Sdílet prostřednictvím

Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms – obor názvů

The Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms namespace contains methods and properties for the ReportViewer Web server control.

Please see Web.config Settings for ReportViewer for information about using the ReportViewer Web server control in a scale-out deployment or without session state.


  Třída Popis
Veřejná třída AspNetSessionExpiredException Occurs when the ASP.NET session has expired.
Veřejná třída BackEventArgs Provides data for the Back event.
Veřejná třída BookmarkNavigationEventArgs Provides data for the BookmarkNavigation event.
Veřejná třída ClientRenderingException Represents errors that occur when the ReportViewer control is rendering a processed report from report page layout (RPL) format into HTML format.
Veřejná třída DataSourceCredentials Represents data source credentials.
Veřejná třída DataSourceCredentialsCollection Represents a collection of DataSourceCredentials objects.
Veřejná třída DeviceInfo Contains a name-value pair that represents a case insensitive device information setting.
Veřejná třída DeviceInfoCollection Represents a collection of device information settings.
Veřejná třída DocumentMapNavigationEventArgs Provides data for the DocumentMapNavigation event.
Veřejná třída DocumentMapNode Represents a single node in the document map.
Veřejná třída DrillthroughEventArgs Provides data for the Drillthrough event.
Veřejná třída HttpHandler
Veřejná třída InvalidConfigFileTypeException Occurs when an object supplied through an entry in the Web.config file is missing or invalid.
Veřejná třída InvalidTemporaryStorageStreamException Occurs when a temporary stream does not support seeking, reading, or writing.
Veřejná třída LocalProcessingException Represents errors that occur while viewing a locally processed report.
Veřejná třída LocalReport Představuje sestavu, která je zpracována místně vykreslen bez připojení k serveru sestav.
Veřejná třída MapTileServerConfiguration Defines configuration settings for Microsoft Bing Maps SOAP Services that provides a tile background for map report items in the report.
Veřejná třída MissingDataSourceCredentialsException Represents an exception that occurs when credentials have not been supplied for a data source used by a report.
Veřejná třída MissingDataSourceException Represents the error that occurs when a data source expected by the report has not been supplied.
Veřejná třída MissingEndpointException Represents the error that occurs when the SOAP endpoint used by the ReportViewer control could not be accessed.
Veřejná třída MissingParameterException Represents the exception that occurs when a parameter expected by the report has not been supplied.
Veřejná třída MissingReportServerConnectionInformationException Occurs when session state is not enabled, and an object implementing IReportServerConnection interface is not supplied through the Web.config file.
Veřejná třída MissingReportSourceException Represents the exception that occurs when no report source has been specified.
Veřejná třída PageNavigationEventArgs Provides data for a PageNavigation event.
Veřejná třída RenderingExtension Encapsulates a rendering extension that can be used with the ReportViewer's report.
Veřejná třída Report Contains methods and properties that can apply to both local and server reports.
Veřejná třída ReportCredentialsEventArgs Provides data for the SubmittingDataSourceCredentials event.
Veřejná třída ReportDataSource Represents a data source for a report.
Veřejná třída ReportDataSourceCollection Contains a collection of ReportDataSource objects.
Veřejná třída ReportDataSourceInfo Represents information about a report data source.
Veřejná třída ReportDataSourceInfoCollection Represents a collection of ReportDataSourceInfo objects.
Veřejná třída ReportErrorEventArgs Provides data for the ReportError event.
Veřejná třída ReportPageSettings Represents the page settings for a report.
Veřejná třída ReportParameter Represents a parameter for a report.
Veřejná třída ReportParameterCollection Represents a collection of ReportParameter objects.
Veřejná třída ReportParameterInfo Encapsulates information about report parameters.
Veřejná třída ReportParameterInfoCollection A collection of ReportParameterInfo objects.
Veřejná třída ReportParametersEventArgs Provides data for the SubmittingParameterValues event.
Veřejná třída ReportSecurityException Represents the error that occurs when a report contains a security violation.
Veřejná třída ReportServerException Represents errors that occur while connecting to a report server and also errors that occur on the report server while processing a server report or rendering the report to the report page layout (RPL) format.
Veřejná třída ReportViewer Encapsulates the methods and properties used for the ReportViewer control.
Veřejná třída ReportViewerCookieCollection Represents a collection of Cookie objects.
Veřejná třída ReportViewerException Represents errors that occur while viewing or configuring a report.
Veřejná třída ReportViewerHeaderCollection Represents a collection of strings that contain custom headers.
Veřejná třída ScriptManagerNotFoundException The exception that is thrown if a ScriptManager control is not found in the Web form.
Veřejná třída SearchEventArgs Provides data for a Search event in the ReportViewer control.
Veřejná třída SearchState Contains the search text and the start page of a search operation.
Veřejná třída ServerReport Represents a report that is processed on the report server.
Veřejná třída SessionDisabledException Occurs when the ASP.NET session has been disabled.
Veřejná třída SoapVersionMismatchException Represents the exception that occurs when the report server version is not compatible with the report control.
Veřejná třída SortEventArgs Provides data for the Sort event.
Veřejná třída SubreportProcessingEventArgs Provides data for the SubreportProcessing event.
Veřejná třída SyncList<TListType> Infrastruktura. Represents a list of type TListType that is synchronized with an object.
Veřejná třída ValidValue Represents a possible valid value for a parameter.
Veřejná třída ViewStateDisabledException Occurs when the ReportViewer control detects that view state is disabled.
Veřejná třída Warning Represents a list of errors or warnings that are returned when a report is rendered or processed.


  Rozhraní Popis
Veřejné rozhraní IReportServerConnection Provides report server connection information when the ReportViewer Web forms control is used with no session state.
Veřejné rozhraní IReportServerConnection2 Provides report server connection information when the ReportViewer Web forms control is used with no session state.
Veřejné rozhraní IReportServerCredentials Allows applications to provide credentials for connecting to a Reporting Services report server.
Veřejné rozhraní IReportViewerMessages Allows applications to provide customized user interface messages.
Veřejné rozhraní IReportViewerMessages2 Defines methods and properties for implementing customized user interface messages.
Veřejné rozhraní IReportViewerMessages3 Allows applications to provide customized user interface messages.
Veřejné rozhraní ITemporaryStorage Provides custom storage for temporary data.


  Delegát Popis
Veřejný delegát BackEventHandler Represents the method that will handle the Back event of a ReportViewer.
Veřejný delegát BookmarkNavigationEventHandler Represents the method that will handle the BookmarkNavigation event of a ReportViewer.
Veřejný delegát CreateStreamCallback Provides a stream to the ReportViewer control for rendering.
Veřejný delegát DocumentMapNavigationEventHandler Represents the method that will handle the DocumentMapNavigation event of a ReportViewer.
Veřejný delegát DrillthroughEventHandler Represents the method that will handle the Drillthrough event of a ReportViewer.
Veřejný delegát PageNavigationEventHandler Represents the method that will handle the PageNavigation event of a ReportViewer.
Veřejný delegát ReportCredentialsEventHandler Represents the method that will handle a SubmittingDataSourceCredentials event.
Veřejný delegát ReportErrorEventHandler Represents the method that will handle a ReportError event.
Veřejný delegát ReportParametersEventHandler Represents the callback method that will handle the SubmittingParameterValues event.
Veřejný delegát SearchEventHandler Represents the method that will handle a Search event.
Veřejný delegát SortEventHandler Represents the method that will handle the Sort event of a ReportViewer.
Veřejný delegát SubreportProcessingEventHandler Represents the method that will handle the SubreportProcessing event of a ReportViewer.


  Výčet Popis
Veřejný výčet ContentDisposition Indicates how the report content should be presented.
Veřejný výčet InteractivityPostBackMode Specifies the postback modes of the ReportViewer control when the user interacts with the report viewer and the currently displayed report.
Veřejný výčet PageCountMode Represents values that control whether to calculate the actual page count or use an estimate.
Veřejný výčet ParameterDataType Specifies the data type of a parameter.
Veřejný výčet ParameterState Specifies the state of a parameter.
Veřejný výčet ProcessingMode Used to specify the processing mode of the ReportViewer control.
Veřejný výčet ReportAreaContent Specifies the type of content displayed in the report area.
Veřejný výčet Severity Specifies the severity of a warning.
Veřejný výčet SortOrder Indicates the direction of a sort operation.
Veřejný výčet ZoomMode Specifies the zoom mode for the ReportViewer control.