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_fpieee_flt (Windows CE 5.0)

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Developing an Application > Microsoft C Run-time Library for Windows CE > Run-time Library Reference

Invokes user-defined trap handler for IEEE floating-point exceptions.

int _fpieee_flt(    unsigned longexc_code,struct_EXCEPTION_POINTERS*exc_info,inthandler(_FPIEEE_RECORD *) );


  • exc_code
    Exception code.
  • exc_info
    Pointer to the Windows NT exception information structure.
  • handler
    Pointer to user's IEEE trap-handler routine.

Return Values

The return value of _fpieee_flt is the value returned by handler. As such, the IEEE filter routine can be used in the except clause of a structured exception-handling (SEH) mechanism.


The _fpieee_flt function invokes a user-defined trap handler for IEEE floating-point exceptions and provides it with all relevant information.

This routine serves as an exception filter in the SEH mechanism, which invokes your own IEEE exception handler when necessary.

The _FPIEEE_RECORD structure, defined in FPIEEE.H, contains information pertaining to an IEEE floating-point exception. This structure is passed to the user-defined trap handler by _fpieee_flt.

_FPIEEE_RECORD Field Description
unsigned int RoundingMode,
unsigned int Precision
Contain information on the floating-point environment at the time the exception occurred.
unsigned int Operation Indicates the type of operation that caused the trap.

If the type is a comparison (_FpCodeCompare), you can supply one of the special _FPIEEE_COMPARE_RESULT values (as defined in FPIEEE.H) in the Result. Value field.

The conversion type (_FpCodeConvert) indicates that the trap occurred during a floating-point conversion operation.

You can look at the Operand1 and Result types to determine the type of conversion being attempted.

_FPIEEE_VALUE Operand1, _FPIEEE_VALUE Operand2, _FPIEEE_VALUE Result Indicate the types and values of the proposed result and operands:
  • OperandValid. Flag indicating whether the responding value is valid.
  • Format. Data type of the corresponding value.

    The format type might be returned even if the corresponding value is not valid.

  • Value. Result or operand data value.


OS Versions: Windows CE 2.0 and later.
Header: stdlib.h.
Link Library: coredll.dll.

See Also

Floating-Point Support

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