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Modem Gateway Registry Settings (Windows CE 5.0)

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You can configure the modem gateway through the registry. Registry settings for the modem gateway are located under the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Bluetooth\Modemgw registry key.

Note   The default registry values vary depending on which Catalog items are included in your OS design. For more information, see Default Registry Settings.

The following table shows the named values for the Modemgw registry key:

Value : type Description
ModemPortName : REG_SZ Specifies the existing COM port for the modem.
BthPortName : REG_SZ Specifies the Bluetooth COM port that will be created by the service; this COM port need not be present in the system.
ModemBaud : REG_DWORD Specifies the Baud rate. This setting is optional.
ModemParity : REG_DWORD Specifies a standard Win32 parity setting, such as NOPARITY. This setting is optional.
ModeByteSize : REG_DWORD Specifies a standard Win32 byte-size setting. Values ranging from 4-8 are valid for this setting. This setting is optional.
ModemStopBits : REG_DWORD Specifies a standard Win32 byte stop-bit setting, such as ONESTOPBIT. This setting is optional.
ModemFlowControl : REG_DWORD Specifies the flow control of the modem. This setting can have the following values:
  • 1 - hardware
  • 2 - software
  • 3 - none

This setting is optional.

ModemDCB : REG_BINARY Specifies the DCB for the modem port. This setting is optional.
MTU : REG_DWORD Specifies the Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) for the Bluetooth RFCOMM session. This setting is optional.
Channel : REG_DWORD Specifies the service channel. This setting is optional. If no value is specified for this setting, use 0xfe or auto-allocate a service channel.
Authenticate : REG_DWORD Default set to non-zero. Setting this value to 0 disables authentication of the connection. This setting is optional.
Security Note   Setting this value to 0 disables authentication. This may result in potential security risks.
Encrypt : REG_DWORD Default set to non-zero. Setting this value to 0 disables encryption of the connection. This setting is optional.
Security Note   Setting this value to 0 disables encryption. This may result in potential security risks.

See Also

Bluetooth Registry Settings

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