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This command permits the caller to request information about the type of medium currently inserted into the VCR.


  • Command
    This must be set to AVC_VCR_CMD_MEDIUM_INFO.
  • CommandType
    This must be set to AVC_VCR_CommandType_Status.

Return Values

  • ResponseCode
    The VCR subunit will return a specific value in this field, depending on the requested action and the capabilities of the subunits. A successful query will likely result in a value of AVC_RESPONSE_STABLE. Other values are possible and are discussed in the description of IOCTL_VCR_AVCCMD.
  • u.MediumInfo.WriteProtect
    Once a query completes successfully, this return value should contain one of the following flags:
    • MEDIUM_INFO_WriteProtect_OK_To_Record
    • MEDIUM_INFO_WriteProtect_Recording_Inhibited
  • u.MediumInfo.CassetteTypeGrade
    Once a query completes successfully, this return value should contain one of the flags shown in the following table.
    Flag Description
    MEDIUM_INFO_CassetteTypeGrade_DVCR_Standard A standard DVCR cassette.
    MEDIUM_INFO_CassetteTypeGrade_DVCR_MP A Metal Particulate DVCR cassette.
    MEDIUM_INFO_CassetteTypeGrade_DVCR_Small A small DVCR cassette.
    MEDIUM_INFO_CassetteTypeGrade_DVCR_Small_MP A small Metal Particulate DVCR cassette.
    MEDIUM_INFO_CassetteTypeGrade_DVCR_Medium_MP A medium Metal Particulate DVCR cassette.
    MEDIUM_INFO_CassetteTypeGrade_VHS A VHS cassette.
    MEDIUM_INFO_CassetteTypeGrade_SVHS An SVHS cassette.
    MEDIUM_INFO_CassetteTypeGrade_DVHS A DVHS cassette.
    MEDIUM_INFO_CassetteTypeGrade_VHS_C A compact VHS cassette.
    MEDIUM_INFO_CassetteTypeGrade_SVHS_C A compact SVHS cassette.
    MEDIUM_INFO_CassetteTypeGrade_8mm_MP An 8mm Metal Particulate cassette.
    MEDIUM_INFO_CassetteTypeGrade_No_Cassette_Present No cassette is present in the VCR.
    MEDIUM_INFO_CassetteTypeGrade_Unknown_Cassette An unknown cassette type is present in the VCR.


These MEDIUM_INFO values for a particular cassette type are those that were clearly defined at the time of this writing. This does not imply that it is a conclusive list, and in fact, other types will almost certainly be defined as time progresses. Due to this, the caller may receive values for CassetteTapeGrade that were not previously listed.


OS Versions: Windows CE .NET 4.0 and later.
Header: Avc_vcr.h.

See Also


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