Psaní kódu pro různé typy pracovních položek pomocí objektového modelu klient pro Team Foundation
Při psaní kódu pro projekty jiného týmu na různých typech pracovních položek, které slouží k podobným účelům lze provést stejnou funkci.Tyto typy mohou lišit, protože pocházejí z procesu různé šablony nebo tým mohl upravit jejich konkrétní týmu projektu.Například můžete chtít provést stejnou funkci na články uživatele a požadavky, které by měly reprezentovat zákazníci vyžadují hodnotu.Místo psaní samostatný kód pro každý typ pracovní položky, můžete kód pro obě generalizaci.Kromě toho jeden tým mohl upravit definici pracovní položky pro články uživatele tak, aby členové týmu lze odhadnout práce v hodinách místo v textu body.Můžete zabránit úpravou kódu pro zpracování výchozí i upravené strategie duplikace vlastní úsilí.
V tomto tématu najdete ukázku kódu, který provádí úlohy na určitý typ pracovní položky, které nebylo přizpůsobeno a pak můžete seznámit s refactor podporují určité druhy úpravy kódu.Další informace o přizpůsobení typy pracovních položek, viz Přizpůsobení týmových projektů a procesů.
V tomto tématu
Tisk stromy uživatele články s odhady v bodech textu
Tisk stromy uživatele články s odhady v obou bodech textu nebo práce podle směrného plánu
Tisk pracovních položek, které se používají jako požadavky odhady stromů
Tisk stromy uživatele články s odhady v bodech textu
Tento ukázkový kód Vytiskne stromy všechny články uživatele v každém týmu projektu na serveru a obsahuje odhady pro každý text, který nemá žádné podřízené objekty.Použití tohoto příkladu, vytvoří aplikaci konzole, přidat odkazy na následující sestavení a obsah Program.cs (nebo Module1.vb) nahraďte následující kód.
using System;
using System.Text;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Client;
using Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Framework.Client;
using Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Framework.Common;
using Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking.Client;
namespace Microsoft.TeamFoundation.SDK
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
// Connect to Team Foundation Server. The form of the url is http://server:port/vpath.
// Server - the name of the server that is running the application tier for Team Foundation.
// port - the port that Team Foundation uses. The default port is 8080.
// vpath - the virtual path to the Team Foundation application. The default path is tfs.
TfsConfigurationServer configurationServer =
TfsConfigurationServerFactory.GetConfigurationServer(new Uri("https://Server:8080/tfs"));
// Get the catalog of team project collections
CatalogNode catalogNode = configurationServer.CatalogNode;
ReadOnlyCollection<CatalogNode> tpcNodes = catalogNode.QueryChildren(
new Guid[] { CatalogResourceTypes.ProjectCollection }, false, CatalogQueryOptions.None);
// Process each team project collection
foreach (CatalogNode tpcNode in tpcNodes)
// Use the InstanceId property to get the team project collection
Guid tpcId = new Guid(tpcNode.Resource.Properties["InstanceId"]);
TfsTeamProjectCollection tpc = configurationServer.GetTeamProjectCollection(tpcId);
// Get the work item store
WorkItemStore wiStore = tpc.GetService<WorkItemStore>();
// Query for the trees of active user stories in the team project collection
StringBuilder queryString = new StringBuilder("SELECT [System.Id] FROM WorkItemLinks WHERE ");
queryString.Append("([Source].[System.WorkItemType] = 'User Story' AND [Source].[System.State] = 'Active') AND ");
queryString.Append("([System.Links.LinkType] = 'System.LinkTypes.Hierarchy-Forward') And ");
queryString.Append("([Target].[System.WorkItemType] = 'User Story' AND [Target].[System.State] = 'Active') ORDER BY [System.Id] mode(Recursive)");
Query wiQuery = new Query(wiStore, queryString.ToString());
WorkItemLinkInfo[] wiTrees = wiQuery.RunLinkQuery();
// Print the trees of user stories, with the estimated sizes of each leaf
PrintTrees(wiStore, wiTrees, " ", 0, 0);
catch (Exception e)
// Each WorkItemLinkInfo structure in the collection contains the IDs of the linked work items.
// In this case, the sourceId is the ID of the user story that is on the parent side of the link, and
// the targetId is the ID of the user story that is on the child side of the link. The links
// are returned in depth-first order. This function recursively traverses the collection
// and the title of each user story. If the user story has no children, its estimation is also printed.
static int PrintTrees(WorkItemStore wiStore, WorkItemLinkInfo[] wiTrees, string prefix, int sourceId, int iThis)
int iNext = 0;
// Get the parent of this user story, if it has one
WorkItem source = null;
if (sourceId != 0)
source = wiStore.GetWorkItem(wiTrees[iThis].SourceId);
// Process the items in the list that have the same parent as this user story
while (iThis < wiTrees.Length && wiTrees[iThis].SourceId == sourceId)
// Get this user story
WorkItem target = wiStore.GetWorkItem(wiTrees[iThis].TargetId);
Console.Write(": ");
if (iThis < wiTrees.Length - 1)
if (wiTrees[iThis].TargetId == wiTrees[iThis + 1].SourceId)
// The next item is this user story's child. Process the children
iNext = PrintTrees(wiStore, wiTrees, prefix + " ", wiTrees[iThis + 1].SourceId, iThis + 1);
// The next item is not this user story's child.
Console.Write("; estimate = ");
Console.WriteLine(target.Fields["Story Points"].Value);
iNext = iThis + 1;
// This user story is the last one.
iNext = iThis + 1;
iThis = iNext;
return iNext;
Imports System
Imports System.Text
Imports System.Collections.ObjectModel
Imports Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Client
Imports Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Framework.Client
Imports Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Framework.Common
Imports Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking.Client
Module Module1
Sub Main(ByVal sArgs() As String)
' Connect to the Team Foundation Server. The form of the url is http://server:port/vpath.
' Server - the name of the server that is running the application tier for Team Foundation
' Port - the port that Team Foundation uses. The default port is 8080.
' Vpath - the virtual path to the Team Foundation application. The default is tfs.
Dim tfsUri As New Uri("https://Server:8080/tfs")
Dim configurationServer As TfsConfigurationServer
configurationServer = TfsConfigurationServerFactory.GetConfigurationServer(tfsUri)
' Get the catalog of team project collections
Dim catalogNode As CatalogNode
catalogNode = configurationServer.CatalogNode
Dim tpcNodes As ReadOnlyCollection(Of CatalogNode)
Dim gVar As Guid() = New Guid() {CatalogResourceTypes.ProjectCollection}
tpcNodes = catalogNode.QueryChildren(gVar, False, CatalogQueryOptions.None)
' Process each team project collection
For Each tpcNode In tpcNodes
Dim tpcGuid As Guid = New Guid(tpcNode.Resource.Properties("InstanceID"))
Dim tpc As New TfsTeamProjectCollection(tfsUri)
tpc = configurationServer.GetTeamProjectCollection(tpcGuid)
' Get the work item store
Dim wiStore As WorkItemStore
wiStore = tpc.GetService(Of WorkItemStore)()
' Query for the trees of active user stories in the team project collection
Dim queryString As New StringBuilder("SELECT [System.ID] FROM WorkItemLinks WHERE ")
queryString.Append("([Source].[System.WorkItemType] = 'User Story' AND [Source].[System.State] = 'Active') AND ")
queryString.Append("([System.Links.LinkType] = 'System.LinkTypes.Hierarchy-Forward') And ")
queryString.Append("([Target].[System.WorkItemType] = 'User Story' AND [Target].[System.State] = 'Active') ORDER BY [System.Id] mode(Recursive)")
Dim wiQuery As New Query(wiStore, queryString.ToString())
Dim wiTrees() As WorkItemLinkInfo
wiTrees = wiQuery.RunLinkQuery()
' Print the trees of user stories with the estimated size of each leaf.
PrintTrees(wiStore, wiTrees, " ", 0, 0)
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub
' Each WorkItemLinkInfo structure in the collection contains the IDs of the linked work items.
' In this case, the sourceId is the ID of the user story that is on the parent side of the link, and
' the targetId is the ID of the user story that is on the child side of the link. The links
' are returned in depth-first order. This function recursively traverses the collection
' and the title of each user story. If the user story has no children, its estimation is also printed.
Function PrintTrees(ByVal wiStore As WorkItemStore, ByVal wiTrees As WorkItemLinkInfo(), ByVal prefix As String, ByVal sourceId As Integer, ByVal iThis As Integer) As Integer
Dim iNext As Integer = 0
' Get the parent of this user story, if it has one
Dim source As WorkItem = Nothing
If sourceId <> 0 Then
source = wiStore.GetWorkItem(wiTrees(iThis).SourceId)
End If
' Process the items in the list that have the same parent as this user story
While (iThis < wiTrees.Length AndAlso wiTrees(iThis).SourceId = sourceId)
' Get this user story
Dim target As WorkItem
target = wiStore.GetWorkItem(wiTrees(iThis).TargetId)
Console.Write(": ")
If iThis < (wiTrees.Length - 1) Then
If wiTrees(iThis).TargetId = wiTrees(iThis + 1).SourceId Then
' The next item is the user story's child.
iNext = PrintTrees(wiStore, wiTrees, prefix + " ", wiTrees(iThis + 1).SourceId, iThis + 1)
' The next item is not the user story's child
Console.Write("; estimate = ")
Console.WriteLine(target.Fields("Story Points").Value)
iNext = iThis + 1
End If
' This user story is the last one.
iNext = iThis + 1
End If
iThis = iNext
End While
Return iNext
End Function
End Module
Tisk stromy uživatele články s odhady v obou bodech textu nebo práce podle směrného plánu
Tento příklad upravuje metodu PrintTrees, zda používá každé pracovní položky pole body textu nebo pole práce podle směrného plánu a tisk odhadu z pole.Použití tohoto příkladu, nahradit řádek Console.WriteLine(target.Fields["Story Points"].Value); PrintTrees metodou s následujícím kódem.
// Determine which estimation field is present
string fieldName = "Story Points";
if (target.Type.FieldDefinitions.TryGetByName(fieldName) == null)
fieldName = "Baseline Work";
Dim fieldName As String
fieldName = "Story Points"
If (target.Type.FieldDefinitions.TryGetByName(fieldName) Is Nothing) Then
fieldName = "Baseline Work"
End If
Tisk všech pracovních položek v kategorii stromy
Můžete seskupit do kategorie různé typy pracovních položek, které slouží stejným nebo podobným účelům v různých týmové projekty.Můžete napsat kód, který plní stejnou funkci na pracovních položek, které patří do kategorie.Tento příklad vytiskne odhady pro každý typ pracovní položky v kategorii požadavky uživatele články, požadavky a položky Nevyřízené položky produktů.
Tento vzorek použít nahradíte hlavní funkce z předchozího vzorku následující kód.
static void Main(string[] args)
// Connect to Team Foundation Server. The form of the url is http://server:port/vpath.
// server - the name of the server that is running the application tier for Team Foundation.
// port - the port that Team Foundation uses. The default ort is 8080.
// vpath - the virtual path to the Team Foundation application. The default path is tfs.
TfsConfigurationServer configurationServer =
TfsConfigurationServerFactory.GetConfigurationServer(new Uri("https://server:8080/tfs"));
// Get the catalog of team project collections
CatalogNode catalogNode = configurationServer.CatalogNode;
ReadOnlyCollection<CatalogNode> tpcNodes = catalogNode.QueryChildren(
new Guid[] { CatalogResourceTypes.ProjectCollection }, false, CatalogQueryOptions.None);
// Process each team project collection
foreach (CatalogNode tpcNode in tpcNodes)
// Use the InstanceId property to get the team project collection
Guid tpcId = new Guid(tpcNode.Resource.Properties["InstanceId"]);
TfsTeamProjectCollection tpc = configurationServer.GetTeamProjectCollection(tpcId);
// Get the work item store
WorkItemStore wiStore = tpc.GetService<WorkItemStore>();
foreach (Project project in wiStore.Projects)
Console.Write("Project: ");
// Get the type of work item to use
CategoryCollection categories = wiStore.Projects[project.Name].Categories;
string wiType = categories["Requirement Category"].DefaultWorkItemType.Name;
// Query for the trees of active user stories in the team project collection
StringBuilder queryString = new StringBuilder("SELECT [System.Id] FROM WorkItemLinks WHERE ");
queryString.Append("([Source].[System.WorkItemType] = '");
queryString.Append("' AND [Source].[System.TeamProject] = '");
queryString.Append("') AND ");
queryString.Append("([System.Links.LinkType] = 'System.LinkTypes.Hierarchy-Forward') And ");
queryString.Append("([Target].[System.WorkItemType] = 'User Story' AND ");
queryString.Append("[Target].[System.State] = 'Active') ORDER BY [System.Id] mode(Recursive)");
Query wiQuery = new Query(wiStore, queryString.ToString());
WorkItemLinkInfo[] wiTrees = wiQuery.RunLinkQuery();
// Print the trees of user stories and requirements, with the estimated size of each leaf
PrintTrees(wiStore, wiTrees, " ", 0, 0);
catch (Exception e)
Sub Main(ByVal sArgs() As String)
' Connect to the Team Foundation Server. The form of the url is http://server:port/vpath.
' Server - the name of the server that is running the application tier for Team Foundation
' Port - the port that Team Foundation uses. The default port is 8080.
' Vpath - the virtual path to the Team Foundation application. The default is tfs.
Dim tfsUri As New Uri("https://server:8080/tfs")
Dim configurationServer As TfsConfigurationServer
configurationServer = TfsConfigurationServerFactory.GetConfigurationServer(tfsUri)
' Get the catalog of team project collections
Dim catalogNode As CatalogNode
catalogNode = configurationServer.CatalogNode
Dim tpcNodes As ReadOnlyCollection(Of CatalogNode)
Dim gVar As Guid() = New Guid() {CatalogResourceTypes.ProjectCollection}
tpcNodes = catalogNode.QueryChildren(gVar, False, CatalogQueryOptions.None)
' Process each team project collection
For Each tpcNode In tpcNodes
Dim tpcGuid As Guid = New Guid(tpcNode.Resource.Properties("InstanceID"))
Dim tpc As New TfsTeamProjectCollection(tfsUri)
tpc = configurationServer.GetTeamProjectCollection(tpcGuid)
' Get the work item store
Dim wiStore As WorkItemStore
wiStore = tpc.GetService(Of WorkItemStore)()
' Query for the trees of active user stories in the team project collection
Dim project As Project
For Each project In wiStore.Projects
Console.Write("Project: ")
' Get the type of work item to use
Dim categories As CategoryCollection
categories = wiStore.Projects(project.Name).Categories
Dim wiType As String
wiType = categories("Requirement Category").DefaultWorkItemType.Name
' Query for the trees of active user stories in the team project collection
Dim queryString As New StringBuilder("SELECT [System.Id] FROM WorkItemLinks WHERE ")
queryString.Append("([Source].[System.WorkItemType] = '")
queryString.Append("' AND [Source].[System.TeamProject] = '")
queryString.Append("') AND ")
queryString.Append("([System.Links.LinkType] = 'System.LinkTypes.Hierarchy-Forward') And ")
queryString.Append("([Target].[System.WorkItemType] = 'User Story' AND [Target].[System.State] = 'Active') ORDER BY [System.Id] mode(Recursive)")
Dim wiQuery As New Query(wiStore, queryString.ToString())
Dim wiTrees() As WorkItemLinkInfo
wiTrees = wiQuery.RunLinkQuery()
' Print the trees of user stories with the estimated size of each leaf.
PrintTrees(wiStore, wiTrees, " ", 0, 0)
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub