Po volání volání této funkce BeginWaitCursor členské funkce vrátit k předchozí kurzor ze kurzor přesýpacích hodin.
void EndWaitCursor( );
Rámci také volání funkce člena po říká se jí kurzor přesýpacích hodin.
// The following example illustrates the most common case
// of displaying the hourglass cursor during some lengthy
// processing of a command handler implemented in some
// CCmdTarget-derived class, such as a document or view.
void CMyView::OnBeginSleepEnd()
BeginWaitCursor(); // display the hourglass cursor
// do some lengthy processing
EndWaitCursor(); // remove the hourglass cursor
// The next example illustrates RestoreWaitCursor.
void CMyView::OnBeginDlgRestore()
BeginWaitCursor(); // display the hourglass cursor
// do some lengthy processing
// The dialog box will normally change the cursor to
// the standard arrow cursor, and leave the cursor in
// as the standard arrow cursor when the dialog box is
// closed.
CFileDialog dlg(TRUE);
// It is necessary to call RestoreWaitCursor here in order
// to change the cursor back to the hourglass cursor.
// do some more lengthy processing
EndWaitCursor(); // remove the hourglass cursor
// In the above example, the dialog was clearly invoked between
// the pair of calls to BeginWaitCursor and EndWaitCursor.
// Sometimes it may not be clear whether the dialog is invoked
// in between a pair of calls to BeginWaitCursor and EndWaitCursor.
// It is permissable to call RestoreWaitCursor, even if
// BeginWaitCursor was not previously called. This case is
// illustrated below, where CMyView::AnotherFunction does not
// need to know whether it was called in the context of an
// hourglass cursor.
void CMyView::OnDlgRestore()
// some processing ...
CFileDialog dlg(TRUE);
// some more processing ...
// If the dialog is invoked from a member function of
// some non-CCmdTarget, then you can call CWinApp::DoWaitCursor
// with a 0 parameter value to restore the hourglass cursor.
void CMyObject::OnDlgDoWait()
CFileDialog dlg(TRUE);
AfxGetApp()->DoWaitCursor(0); // same as CCmdTarget::RestoreWaitCursor
Záhlaví: afxwin.h