Sdílet prostřednictvím

Breakpoints.DTE – vlastnost

Vrátí objekt nejvyšší úrovně rozšiřitelnosti.

Obor názvů:  EnvDTE
Sestavení:  EnvDTE (v EnvDTE.dll)


ReadOnly Property DTE As DTE
DTE DTE { get; }
property DTE^ DTE {
    DTE^ get ();
abstract DTE : DTE
function get DTE () : DTE

Hodnota vlastnosti

A DTE objektu.


V aplikaci Visual Studio DTE je objekt root automatizace modelu a jiných objektů modely často volání "Aplikace".


Následující příklad demonstruje použití DTE vlastnost.

Tato vlastnost testování:

  1. Otevřete cílový projekt a spusťte doplněk.
public static void DTE(DTE dte)
    // Setup debug Output window.
    Window w = (Window)dte.Windows.Item(EnvDTE.Constants.vsWindowKindOutput);
    w.Visible = true;
    OutputWindow ow = (OutputWindow)w.Object;
    OutputWindowPane owp = ow.OutputWindowPanes.Add("DTE Property Test: ");

    // dte is a reference to the DTE object passed to you by the
    // OnConnection method that you implement when you create an add-in.
    EnvDTE.Debugger debugger = (EnvDTE.Debugger)dte.Debugger;
    debugger.Breakpoints.Add("","Target001.cs", 13, 1, "", 
                             "C#","", 0, "", 0, EnvDTE.dbgHitCountType.dbgHitCountTypeNone);
    debugger.Breakpoints.Add("","Target001.cs", 15, 1, "", 
                             "C#","", 0, "", 0, EnvDTE.dbgHitCountType.dbgHitCountTypeNone);

    owp.OutputString("\nNumber of Breakpoints: " + debugger.Breakpoints.Count);
    owp.OutputString("\nEdition of the environment: " + 
    owp.OutputString("\nParent's Current Mode: " + 
    owp.OutputString("\nFirst breakpoint is on line " + 
                     debugger.Breakpoints.Item(1).FileLine + ".");
    owp.OutputString("\nSecond breakpoint is on line " + 
                     debugger.Breakpoints.Item(2).FileLine + ".");
Shared Sub DTE(ByRef dte As EnvDTE.DTE)
    Dim str As String
    dte.Debugger.Breakpoints.Add("", "Target001.cs", 13, 1, "", _
                                 EnvDTE.dbgBreakpointConditionType.dbgBreakpointConditionTypeWhenTrue, _
                                 "C#", "", 0, "", 0, EnvDTE.dbgHitCountType.dbgHitCountTypeNone)
    dte.Debugger.Breakpoints.Add("", "Target001.cs", 15, 1, "", _
                                 EnvDTE.dbgBreakpointConditionType.dbgBreakpointConditionTypeWhenTrue, _
                                 "C#", "", 0, "", 0, EnvDTE.dbgHitCountType.dbgHitCountTypeNone)
    str = "Number of Breakpoints: " + dte.Debugger.Breakpoints.Count.ToString() + vbCrLf
    str += "Edition of the environment: " + dte.Debugger.Breakpoints.DTE.Edition + vbCrLf
    str += "Parent's Current Mode: " + dte.Debugger.Breakpoints.Parent.CurrentMode.ToString() + vbCrLf
    str += "First breakpoint is on line " + dte.Debugger.Breakpoints.Item(1).FileLine.ToString() + "." + vbCrLf
    str += "Second breakpoint is on line " + dte.Debugger.Breakpoints.Item(2).FileLine.ToString() + "." + vbCrLf
    MessageBox.Show(str, "DTE Property Test")
End Sub

Zabezpečení rozhraní .NET Framework

Viz také


Breakpoints Rozhraní

EnvDTE – obor názvů

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How to: Compile and Run the Automation Object Model Code Examples