Určuje šířku pole zobrazení pro další prvek v datovém proudu.
T6 setw(
streamsize _Wide
- _Wide
Šířka pole zobrazení.
Vrácená hodnota
Manipulátor vrátí objekt, který když je extrahován z proudu str nebo do něj vložen, volá str.width(_Wide), poté vrací str.
setw nastaví šířku pouze pro následující prvek v datovém proudu a musí být vložena před každý prvek, jehož šířku chcete určit.
// iomanip_setw.cpp
// compile with: /EHsc
// Defines the entry point for the console application.
// Sample use of the following manipulators:
// resetiosflags
// setiosflags
// setbase
// setfill
// setprecision
// setw
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
const double d1 = 1.23456789;
const double d2 = 12.3456789;
const double d3 = 123.456789;
const double d4 = 1234.56789;
const double d5 = 12345.6789;
const long l1 = 16;
const long l2 = 256;
const long l3 = 1024;
const long l4 = 4096;
const long l5 = 65536;
int base = 10;
void DisplayDefault( )
cout << endl << "default display" << endl;
cout << "d1 = " << d1 << endl;
cout << "d2 = " << d2 << endl;
cout << "d3 = " << d3 << endl;
cout << "d4 = " << d4 << endl;
cout << "d5 = " << d5 << endl;
void DisplayWidth( int n )
cout << endl << "fixed width display set to " << n << ".\n";
cout << "d1 = " << setw(n) << d1 << endl;
cout << "d2 = " << setw(n) << d2 << endl;
cout << "d3 = " << setw(n) << d3 << endl;
cout << "d4 = " << setw(n) << d4 << endl;
cout << "d5 = " << setw(n) << d5 << endl;
void DisplayLongs( )
cout << setbase(10);
cout << endl << "setbase(" << base << ")" << endl;
cout << setbase(base);
cout << "l1 = " << l1 << endl;
cout << "l2 = " << l2 << endl;
cout << "l3 = " << l3 << endl;
cout << "l4 = " << l4 << endl;
cout << "l5 = " << l5 << endl;
int main( int argc, char* argv[] )
DisplayDefault( );
cout << endl << "setprecision(" << 3 << ")" << setprecision(3);
DisplayDefault( );
cout << endl << "setprecision(" << 12 << ")" << setprecision(12);
DisplayDefault( );
cout << setiosflags(ios_base::scientific);
cout << endl << "setiosflags(" << ios_base::scientific << ")";
DisplayDefault( );
cout << resetiosflags(ios_base::scientific);
cout << endl << "resetiosflags(" << ios_base::scientific << ")";
DisplayDefault( );
cout << endl << "setfill('" << 'S' << "')" << setfill('S');
DisplayDefault( );
cout << endl << "setfill('" << ' ' << "')" << setfill(' ');
DisplayDefault( );
cout << endl << "setprecision(" << 8 << ")" << setprecision(8);
DisplayDefault( );
base = 16;
DisplayLongs( );
base = 8;
DisplayLongs( );
base = 10;
DisplayLongs( );
return 0;
Záhlaví: <iomanip>
Obor názvů: std