Customizing Team Foundation Build
By using the Default Template, you can create a build process that meets a broad set of the most common requirements. However, many teams require their processes to perform specialized tasks or follow customized logic.
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Create and work with a custom build process template. If the build definitions that you can create based on DefaultTemplate.xaml do not meet the needs of your team, you can create your own richly customized build process template. |
Learn techniques that are generally useful when you are creating many kinds of customized build processes. Before you start to create your custom build process, you can learn key techniques that can help you work more effectively and efficiently. For example, you can learn the following techniques:
Control where the build system drops your binaries. The default build process, as defined in DefaultTemplate.xaml, drops the compiled binaries from all code projects into a single directory. However, you might want to organize the binaries into a more granular and organized directory structure. |
Navigate in a complex Windows Workflow. A customized build process that is based on DefaultTemplate.xaml is likely to have complex structures and deeply nested elements. Some topics in this section describe the location of a specific element in a Windows Workflow file in shorthand syntax. This topic explains that syntax and how you use it to find a specific element that you want to work with. |
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See Also
Create a Basic Build Definition