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CacheView_t::GWECacheSetSysColors (Windows CE 5.0)

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This method sets the colors that the operating system uses for user interface (UI) elements.

static void GWECacheSetSysColors(int cElements,CONST INT* rgcolor,CONST COLORREF* rgrgb);


  • cElements
    [in] Integer that specifies the number of elements in the rgcolor array.
  • rgcolor
    [in] Pointer to an array of integers that specifies the item for which you want to change the color. This following table shows a list of possible values for the elements of the array.
    Value Description
    COLOR_3DDKSHADOW Dark shadow for 3-D display elements.
    COLOR_3DFACE, COLOR_BTNFACE Face color for 3-D display elements.
    COLOR_3DHILIGHT, COLOR_3DHIGHLIGHT, COLOR_BTNHILIGHT, COLOR_BTNHIGHLIGHT Highlight color for 3-D display elements, for edges facing the light source.
    COLOR_3DLIGHT Light color for 3-D display elements, for edges facing the light source.
    COLOR_3DSHADOW, COLOR_BTNSHADOW Shadow color for 3-D display elements, for edges facing away from the light source.
    COLOR_ACTIVEBORDER Border for an active window.
    COLOR_ACTIVECAPTION Title bar for an active window.
    COLOR_APPWORKSPACE Background color of multiple document interface (MDI) applications.
    COLOR_BTNTEXT Text on push buttons.
    COLOR_CAPTIONTEXT Text in title bar, size box, and scroll bar arrow box.
    COLOR_GRAYTEXT Grayed text for a disabled item. Set this color to zero if the current display driver does not support a solid gray color.
    COLOR_HIGHLIGHT Items selected in a control.
    COLOR_HIGHLIGHTTEXT Text of items selected in a control.
    COLOR_INACTIVEBORDER Border for an inactive window.
    COLOR_INACTIVECAPTION Title bar for an inactive window.
    COLOR_INACTIVECAPTIONTEXT Color of text in an inactive title bar.
    COLOR_INFOBK Background color for ToolTip controls.
    COLOR_INFOTEXT Text color for ToolTip controls.
    COLOR_MENU Menu background.
    COLOR_MENUTEXT Text in menus.
    COLOR_SCROLLBAR Gray area of a scroll bar.
    COLOR_STATIC Background color for static controls and dialog boxes.
    COLOR_STATICTEXT Text color for static controls.
    COLOR_WINDOW Window background.
    COLOR_WINDOWFRAME Window frame.
    COLOR_WINDOWTEXT Text in windows.
  • rgrgb
    [in] Pointer to an array of values of type COLORREF that specify the new colors for each item in the array pointed to by the rgcolor parameter.

Return Values



OS Versions: Windows CE .NET 4.0 and later.
Header: Gcacheview.hpp.

See Also

GetSysColor | SetSysColors | COLORREF

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