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This structure contains local data for each individual DirectDrawSurface object.



  • lpSurfMore**
    Pointer to a DDRAWI_DDRAWSURFACE_MORE structure that contains additional local data.

  • lpGbl**
    Pointer to a DDRAWI_DDRAWSURFACE_GBL structure that contains the display memory information for this surface.

  • hDDSurface**
    Windows NT kernel-mode handle.

  • lpAttachList**
    Pointer to an ATTACHLIST structure that contains the list of surfaces to which this surface attached.

  • lpAttachListFrom**
    Pointer to an ATTACHLIST structure that contains the list of surfaces attached to this surface.

  • dwLocalRefCnt**
    This member is used by DirectDraw and should not be filled in by the driver.

  • dwProcessId**
    This member is used by DirectDraw and should not be filled in by the driver.

  • dwFlags**
    Surface control flags.

    The following table shows the possible flags.

    Flag Description
    DDRAWISURF_ATTACHED Indicates the surface is attached to another surface.
    DDRAWISURF_ATTACHED_FROM Indicates this surface has other surfaces attached to it.
    DDRAWISURF_BACKBUFFER Indicates the surface was originally a back buffer.
    DDRAWISURF_DATAISALIASED Used by DirectDraw and should not be set by the driver.
    DDRAWISURF_DCIBUSY Used by DirectDraw and should not be set by the driver.
    DDRAWISURF_DCILOCK Used by DirectDraw and should not be set by the driver.
    DDRAWISURF_EMPTYSURFACE Used by DirectDraw and should not be set by the driver.
    DDRAWISURF_FRONTBUFFER Indicates the surface was originally a front buffer.
    DDRAWISURF_GETDCNULL Used by DirectDraw and should not be set by the driver.
    DDRAWISURF_HASCKEYDESTBLT Indicates the surface has CKDestBlt.
    DDRAWISURF_HASCKEYDESTOVERLAY Indicates the surface has CKDestOverlay.
    DDRAWISURF_HASCKEYSRCBLT Indicates the surface has CKSrcBlt.
    DDRAWISURF_HASCKEYSRCOVERLAY Indicates the surface has CKSrcOverlay.
    DDRAWISURF_HASDC Used by DirectDraw and should not be set by the driver.
    DDRAWISURF_HASOVERLAYDATA Indicates the surface has overlay data.
    DDRAWISURF_HASPIXELFORMAT Indicates the surface has pixel format data.
    DDRAWISURF_HELCB Used by DirectDraw and should not be set by the driver.
    DDRAWISURF_HW_CKEYDESTBLT Used by DirectDraw and should not be set by the driver.
    DDRAWISURF_HW_CKEYDESTOVERLAY Used by DirectDraw and should not be set by the driver.
    DDRAWISURF_HW_CKEYSRCBLT Used by DirectDraw and should not be set by the driver.
    DDRAWISURF_HW_CKEYSRCOVERLAY Used by DirectDraw and should not be set by the driver.
    DDRAWISURF_IMPLICITCREATE Used by DirectDraw and should not be set by the driver.
    DDRAWISURF_IMPLICITROOT Used by DirectDraw and should not be set by the driver.
    DDRAWISURF_INMASTERSPRITELIST Reserved for future use.
    DDRAWISURF_INVALID Indicates the surface has been invalidated by a mode set.
    DDRAWISURF_ISFREE Used by DirectDraw and should not be set by the driver.
    DDRAWISURF_LOCKEXCLUDEDCURSOR Used by DirectDraw and should not be set by the driver.
    DDRAWISURF_PARTOFPRIMARYCHAIN Indicates the surface is part of a primary chain.
    DDRAWISURF_SETGAMMA Used by DirectDraw and should not be set by the driver.
    DDRAWISURF_SW_CKEYDESTBLT Used by DirectDraw and should not be set by the driver.
    DDRAWISURF_SW_CKEYDESTOVERLAY Used by DirectDraw and should not be set by the driver.
    DDRAWISURF_SW_CKEYSRCBLT Used by DirectDraw and should not be set by the driver.
    DDRAWISURF_SW_CKEYSRCOVERLAY Used by DirectDraw and should not be set by the driver.
  • ddsCaps**
    Pointer to a DDSCAPS structure that contains the capabilities of the surface.

  • lpDDPalette**
    Pointer to a DDRAWI_DDRAWPALETTE_INT structure that contains the palette information associated with this surface.

  • lp16DDPalette**
    16-bit pointer to a DDRAWI_DDRAWPALETTE_INT structure that contains the palette information associated with this surface.

  • lpDDClipper**
    Pointer to a DDRAWI_DDRAWCLIPPER_LCL structure that contains the clip list information associated with this surface.

  • lp16DDClipper**
    16-bit pointer to a DDRAWI_DDRAWCLIPPER_INT structure that contains the clip list information associated with this surface.

  • dwModeCreateIn**
    This member is used by DirectDraw and should not be set by the driver.

  • dwBackBufferCount**
    Indicates the number of back buffers that were created for this surface.

  • ddckCKDestBlt**
    Pointer to a DDCOLORKEY structure that contains the color key information for destination blit use.

  • ddckCKSrcBlt**
    Pointer to a DDCOLORKEY structure that contains the color key information for source blit use.

  • hDC
    This member is used by DirectDraw and should not be filled in by the driver.

  • dwReserved1**
    Reserved for use by the display driver. In the 1.0 release of DXPAK, this member was used to store the DDGPE surface pointer. The dwReserved1 field of the DDRAWI_DDRAWSURFACE_GBL structure is now used for that purpose.

  • ddckCDSrcOverlay**
    Pointer to a DDCOLORKEY structure that contains the color key information for source overlay use.

  • ddckCKDestOverlay**
    Pointer to a DDCOLORKEY structure that contains the color key information for destination overlay use.

  • lpSurfaceOverlaying**
    Pointer to a DDRAWI_DDRAWSURFACE_INT structure that contains the information about the surface that is being overlayed.

  • dbnOverlayNode**
    Pointer to a DBLNODE structure that contains the pointers to the previous and next structures.

  • rcOverlaySrc**
    This member is used by DirectDraw and should not be filled in by the driver.

  • rcOverlayDest**
    This member is used by DirectDraw and should not be filled in by the driver.

  • dwClrXparent**
    This member is used by DirectDraw and should not be filled in by the driver.

  • dwAlpha**
    This member is used by DirectDraw and should not be filled in by the driver.

  • lOverlayX**
    Indicates the current X-overlay position.

  • lOverlayY**
    Indicates the current Y-overlay position.


Every member of the structure after the dwReserved1 member is only allocated if the surface can be used for overlays. When this part of the structure is allocated, ddckCDSrcOverlay must not be moved from the start of this area.


OS Versions: Windows CE 2.12 and later. Version 2.12 requires DXPAK 1.0 or later.
Header: Ddrawi.h.

See Also


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