Sdílet prostřednictvím

Thread.Priority – vlastnost

Získá plánovací prioritu podprocesu.

Obor názvů:  EnvDTE
Sestavení:  EnvDTE (v EnvDTE.dll)


ReadOnly Property Priority As String
string Priority { get; }
property String^ Priority {
    String^ get ();
abstract Priority : string
function get Priority () : String

Hodnota vlastnosti

Typ: System.String
Hodnota řetězce.


Následující příklad demonstruje použití Priority vlastnost.

Tato vlastnost test

  1. Nastavte bod přerušení uvnitř pracovník metody zpětného volání podprocesu.

  2. Cílová aplikace spouštět v režimu ladění.

  3. Jakmile aplikace přestane na zarážku, spustit doplněk.

public static void TestThreadProperties(DTE dte)
    // Setup debug Output window.
    Window w = (Window)dte.Windows.Item(EnvDTE.Constants.vsWindowKindOutput);
    w.Visible = true;
    OutputWindow ow = (OutputWindow)w.Object;
    OutputWindowPane owp = ow.OutputWindowPanes.Add("Thread Test");

    EnvDTE.Threads threads = dte.Debugger.CurrentProgram.Threads;
    owp.OutputString("\nNumber of items in the Thread collection: " + 
                     threads.Item(1).Collection.Count + "\n");
    foreach(EnvDTE.Thread thread in threads)
        owp.OutputString("\nThread: " + thread.ID + "  Name: " + thread.Name);
        owp.OutputString("\n  Edition of the environment : " + thread.DTE.Edition);
        owp.OutputString("\n  Is alive                   : " + thread.IsAlive);
        owp.OutputString("\n  Is frozen                  : " + thread.IsFrozen);
        owp.OutputString("\n  Location                   : " + thread.Location);
        owp.OutputString("\n  Parent's current mode      : " + thread.Parent.CurrentMode);
        owp.OutputString("\n  Priority                   : " + thread.Priority);
        owp.OutputString("\n  Program name               : " + thread.Program.Name);
        owp.OutputString("\n  Number of stack frames     : " + thread.StackFrames.Count);
        owp.OutputString("\n  Suspended number of times  : " + thread.SuspendCount);
Shared Sub ThreadProperties(ByRef dte As EnvDTE.DTE)
    Dim str As String
    Dim threads As EnvDTE.Threads = dte.Debugger.CurrentProgram.Threads
    str = "Number of items in the Thread collection: " + _
    For Each thread As EnvDTE.Thread In threads
        str += vbCrLf + vbCrLf + "  Thread: " + thread.ID.ToString()
        str += vbCrLf + "    Edition of the environment: " + thread.DTE.Edition
        str += vbCrLf + "    Is alive: " + thread.IsAlive.ToString()
        str += vbCrLf + "    Is frozen: " + thread.IsFrozen.ToString()
        str += vbCrLf + "    Location: " + thread.Location
        str += vbCrLf + "    Parent's current mode: " + _
        str += vbCrLf + "    Priority: " + thread.Priority
        str += vbCrLf + "    Program name: " + thread.Program.Name
        str += vbCrLf + "    Number of stack frames: " + _
        str += vbCrLf + "    Suspended number of times: " + _
    MessageBox.Show(str, "Thread Test - Properties")
End Sub

Zabezpečení rozhraní .NET Framework

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Referenční dokumentace

Thread Rozhraní

EnvDTE – obor názvů