Sdílet prostřednictvím



Applies To: Windows 10, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows Server Technical Preview, Windows Vista

(Read-only, introduced in MSMQ 3.0.) The PROPID_MGMT_QUEUE_EOD_NO_READ_COUNT property returns the number of messages sent from the computer to the queue for which an order acknowledgment has been received, but a receive acknowledgment message has not.

Property ID


Type Indicator




Property Value

This property can return the following values:

  • Number of messages.

  • A zero (0) is returned if the applicable outgoing queue does not contain the requested information.

  • VT_NULL is returned if the queue is a local queue on the computer.


To retrieve the number of messages sent from the computer to the queue for which an order acknowledgment has been received, but a receive acknowledgment message has not, include PROPID_MGMT_QUEUE_EOD_NO_READ_COUNT in an MQMGMTPROPS structure, call MQMgmtGetInfo, and then examine the value returned.

This property can be retrieved only for an active queue. MQMgmtGetInfo will return a non-specific error (MQ_ERROR) if your application attempts to retrieve this information for a queue that does not contain messages and is not opened by an application.

Equivalent COM Property

When using COM components, you can retrieve the number of messages sent from a computer to a queue for which an order acknowledgment has been received, but a receive acknowledgment message has not, by examining the EodNoReadCount element of the MSMQCollection object returned by the MSMQOutgoingQueueManagement.EodGetSendInfo method.

Example Code

The following code fragment shows how PROPID_MGMT_QUEUE_EOD_NO_READ_COUNT is specified in arrays that can be used to initialize an MQMGMTPROPS structure.

aMgmtPropId[i] = PROPID_MGMT_QUEUE_EOD_NO_READ_COUNT;    // Property ID  
aMgmtPropVar[i].vt = VT_NULL;                            // Type indicator  

See Also

Management Properties