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This structure contains data describing the properties of a surface that the Direct3D Mobile driver should create. A pointer to this structure is passed to the driver as a parameter of the D3DM_CreateSurface function.

typedef struct _D3DM_CREATESURFACE_DATA {  D3DMRESOURCETYPE SurfaceType;  union {    D3DMSURFACE_DESC SurfaceDesc;    D3DMVERTEXBUFFER_DESC VertexDesc;    D3DMINDEXBUFFER_DESC IndexDesc;    D3DMTEXTURE_DESC TextureDesc;  };   ULONG nContextId;  ULONG nSurfaceId;  HRESULT rval;} D3DM_CREATESURFACE_DATA;


  • SurfaceType
    A D3DMRESOURCETYPE enumeration value that identifies the type of surface that the drive should create. It also implicitly identifies which description pointer the driver should use from this structure's union.
  • SurfaceDesc
    A D3DMSURFACE_DESC structure value describing the properties of the surface that the driver should create.
  • VertexDesc
    A D3DMVERTEXBUFFER_DESC structure value describing the properties of the vertex buffer that the driver should create.
  • IndexDesc
    A D3DMINDEXBUFFER_DESC structure value describing the properties of the index buffer that the driver should create.
  • TextureDesc
    A D3DMTEXTURE_DESC structure value describing the propoerties of the texture surface that the driver should create.
  • nContextId
    A ULONG value identifying the driver handle of the context that the surface is to be created in. The Direct3D Mobile middleware does not allow a surface to be created outside of a valid rendering context.
  • nSurfaceId
    A ULONG value that is a handle identifying the created surface. This value is provided by the driver when it creates the surface. There is no particular numbering scheme associated with this value, but 0 is not a valid handle.
  • rval
    An HRESULT value containing an error code reported by the driver to describe any problems it encountered while trying to create the surface. If the driver did not encounter any errors, it sets this value to D3DM_OK to indicate success.


OS Versions: Windows CE 5.0
Header: D3dmddk.h.

See Also

Direct3D Mobile Driver Structures | D3DM_CreateSurface | D3DMRESOURCETYPE | D3DMSURFACE_DESC | D3DMVERTEXBUFFER_DESC | D3DMINDEXBUFFER_DESC | D3DMTEXTURE_DESC | Surface Creation by Direct3D Mobile Drivers

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