(Deprecated) IXMLParser3 Interface
[Deprecated. Do not use. Superseded by SAX2 API/MSXML 3.0]
This interface is only available for MSXML 3.0 starting with SP5 and above.
This interface is added to set a property ("max-attributes-per-element
") that can be used to limit number of attributes per element.
interface IXMLParser3 : IXMLParser2
HRESULT SetProperty(
[in] const WCHAR* pwcName,
[in] VARIANT value);
HRESULT GetProperty(
[in] const WCHAR* pwcName,
[out,retval] VARIANT* value);
The IXMLParser3 interface inherits directly from the IXMLParser2 interface. Its only difference is the addition of the "max-attributes-per-element
" which has a default negative value of -1 to indicate that an unlimited number of attributes will be allowed for an XML element.
The following is an example C++ snippet that shows you can set this property in code:
("max-attributes-per-element" , value )
/* value is a VARIANT containing a LONG */
This property was added to protect MSXML 3.0 against denial of service attacks.
Note that if a maximum value is specified with this property, it does not include default attributes that are obtained from a DTD or schemas.