key.
NKRegQueryValueEx This function retrieves the type and data for a specified value name associated with an open registry key.
NKRegSetValueEx This function stores data in the value field of an open registry key. It can also set additional value and type information for the specified key.
NKSetDataAbortHandler This function replaces the default abort handler on an ARM built OS. It is used by OEMs.
NKVirtualSetAttributes This function changes the per-page attributes for a range of virtual memory, which is usually copied from a physical location not known to the kernel. It is used by driver developers.
NKwrmsr This function puts the CPU into ring 0, if it is not already there. It is a C wrapper function for the x86 WRMSR instruction.
NotifyWinUserSystem This function notifies the system that a system setting was changed.
PFN_AllocHeapMem This function allocates heaps. It is a custom function.
PFN_EnumProc This function enumerates a device name..
PFN_FreeHeapMem This function deallocates heaps. It is a custom function.
PFN_KITLTIMERCB This function is called when a KitlSetTimerCallback registered timer expires.
PowerOffSystem This function calls the kernel to do the final power–down steps before suspending the device.
SetCleanRebootFlag This function resets the object store when a device resets.
SetOOMEvent This function enables enhanced memory management features of Windows CE.
VirtualSetPageFlags This function maps the VSPF_* flags to SH4 virtual page attribute flags and sets the flags for all the pages in the range specified by the lpvAddres and cbSize parameters.

See Also

OAL Functions

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