.gif) |
AccessCheckException |
An exception that will be thrown whenever a check permission call fails. |
.gif) |
AccessControlEntriesController |
.gif) |
AccessControlEntry |
Class for encapsulating the allowed and denied permissions for a given IdentityDescriptor. |
.gif) |
AccessControlEntryDetails |
This class exists for web service serialization and for reading ACEs out of the database.While you could do this on the AccessControlEntry class itself, this enables us to hide any properties that should not actually be a part of the public server OM. |
.gif) |
AccessControlEntryTable |
.gif) |
AccessControlList |
The AccessControlList class is meant to associate a set of AccessControlEntries with a security token and its inheritance settings. It is important to note that the AccessControlList class does not talk to a database when its methods are called.It provides a staging area for changes to the AccessControlEntries for a secured token. Once changes are made to an AccessControlList it can be saved to the web service by passing it into a TeamFoundationSecurityNamespace. |
.gif) |
AccessControlListDetails |
Exists for web service serialization and for reading ACLs out of the database.While you could do this on the AccessControlList class itself, this enables us to hide any properties that should not actually be a part of the public server OM. |
.gif) |
AccessControlListsController |
.gif) |
AccessControlListTable |
.gif) |
AccessMappingNotRegisteredException |
Thrown when there is a problem related to access mappings. |
.gif) |
AccountPreferences |
.gif) |
AccountPropertyConstants |
.gif) |
AccountServiceImplementation |
.gif) |
AceExtendedInformation |
Holds the inherited and effective permission information for a given AccessControlEntry. |
.gif) |
AcknowledgementRange |
.gif) |
AcquireDatabasePartitionException |
.gif) |
ActionDefinition |
.gif) |
ActionDefinitionTable |
.gif) |
ActionDeniedBySubscriberException |
This exception is raised when a subscriber has vetoed a decision point publication event. |
.gif) |
ActivityLogEntry |
.gif) |
ActivityLoggingAttribute |
This attribute will log all requests made to a web-api endpoint into the activity log |
.gif) |
ActivityLogParameter |
.gif) |
ActivityResponseFilterAttribute |
This filter attribute will inject the activity id of the request into the response header. |
.gif) |
AllowEmptyArrayAttribute |
Attribute which may be used to signify that the client proxy can send an empty array and the server will distinguish between null and empty arrays. |
.gif) |
AnalysisServiceConnectionException |
Thrown when there are errors related to Analysis Services connection. |
.gif) |
ApiResourceOptionsController |
Controller to handle requests with the "Options" HTTP verb for api resources |
.gif) |
ApplyRequestLanguageAttribute |
.gif) |
ArtifactKind |
The artifactKind describes an artifact type supported thru the property service API. |
.gif) |
ArtifactKindAlreadyExistsException |
ArtifactKindRestrictedException - this is thrown when a call is made to the public property service to read/write an internal property kind. Internal property kinds cannot be accessed via the generic Web service. |
.gif) |
ArtifactKindRestrictedException |
ArtifactKindRestrictedException - this is thrown when a call is made to the public property service to read/write an internal property kind. Internal property kinds cannot be accessed via the generic Web service. |
.gif) |
ArtifactKindsMustBeUniformException |
ArtifactKindsMustBeUniformException - this is thrown when a call is made supplying a list of artifact specs and the system requires that all artifact specs be from the same artifact kind. |
.gif) |
ArtifactPropertyValue |
Represents a Team Foundation Artifact associated with a set of property-value pairs. |
.gif) |
ArtifactSpec |
Represents a Team Foundation Artifact property specification. |
.gif) |
ArtifactVersionSpec |
Exposes constants to represent non-versioned or all versions. |
.gif) |
AssemblyServicingOperationProvider |
Servicing operation provider that loads servicing operations from assembly. |
.gif) |
AssemblyServicingResourceProvider |
.gif) |
AssemblyServicingStepGroupProvider |
Servicing step group provider that loads servicing groups from from assembly. |
.gif) |
AttachCollectionException |
.gif) |
AvailableDatabaseCategories |
This class is used to represent the set of database categories that are available for the given host. |
.gif) |
AvatarUtils |
.gif) |
AzureClientIPRestrictedException |
.gif) |
AzureDatabaseQuotaReachedException |
.gif) |
AzureDeprecatedFeatureException |
.gif) |
AzureLoginBadUserException |
.gif) |
AzureOperationNotSupportedException |
.gif) |
AzureProcessingException |
.gif) |
AzureServerUnavailableException |
.gif) |
AzureServiceBusyException |
.gif) |
AzureSessionTerminatedException |
.gif) |
BackCompatJsonFormatterAttribute |
.gif) |
BadChecksumException |
Thrown when a file checksum does not match. |
.gif) |
BasePreferences |
.gif) |
BlobProviderConfigurationException |
.gif) |
BooleanTable |
.gif) |
ByteArray |
Represents a large (>64kB) byte array. Uses buffer pooling to eliminate pressure on the common language runtime large object heap. |
.gif) |
CallOnDeserializationAttribute |
When a class has this attribute the code generation will call the method given after the object has been fully deserialized. |
.gif) |
CallOnSerializationAttribute |
.gif) |
CannotUpdateDefaultCollectionException |
.gif) |
ClassNotSealedAttribute |
Attribute which may be used to change the visibility of the class as well as its default constructor which is generated for deserialization purposes. |
.gif) |
ClassVisibilityAttribute |
Attribute which may be used to change the visibility of the class as well as its default constructor which is generated for deserialization purposes. |
.gif) |
CleanupJobInProgressException |
Thrown by upload when the cleanup job is in progress |
.gif) |
ClientConditionalAttribute |
When a method has this attribute it will be surrounded by #if DEBUG in the proxy |
.gif) |
ClientEnumAttribute |
.gif) |
ClientIgnoreAttribute |
When a method has this attribute, GenProxyTask will not generate a proxy method for it. Useful for skipping ILinking methods, which would generate duplicate definitions for the Artifact class. |
.gif) |
ClientPropertyAttribute |
Custom Team Foundation attribute which may be used to attribute server objects to modify the visibility for the client-side objects generated. The property name may be overridden by passing in a property name. The resulting field name will be the property name with the first character converted to its lower case form, prefixed by 'm_'. A property with Private visibility will not generate a property at all. This mechanism may be used to avoid generating extraneous properties. |
.gif) |
ClientServiceAttribute |
.gif) |
ClientServiceMethodAttribute |
.gif) |
ClientTypeAttribute |
When encountered provides a mapping between a server type and a client type when generating the proxy. An example of such a use may be that the client uses the URI object everywhere, but the URI object cannot be deserialized. In this case you could add a ClientType(typeof(Uri)) to the server and have the server take a string instead. |
.gif) |
ClientValueAttribute |
When used on enumeration fields this will override the value specified on the server to allow for values to be different on the client for the generated enumeration. |
.gif) |
CollationException |
.gif) |
CollectionDoesNotExistException |
Thrown when the client tries to perform an operation (such as delete) on a collection that does not exist. |
.gif) |
CollectionLogWriter |
.gif) |
CollectionMisconfiguredException |
.gif) |
CollectionPropertyException |
.gif) |
Command |
Command class that all Business Logic commands derive from. Each command implementation should implement an Execute method that performs the actual work for this command. |
.gif) |
ComponentCreator<TComponent> |
Team Foundation Server component creator. |
.gif) |
ComponentFactory |
.gif) |
ComponentFactoryException |
.gif) |
ConnectionStringsUpdatedEventArgs |
Used to pass the database category data into a TeamFoundationDatabaseSettings.ConnectionStringsUpdated event. |
.gif) |
ContainersController |
Controller to handle all REST calls against file containers |
.gif) |
ControllerApiVersionAttribute |
Indicates the minimum API version that a given API controller supports |
.gif) |
CounterInfo |
.gif) |
CounterNotPopulatedException |
.gif) |
CustomerIntelligenceArea |
.gif) |
CustomerIntelligenceData |
.gif) |
CustomerIntelligenceFeature |
.gif) |
CustomerIntelligenceProperty |
.gif) |
CustomerIntelligenceService |
.gif) |
CustomerIntelligenceService.CustomerIntelligenceProvider |
.gif) |
CustomSerializationHooksAttribute |
When class has this attribute, the following methods should be defined in the shared class: private void ToXmlHook(XmlWriter writer) private static void FromXmlHook(TeamFoundationClientProxy proxy, XmlReader reader, T result) where T is deserialized type |
.gif) |
DatabaseAlreadyExistsException |
.gif) |
DatabaseAlreadyRegisteredException |
This exception is raised when specified database already registered. |
.gif) |
DatabaseCategoryNotRegisteredException |
This exception is raised when a database category that does not exist is requested in the TeamFoundationSqlResourceComponent. |
.gif) |
DatabaseConfigurationException |
.gif) |
DatabaseConnectionException |
.gif) |
DatabaseFullException |
.gif) |
DatabaseInformation |
A class that contains information about the database. |
.gif) |
DatabaseInstanceException |
.gif) |
DatabaseLogWriter |
.gif) |
DatabaseNotFoundException |
.gif) |
DatabaseOperationCanceledException |
.gif) |
DatabaseOperationTimeoutException |
.gif) |
DatabasePartition |
Represents a logical host partition in a multi-tenant database |
.gif) |
DatabasePartitionBinder |
.gif) |
DatabasePartitionCannotBeDeletedException |
.gif) |
DatabasePartitionComponent |
DatabasePartitionComponent. |
.gif) |
DatabasePartitionComponent2 |
.gif) |
DatabasePartitionComponent3 |
.gif) |
DatabasePartitionComponent4 |
.gif) |
DatabasePartitionConstants |
.gif) |
DatabasePartitionNotFoundException |
.gif) |
DatabasePoolAlreadyExistsException |
This exception is raised when the specified database pool already exists. |
.gif) |
DatabasePoolCannotBeDeletedException |
This exception is raised when the specified database pool already exists. |
.gif) |
DatabasePoolFullException |
This exception is raised when the specified database pool already exists. |
.gif) |
DatabasePoolNotFoundException |
.gif) |
DatabaseRuntimeException |
.gif) |
DatabaseSchemaException |
.gif) |
DatabaseSizeProperties |
.gif) |
DatabaseSplitAnalysisResult |
.gif) |
DatabaseTenantUsageBinder |
.gif) |
DatabaseUpgradeQueueController |
.gif) |
DatabaseUpgradeQueueController.ServicingJobDetailData |
A data class that we use to serialize results of QueuePatchCollections. |
.gif) |
DataTierNotFoundException |
.gif) |
DateTimeShiftDetectedException |
This exception is thrown when a data change operation results in the server detecting a clock roll forward or roll back, for example, when a previous edit of the data was recorded at a DateTime value later than the current edit. The SecurityNamespace is expected to run the TFDateFixer power toy to fix the dates before users can continue data updates. |
.gif) |
DateTimeTable |
.gif) |
DBExecutingDeadlockException |
Thrown when there is a deadlock during execution of a stored procedure after the deadlock retries have been exhausted. |
.gif) |
DBPath |
Helper class for converting user paths into SQL paths. |
.gif) |
DBResultDeadlockException |
Thrown when there is a deadlock while the program reads results from the database |
.gif) |
DefaultSecurityNamespaceExtension |
.gif) |
DefaultServiceImplementationAttribute |
.gif) |
DeltaException |
.gif) |
DeltaLibrary |
.gif) |
DeltaTooLargeException |
.gif) |
DeploymentServiceHost |
.gif) |
DetachCollectionException |
.gif) |
DictionaryWrapper<TKey, TValue> |
.gif) |
DisposableCollection<T> |
.gif) |
DoubleTable |
.gif) |
DuplicateFeatureException |
.gif) |
DuplicateFileNameException |
Thrown by upload when a duplicate file name is passed in. |
.gif) |
DuplicateJobIdException |
Exception when UpdateJobs has multiple job definitions with the same jobId. |
.gif) |
DuplicateJobScheduleException |
Exception when UpdateJobs has duplicate schedules associated with the same job definition. |
.gif) |
DuplicateLocationMappingException |
Thrown when someone tries to register a location mapping that is in the incorrect context. |
.gif) |
DuplicateStepPerformerException |
Thrown when more than one step performer with the same name occurs in the system. |
.gif) |
EnumerationNoneArgumentException |
Raised when a caller supplies None for an enumeration argument. Equivalent to ArgumentNullException for enumeration types. |
.gif) |
EventException |
Exceptions thrown by the event manager about eventing issues derive from EventException |
.gif) |
ExpressionToken |
.gif) |
ExtendedAttributeComponent |
The extended attribute component connects to a database and reads or writes extended attributes. It does not use any installed objects to perform this task. This component does not perform version checks because it is not connecting to a logical database, instead it is used to perform the validation in the higher level components. |
.gif) |
ExtensibleServiceTypeNotRegisteredException |
.gif) |
ExtensibleServiceTypeNotValidException |
.gif) |
ExtensionStepPerformerProvider |
.gif) |
ExtensionUtilityException |
.gif) |
FailedToAcquireServicingLockException |
.gif) |
FavoriteItem |
Class to represent favorite entry in Identity Favorites Store |
.gif) |
FeatureAvailabilityExtensionMethods |
.gif) |
FeatureAvailabilityInformation |
.gif) |
FeatureAvailabilitySecurityConstants |
.gif) |
FeatureAvailabilitySecurityManager |
.gif) |
FeatureDisabledException |
.gif) |
FeatureEnabledAttribute |
This attribute will check if the given feature is enabled for a specific WebAPI controller/ method |
.gif) |
FeatureFlagApiResponse |
.gif) |
FeatureFlagPatchModel |
This is passed to the FeatureFlagController to edit the status of a feature flag |
.gif) |
FeatureFlagsController |
Web API controller responsible for the Feature Flag Resource |
.gif) |
FileAlreadyUploadedException |
Thrown by upload when someone attempts to upload a file multiple times. |
.gif) |
FileContainerItemDeletedEvent |
This event gets fired when a file container item is successfully deleted. |
.gif) |
FileContainerItemUploadedEvent |
This event gets fired when a file container item is successfully created and uploaded. |
.gif) |
FileIdNotFoundException |
Thrown by download when a bad file ID is passed. |
.gif) |
FileStatistics |
.gif) |
FileSystemProvider |
.gif) |
FileSystemServicingOperationProvider |
A servicing operation provider that can be used to read servicing operation definitions from disk |
.gif) |
FileSystemServicingStepGroupProvider |
A servicing step group provider that can be used to read servicing step group definitions from disk. |
.gif) |
ForbiddenHostNames |
ForbiddenNames is class that tracks a set of keyword/names that are reserved for use in the URL space. This means Accounts, Collections, and Projects should not be able to use these terms. |
.gif) |
FrameworkRegistrationEntry |
.gif) |
FrameworkSqlResourceComponent |
.gif) |
FullPermissionSetForwarderBase |
A base class for forwarding permissions from a flat namespace to a namespace that can derive all of its permissions from the source namespace. |
.gif) |
GroupWellKnownIdentityDescriptors |
.gif) |
GuidInt32Table |
.gif) |
GuidStringTable |
.gif) |
GuidTable |
.gif) |
HostAlreadyExistsException |
.gif) |
HostCannotBeDeletedException |
.gif) |
HostCreationException |
.gif) |
HostDoesNotExistException |
.gif) |
HostInstanceDoesNotExistException |
.gif) |
HostManagementException |
.gif) |
HostMustBeTopLevelException |
.gif) |
HostProcessNotFoundException |
.gif) |
HostProcessPingRequest |
.gif) |
HostProcessPingResponse |
.gif) |
HostProperties |
A shortened version of TeamFoundationServiceHostProperties |
.gif) |
HostPropertiesChangedEventArgs |
Used to pass data to the TeamFoundatServiceHost.HostPropertiesChanged event. |
.gif) |
HostReadyEvent |
.gif) |
HostShutdownException |
HostShutdownException is thrown when a call is made to the ThrowIfShutdownReceived is called on a host that is shutting down. |
.gif) |
HostStatusChangedEventArgs |
.gif) |
HostStatusChangeException |
.gif) |
HttpComponentResponseException |
.gif) |
HttpContextConstants |
.gif) |
IdentityFavorites |
A view around TeamFoundationIdentity or TeamFoundationTeam |
.gif) |
IdentityHelper |
.gif) |
IdentityPropertiesView |
This is a wrapper class for an Identity that makes it convenient for working with its properties. |
.gif) |
IdentityValidationFilter |
.gif) |
IdentityValidationFilterException |
.gif) |
IgnoreDormancyProhibitedException |
Exception when a job definition has the IgnoreDormancy flag set and the server is configured to prohibit that flag. |
.gif) |
IllegalDeleteSelfReferenceServiceDefinitionException |
This is thrown when someone tries to register a location mapping that is in the incorrect context. |
.gif) |
IncompatibleCompressionFormatException |
Thrown when a compressed file is not in a supported compression format. |
.gif) |
IncompatibleTokenException |
.gif) |
IncompleteUploadException |
Thrown when the client uploads the last chunk of a file, but some of the previous chunks are not there. It is also thrown when the uploaded content is not fully received, because of slow network connection, for example. |
.gif) |
IncorrectSizeException |
Thrown when a file length does not match. |
.gif) |
Int32StringTable |
.gif) |
Int32Table |
.gif) |
IntentLock |
Intent Lock class |
.gif) |
InvalidAccessException |
.gif) |
InvalidCollationException |
.gif) |
InvalidEscapeSequenceException |
.gif) |
InvalidFeatureDescriptionException |
.gif) |
InvalidFeatureFlagStateValueException |
.gif) |
InvalidFeatureNameException |
.gif) |
InvalidKpiStateException |
Exception when a Kpi state is invalid |
.gif) |
InvalidLobParameterException |
InvalidLobParameterException |
.gif) |
InvalidParentHostException |
Raised when a host has an invalid parent host or parent host type for the desired operation. |
.gif) |
InvalidQuotaException |
.gif) |
InvalidRequestContextHostException |
This exception is raised when a request context from the incorrect host has been passed into a function. |
.gif) |
InvalidSecurityNamespaceDescriptionException |
Represents that a user specified an invalid description when trying to create a security namespace. |
.gif) |
InvalidSecurityNamespaceException |
Thrown when a user tries to update a namespace that does not exist. |
.gif) |
InvalidSecurityTokenException |
This is thrown when someone tries to set a permission on a token that is not valid for a given namespace |
.gif) |
InvalidServiceDefinitionException |
This is thrown when one of the properties of a service definition is invalid on register or lookup. |
.gif) |
InvalidServiceVersionException |
.gif) |
InvalidServicingStepTypeException |
.gif) |
InvalidTokenFormatExpcetion |
.gif) |
JobAgentException |
.gif) |
JobAgentTeardownTimeoutException |
Exception thrown when the Teardown operation times out during job agent recycling or shutdown. |
.gif) |
JobCannotBePausedException |
Exception when a job is in a state other than running and therefore cannot be paused. |
.gif) |
JobCannotBeResumedException |
Exception when a job is in a state other than paused and therefore cannot be resumed. |
.gif) |
JobCannotBeStoppedException |
Exception when a job is in a state other than running and therefore cannot be stopped. |
.gif) |
JobCannotBeUpdatedException |
Exception when a protected job is targeted by a client request. |
.gif) |
JobCompletedNotification |
This notification event is fired when a job finishes. |
.gif) |
JobDefinitionNotFoundException |
Exception when a job definition is not found. |
.gif) |
JobDefinitionUpdateTable |
.gif) |
JobDefinitionUpdateTable2 |
.gif) |
JobDidntPauseException |
Exception when a job extension does not pause (fast enough). |
.gif) |
JobIntervalNotSupportedException |
Exception when a job schedule has interval that is not supported. |
.gif) |
JObjectExtensions |
.gif) |
JobQueueEntryTable |
.gif) |
JobQueueEntryTable2 |
.gif) |
JobQueueEntryWithJobSourceTable |
.gif) |
JobQueueEntryWithJobSourceTable2 |
.gif) |
JobsStillRunningException |
Exception when a job agent is recycling or ending and one or more jobs will not stop. |
.gif) |
KeyValue<TKeyType, TValueType> |
A general-purpose two property class. Intended to allow for returning a pair of strongly-typed values or building a list of value pairs without adding a class. Useful for serializing dictionaries, because KeyValuePairs cannot be serialized directly. |
.gif) |
KeyValuePairGuidGuidTable |
.gif) |
KeyValuePairGuidStringTable |
.gif) |
KeyValuePairInt32DateTimeTable |
.gif) |
KeyValuePairInt32Int32Table |
.gif) |
KeyValuePairInt32StringTable |
.gif) |
KeyValuePairStringInt32Table |
.gif) |
KeyValuePairStringTable |
.gif) |
KpiDefinition |
.gif) |
KpiExistsException |
Exception when a Kpi already exists |
.gif) |
KpiMetric |
This contains the name and value of a metric to be traced. |
.gif) |
KpiNotFoundException |
Thrown when a Kpi is not found |
.gif) |
KpiService |
.gif) |
KpiService.KpiProvider |
.gif) |
KpiStateDefinition |
.gif) |
LicenseFeatures |
.gif) |
Licensing |
.gif) |
LicensingConstants |
.gif) |
LocationMappingDoesNotExistException |
Thrown when someone tries to register a location mapping that is in the incorrect context. |
.gif) |
LocationNotFoundException |
.gif) |
LockHelper |
Helper class: Takes a series of locks and releases them in the correct order when disposed |
.gif) |
LockManager |
LockManager class. |
.gif) |
LockManager.NamedLockObject |
Represents a named lock object. Ideally this object should be internal for LockManager, but for efficiency we distribute references to this object to callers and enable them to cache such references. Note that this class does not have useful public methods, all methods are internal (although this may not provide sufficient protection considering that its internal interface is still exposed to all code in "friendly assemblies"). Please, outside LockManager code, treat this object as opaque reference ! |
.gif) |
LockName<T> |
Lock name with a value of a given type. |
.gif) |
LockName<T1, T2> |
Lock name with two values of given types. |
.gif) |
LockTimeoutException |
.gif) |
LogExceptionFilterAttribute |
.gif) |
MailRequest |
This class represents a mail request. |
.gif) |
MessageBusAlreadySubscribingException |
.gif) |
MessageBusConfigurationException |
.gif) |
MessageBusNotFoundException |
.gif) |
MessageBusSubscriptionInfo |
.gif) |
MessageQueueAlreadyExistsException |
Thrown when a message queue being created already exists. |
.gif) |
MessageQueueNotFoundException |
Thrown when a message queue cannot be found for a specified identifier. |
.gif) |
MethodInformation |
Method information is used to describe an invocation of a web method Tracking parameters, timings, and other method details |
.gif) |
MethodTime |
.gif) |
MimeMapping |
.gif) |
MissingFeatureException |
.gif) |
MissingQuotaDefinitionException |
.gif) |
MultiplePartitionsNotSupportedException |
.gif) |
NotificationEventArgs |
An argument for the callback registered with the TeamFoundationSqlNotificationService |
.gif) |
OAuthApplication |
Represents a registered OAuth client application |
.gif) |
OAuthApplicationAlreadyExistsException |
Exception when an OAuth application already exists. |
.gif) |
OAuthApplicationNotFoundException |
Exception when an OAuth application is not found. |
.gif) |
OAuthToken |
Encapsulates the details of an OAuth token - A token is a unique string of characters identifiable by the system - A token is associated with a client application (clientId) - A token is associated with a TFS user (ownerId) |
.gif) |
OAuthTokenNotFoundException |
Exception when an OAuth token is not found. |
.gif) |
ObjectBinder<T> |
Provides iterative access to strongly typed objects Wraps the functionality of the SqlDataReader so that it does not have to be referred to in the business layer. |
.gif) |
OrderedGuidTable |
.gif) |
OrderedLock |
Provides a synchronization mechanism that preserves ordering. |
.gif) |
OrderedLock.Position |
.gif) |
OrderedStringTable |
.gif) |
OutboundLinkType |
.gif) |
PartialPermissionSetForwarderBase |
This is a base class for forwarding permissions from a flat namespace to a namespace that derives only a subset of its permissions from the source namespace. |
.gif) |
PartialPermissionSetNamespaceExtension |
This class is meant to work together with the ISecurityNamespaceExtension interface to allow for easily implementing the HasPermission, QueryPermissions and QueryEffectivePermissions calls for namespaces that forward a partial set of their permissions to another namespace. |
.gif) |
PatternUtility |
A lightweight pattern matching helper, more limited than RegEx, but faster. This is primarily used for UserAgent checks |
.gif) |
PermissionsController |
.gif) |
PermissionTable |
.gif) |
ProjectionBinder<T> |
.gif) |
ProjectServicingTokenConstants |
.gif) |
PropertyDefinition |
Used to represent a property type in the property service. Each property is assigned a unique ID and can be used in any property service namespace. |
.gif) |
PropertyDefinitionDoesNotExistException |
PropertyDoesNotExistException - this is thrown when a call is made to get a property definition that does not exist. |
.gif) |
PropertyServiceException |
PropertyServiceException - this type can be used by SqlExceptionFactory ONLY |
.gif) |
PropertyValue |
Represents a property-value pair. |
.gif) |
ProxyParentClassAttribute |
Attribute which may be used to change the parent class of the generated proxy. |
.gif) |
PublicTokenTable |
.gif) |
QueryExpression |
.gif) |
QueryExpressionException |
.gif) |
QueryJobsTable |
.gif) |
QuotaDefinition |
.gif) |
QuotaDefinitionsManager |
.gif) |
QuotaDefinitionTable |
.gif) |
QuotaExceededException |
.gif) |
QuotaFilter |
.gif) |
QuotaValue |
.gif) |
QuotaValueCollection |
.gif) |
QuotaValueProvidersManager |
.gif) |
QuotaValuesManager |
.gif) |
RedirectionException |
Thrown when a ITeamFoundationRequestFilter is redirecting a client to a different url for a resource. |
.gif) |
RegistrationArtifactType |
.gif) |
RegistrationDatabase |
.gif) |
RegistrationEventType |
.gif) |
RegistrationExtendedAttribute2 |
.gif) |
RegistrationServiceInterface |
.gif) |
RegistryAuditEntry |
.gif) |
RegistryEntry |
.gif) |
RegistryEntryCollection |
.gif) |
RegistryPathException |
.gif) |
RegistryPathPatternException |
.gif) |
ReleaseInfo |
.gif) |
ReleaseManifest |
.gif) |
RemoveAccessMappingException |
This is thrown when someone tries to unregister an access mapping that is the default of a service definition. |
.gif) |
RequestCanceledException |
RequestCanceledException is thrown when a call is made to the ThrowIfCanceled is called on a request context that is shutting down. |
.gif) |
RequestContextBase |
.gif) |
RequestContextExtensions |
Common extensions to TeamFoundationRequestContext |
.gif) |
RequestContextValidator |
.gif) |
RequestDisabledDetailsException |
The exception that is thrown when the details of why the request was disabled. |
.gif) |
RequestDisabledException |
An exception thrown by DisabledRequestCheckingFilter.BeginRequest to indicate that the request presented by the TeamFoundationRequestContext is forbidden from accessing the server. |
.gif) |
RequestFilterException |
Thrown by the an ITeamFoundationRequestFilter when it wants to reject a request. The message provided will be relayed to the caller. |
.gif) |
RequestLanguage |
.gif) |
RequestRestrictions |
Describes the authentication and handler requirements for a client request. |
.gif) |
RequiredClientServiceAttribute |
Used to signify that a particular class requires a service on deserialization. |
.gif) |
ResourceManagementComponent |
.gif) |
ResourceManagementComponent2 |
.gif) |
ResourceManagementSetting |
.gif) |
ResourceStreamNotFoundException |
Thrown when the client uploads the last chunk of a file, but some of the previous chunks are not there. It is also thrown when the uploaded content is not fully received, because of slow network connection, for example. |
.gif) |
ResultCollection |
Represents a collection of results returned from the database. |
.gif) |
SecurityChangedNotification |
.gif) |
SecurityConverter |
.gif) |
SecurityNamespaceAlreadyExistsException |
This is thrown when someone tries to create a security namespace with an Id that already exists. |
.gif) |
SecurityNamespaceDescription |
Class for describing the details of a TeamFoundationSecurityNamespace. |
.gif) |
SecurityNamespacesController |
.gif) |
SecurityRestApiResourceProvider |
.gif) |
SecurityService |
.gif) |
SerializationWrapper |
.gif) |
ServerTraceLogger |
A logger that only traces. Can be used as the default logger when no logger is supplied. |
.gif) |
ServiceHost<T> |
.gif) |
ServiceHostStatusChangedResponse |
.gif) |
ServiceIdentity |
Represents the service identity known to the system. |
.gif) |
ServiceIdentityInfo |
The service identity information. |
.gif) |
ServiceLevel |
.gif) |
ServiceLevelException |
.gif) |
ServiceNotRegisteredException |
.gif) |
ServiceVersionEntry |
Encapsulates service version information |
.gif) |
ServiceVersionNotSupportedException |
.gif) |
ServicingContext |
.gif) |
ServicingDisabledException |
.gif) |
ServicingExecutionHandlerData |
.gif) |
ServicingHostValidatorConstants |
.gif) |
ServicingIssues |
A simple class to track a list of issues that should prevent running an admin action. Before an operation is performed, code should run to validate all the params and the state of the entities being administered. For example, during split, a host db, a list of collection host ids etc... are passed in. If the host db doesn't exist, or a partition is being serviced, an input is fat fingered etc... we should detect that before queueing the split. The method that checks thoses conditions returns this structured information. This is a class encapsulating a list of strings so we can offer convenience String.Format overloads and we can control how we serialize it over the wire. |
.gif) |
ServicingItemConstants |
.gif) |
ServicingJobData |
.gif) |
ServicingJobDetail |
Each servicing operation for host is recorded and the details of the operation are described by the ServicingJobDetail. |
.gif) |
ServicingJobInfo |
.gif) |
ServicingJobStats |
.gif) |
ServicingLogEntry |
.gif) |
ServicingLogger |
.gif) |
ServicingLogWriter |
.gif) |
ServicingOperation |
Represents a block of one or more servicing step groups that are to be run back to back. |
.gif) |
ServicingOperationAlreadyExistsException |
.gif) |
ServicingOperationConstants |
.gif) |
ServicingOperationHandlerNotFoundException |
.gif) |
ServicingOperationInfo |
.gif) |
ServicingOperationNotFoundException |
.gif) |
ServicingOperationProviderBase |
Base class for servicing operation providers |
.gif) |
ServicingRestApiResourceProvider |
.gif) |
ServicingStep |
.gif) |
ServicingStepAttribute |
This attribute marks method as a step performer. |
.gif) |
ServicingStepDetail |
.gif) |
ServicingStepDriver |
.gif) |
ServicingStepGroup |
.gif) |
ServicingStepGroupAlreadyExistsException |
.gif) |
ServicingStepGroupDependencyException |
.gif) |
ServicingStepGroupHandlerNotFoundException |
.gif) |
ServicingStepGroupInUseException |
.gif) |
ServicingStepGroupNotFoundException |
.gif) |
ServicingStepGroupProviderBase |
Servicing step group provider. |
.gif) |
ServicingStepLogEntry |
.gif) |
ServicingStepStateChange |
.gif) |
ServicingTokenConstants |
.gif) |
ServicingValidationException |
.gif) |
SettingAttribute |
.gif) |
SharePointServicingTokenConstants |
.gif) |
SigningInfo |
Contains information associated with the signing of objects |
.gif) |
SortedGuidTable |
.gif) |
SqlAzureException |
.gif) |
SqlAzureReason |
.gif) |
SqlBatch |
.gif) |
SqlColumnBinder |
This class is a convienent way to efficiently access result columns. It caches column ordinals. To use this class, create a static instance of it, pass in the column name to the constructor, and use the GetXXX methods at runtime to retrieve the values. After the first GetXXX() call, the column number will be cached. This object should be reused for any future calls against the same shape of result set. |
.gif) |
SqlErrorExtensions |
.gif) |
SqlExceptionFactory |
.gif) |
SqlNotificationEventClasses |
.gif) |
SqlScript |
.gif) |
SqlScriptResourceComponent |
The SqlScriptComponent is used by the Servicing steps to execute all SQL against the service databases. This component is used only in the process of servicing and therefore does not perform validation checks. |
.gif) |
StepDetailLogger |
.gif) |
StepPerformerAttribute |
This attributes marks method as a step performer. |
.gif) |
StepPerformerNotFoundException |
Thrown when the given step performer is not registered in the system. |
.gif) |
StreamingCollection<T> |
.gif) |
StreamingCollectionUnsupportedOperationException |
.gif) |
StreamWriterLogEntryHandler |
.gif) |
StringTable |
.gif) |
StrongBoxConstants |
.gif) |
StrongBoxDrawerExistsException |
.gif) |
StrongBoxDrawerNotFoundException |
.gif) |
StrongBoxException |
.gif) |
StrongBoxItemInfo |
.gif) |
StrongBoxItemNotFoundException |
.gif) |
StructuredListLogEntryHandler |
.gif) |
TeamFoundationAccessControlException |
.gif) |
TeamFoundationAccessControlService |
Service used to configure Access Control for Hosted TFS |
.gif) |
TeamFoundationActivityLogService |
Service used to retrieve activity log entries from activity log |
.gif) |
TeamFoundationApplicationCore |
.gif) |
TeamFoundationAuthenticationService |
.gif) |
TeamFoundationBaseRegistryService |
.gif) |
TeamFoundationCacheService<TKey, TValue> |
A base class that can be used to implement an in-memory cache service. This class provides thread safe get/add methods, implements ITeamFoundationService and cleanup scheduling. Derived class must implement a cleanup logic. |
.gif) |
TeamFoundationCertificateIdentityService |
.gif) |
TeamFoundationCollationService |
Collation service |
.gif) |
TeamFoundationDatabaseCopyException |
An exception raised when a database is not successfully copied. |
.gif) |
TeamFoundationDatabaseManagementService |
.gif) |
TeamFoundationDatabasePool |
.gif) |
TeamFoundationDatabaseProperties |
.gif) |
TeamFoundationDatabaseSettings |
.gif) |
TeamFoundationDatabaseSplitException |
.gif) |
TeamFoundationDatabaseTenantUsage |
.gif) |
TeamFoundationDatabaseXmlWriter |
A class that encapsulates the StringWriter and XmlTextWriter that is typically used to write xml for SProc calls. |
.gif) |
TeamFoundationDataReader |
A utility class which allows a variable set of data objects (and especially enumerable data objects) to be accessed in a sequential manner. The reader also disposes of important resources that may be associated with it and the objects that it contains. |
.gif) |
TeamFoundationDataTierComponent |
.gif) |
TeamFoundationDeserializationException |
Thrown when an extension was not loaded when it is expected to be successful. |
.gif) |
TeamFoundationEventId |
Define event log ID ranges. |
.gif) |
TeamFoundationEventLog |
Team Foundation Log class. |
.gif) |
TeamFoundationEventLogger |
.gif) |
TeamFoundationEventService |
.gif) |
TeamFoundationExecutionState |
A snapshot of the global and per-process state for one or all service hosts. |
.gif) |
TeamFoundationExtensionNotFoundException |
Thrown when an extension was not loaded when it is expected to be successful. |
.gif) |
TeamFoundationExtensionUtility |
.gif) |
TeamFoundationFeatureAvailabilityService |
Service determining availability for features at runtime |
.gif) |
TeamFoundationFileContainerService |
Manages containers and container items. |
.gif) |
TeamFoundationFileService |
.gif) |
TeamFoundationHostCreationValidState |
.gif) |
TeamFoundationHostManagementService |
.gif) |
TeamFoundationHostReadyState |
.gif) |
TeamFoundationInvalidCertificateException |
.gif) |
TeamFoundationJobDefinition |
.gif) |
TeamFoundationJobExecutionEntry |
.gif) |
TeamFoundationJobHistoryEntry |
.gif) |
TeamFoundationJobQueueEntry |
.gif) |
TeamFoundationJobReference |
A reference to a job used for queuing. |
.gif) |
TeamFoundationJobSchedule |
.gif) |
TeamFoundationJobService |
.gif) |
TeamFoundationJobServiceException |
Base class for job service exceptions |
.gif) |
TeamFoundationLocationService |
.gif) |
TeamFoundationLocationServiceException |
Base class for all location service exceptions. |
.gif) |
TeamFoundationLock |
.gif) |
TeamFoundationLockException |
.gif) |
TeamFoundationLockInfo |
The set of data that is used to describe a lock on a resource. |
.gif) |
TeamFoundationLockingService |
Locking Service |
.gif) |
TeamFoundationMailService |
A service for sending emails through SMTP. |
.gif) |
TeamFoundationMessageBusService |
.gif) |
TeamFoundationMessageQueueException |
Provides a common base class for message queue exceptions. |
.gif) |
TeamFoundationMessageQueueService |
Manages message queues for a Team Foundation Server Project Collection. |
.gif) |
TeamFoundationMetabase |
.gif) |
TeamFoundationModule |
.gif) |
TeamFoundationOAuthService |
A service that is used to register OAuth client applications and issue OAuth delegation tokens |
.gif) |
TeamFoundationOAuthServiceException |
Base class for OAuth service exceptions |
.gif) |
TeamFoundationPerformanceCounter |
This is a wrapper around the .NET FrameworkCounterData. |
.gif) |
TeamFoundationPerformanceCounters |
Wraps CounterSetInstance. |
.gif) |
TeamFoundationPerformanceService |
Intended to supply centralized performance API's.Currently supported: Single instance performance counters. |
.gif) |
TeamFoundationProcessStillRunningException |
Exception for when a TFS server process will not come to a full stop. |
.gif) |
TeamFoundationProfileService |
.gif) |
TeamFoundationPropertyService |
Default implementation of the manager interface. Provides management of generic artifact properties service. |
.gif) |
TeamFoundationQuotaService |
.gif) |
TeamFoundationRegistryService |
This service is used to read and write key/value pairs to a hierarchical registry. |
.gif) |
TeamFoundationRequestContext |
All Requests in a Team Foundation application create a TeamFoundationRequestContext and the context is available from the application or one of the framework base classes. |
.gif) |
TeamFoundationRequestInformation |
.gif) |
TeamFoundationResourceManagementService |
.gif) |
TeamFoundationResourceManagementServiceException |
.gif) |
TeamFoundationSecurityNamespace |
Class for managing and enforcing security for a set of AccessControlLists. |
.gif) |
TeamFoundationSecurityService |
An interface for managing collections of security namespaces. |
.gif) |
TeamFoundationSecurityServiceException |
Base class for all security service exceptions |
.gif) |
TeamFoundationServiceDependency |
.gif) |
TeamFoundationServiceException |
Base class for all custom exceptions thrown from Team Foundation code. |
.gif) |
TeamFoundationServiceHost |
.gif) |
TeamFoundationServiceHostActivity |
.gif) |
TeamFoundationServiceHostInstance |
Represents the per-process state for a Team Foundation service host. |
.gif) |
TeamFoundationServiceHostProcess |
.gif) |
TeamFoundationServiceHostProperties |
This is our internal TeamFoundationServiceHostProperties implementation used to drive the Deployment, Application, and Collection hosts. |
.gif) |
TeamFoundationServicingException |
.gif) |
TeamFoundationServicingService |
.gif) |
TeamFoundationSessionAuthenticationException |
.gif) |
TeamFoundationSigningService |
A service that can sign and validate caller messages using keys held by the signing service but accessed by the caller through a surrogate identifier guid. |
.gif) |
TeamFoundationSqlNotificationService |
.gif) |
TeamFoundationSqlResourceComponent |
.gif) |
TeamFoundationStepPerformerBase |
Optional base class for implementing IStepPerformer using registered delegates. |
.gif) |
TeamFoundationStrongBoxService |
.gif) |
TeamFoundationTableValueParameter<T> |
.gif) |
TeamFoundationTask |
A task that can be added to the Task Service to run one time or on an interval basis on a pool of worker threads. When the task runs, the provided callback method is invoked. |
.gif) |
TeamFoundationTaskService |
A service for queuing tasks to run one time or with a schedule using a pool of worker threads. When a task is executed, the provided task callback method is invoked. |
.gif) |
TeamFoundationTraceReadingService |
This service is used to read traces |
.gif) |
TeamFoundationTracingExtensionMethods |
Static class for Trace extension methods |
.gif) |
TeamFoundationTracingService |
.gif) |
TeamFoundationTracingService.TraceProvider |
.gif) |
TeamFoundationUnusedDatabaseInfo |
.gif) |
TeamFoundationValidationException |
Thrown when validating user input. Similar to ArgumentException but does not require the property to be an input parameter. |
.gif) |
TeamProjectCollectionProperties |
Contains the configuration information to configure a team project collection. |
.gif) |
TestPartitionComponent |
.gif) |
TfsApiController |
.gif) |
TfsApiControllerExtensions |
.gif) |
TfsApiHostTypeConstraint |
Ensures a resource is not visible unless the request context matches a specified configuration. |
.gif) |
TfsApiPropertyKeys |
.gif) |
TfsHostTypeConstraint |
Ensures a resource is not visible unless the request context matches a specified configuration. |
.gif) |
TfsImpersonationMessageHandler |
.gif) |
TfsmqConnectionNotification |
Provides information about a connection or disconnection from a message queue. |
.gif) |
TfsmqDequeueEvent |
Fired by the message queue system to determine whether a user should have read permission to the given queue. This enables TFS subsytems using MQ to provide their own security models. For example, Team Build provides a listener that verifies users of its queues have the UseBuildResources permission. |
.gif) |
TfsmqNotification |
Provides a common base class for all message queue notifications. |
.gif) |
TfsmqRegistrationChangedNotification |
Provides information about a change in message queue registration. |
.gif) |
TFSProvider |
.gif) |
TfsRequestMessageHandler |
.gif) |
TokenRename |
.gif) |
TokenRenameTable |
.gif) |
TokenTable |
.gif) |
TooManyItemsException |
Thrown when the user sends a request that attempts to return more items than are allowed by the securityNamespace-defined limit. |
.gif) |
TraceDefinition |
Trace Definition is the base class for both TraceEvent and TraceFilter |
.gif) |
TraceFilter |
This class describes a trace filter, that is a set of criteria on whether a trace event should be emitted |
.gif) |
TraceFilterAttribute |
This attribute will log an enter and leave trace point for an web-api action. Add this attribute to an action and pass in the enter and leave trace points you want associated with the action. |
.gif) |
TracePointRange |
.gif) |
TraceWatch |
Utility class that traces if we spend more time in a call than we expect |
.gif) |
UnauthorizedRequestException |
.gif) |
UnexpectedDatabaseResultException |
.gif) |
UnexpectedHostTypeException |
.gif) |
UnexpectedItemKindException |
.gif) |
UniqueInt32Table |
.gif) |
UnknownMigrationOwnerException |
Thrown by prc_MigrateFile when an unknown owner Id is set. |
.gif) |
UpdatePackage |
.gif) |
UpdatePackageHistoryEntry |
.gif) |
UserPreferences |
.gif) |
ValidationServicingException |
.gif) |
ValidationStepDriver |
.gif) |
VersionedApiControllerCustomNameAttribute |
Attribute that allows specifying a custom controller name that doesn't use the standard versioned API controller naming convention of: {Area}{ResourceName}[{ResourceVersion}]Controller |
.gif) |
VersionedApiResourceConstraint |
Routing constraint that enables selection of API controllers based on the api and resource versions of the incoming request |
.gif) |
VersionedApiResourceRegistration |
Contains methods to add and obtain information about registered API resources |
.gif) |
VirtualPathMappingException |
.gif) |
VirtualPathsConflictException |
.gif) |
VisualStudioServicesApplication |
.gif) |
WebApiTrace |
.gif) |
XmlPropertyWriter |