Sdílet prostřednictvím


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This structure contains tuple information passed to the CardGetFirstTuple, CardGetNextTuple, and CardGetTupleData functions.

typedef struct { CARD_SOCKET_HANDLE hSocket; UINT16 fAttributes; UINT8 uDesiredTuple; UINT8 uReserved; UINT16 fFlags; UINT32 uLinkOffset; UINT32 uCISOffset; UINT8 uTupleCode; UINT8 uTupleLink; } CARD_TUPLE_PARMS, *PCARD_TUPLE_PARMS;


  • hSocket
    Handle to a socket and function pair.
  • fAttributes
    Specifies TUPLE_RETURN_LINKS to return link tuples. The first bit is 1.
  • uDesiredTuple
    Specifies the desired tuple code. If it is 0xFF, the first tuple encountered is returned.
  • uReserved
    Reserved for internal use only to maintain alignment with the CARD_DATA_PARMS structure.
  • fFlags
    [in, out] Specifies flags used internally by card services. A driver must maintain this value between calls to tuple functions.
  • uLinkOffset
    [in, out] Specifies a tuple link offset used internally by card services. A driver must maintain this value between calls to tuple functions.
  • uCISOffset
    [in, out] Specifies card information structure (CIS) state information used internally by card services. A driver must maintain this value between calls to tuple functions.
  • uTupleCode
    [out] Specifies the type of tuple found.
  • uTupleLink
    [out] Specifies a link value for tuple found.


A driver should maintain the values for the hSocket, fFlags, uLinkOffset,**and uCISOffset members after using CardGetFirstTuple and between calls to CardGetNextTuple. Card services requires these members to resume the tuple search.


OS Versions: Windows CE 1.0 and later.
Header: Cardsv2.h.

See Also

CardGetFirstTuple | CardGetNextTuple | CardGetTupleData | CARD_DATA_PARMS

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