Advanced, C#, Text Editor, Options Dialog Box
Use this dialog box to modify the settings for editor formatting, code refactoring, and XML documentation comments for Visual C#. To access this dialog box, click Options on the Tools menu, expand the Text Editor folder, expand C#, and then click Advanced.
The dialog boxes and menu commands you see might differ from those described in Help depending on your active settings or edition. To change your settings, choose Import and Export Settings on the Tools menu. For more information, see Working with Settings.
- Enter outlining mode when files open
When selected, automatically outlines the code file, which creates collapsible blocks of code. The first time a file is opened, #regions blocks and inactive code blocks collapse.
Editor Help
Underline errors in the editor
Identifies build errors in code. When this option is selected, wavy underlines appear in colors that have specific meanings:Parse errors are red.
Build errors are blue.
Build warnings are green.
Invalid Edit and Continue edits are purple.
Move the pointer over the underlined code segment to see a ToolTip with information about the error.
Show live semantic errors
Identifies certain compile errors without explicit compilation, for example, declaring and using an unknown type or referencing an unknown property.Highlight references to symbol under cursor
When the cursor is positioned inside a symbol, or when you click a symbol, all the instances of that symbol in the code file are highlighted. For more information, see How to: Use Reference Highlighting.
Verify results of refactoring
Displays the Verification Results dialog box when you try to refactor code that contains build errors, or when refactoring would cause a code reference to bind to something different from its original binding.Warn on members with compiler generated references
Displays a warning dialog when you try to refactor a member that has the same name as a compiler generated reference.
XML Documentation Comments
- Generate XML documentation comments for ///
When selected, inserts the <summary> start and end tags automatically for XML documentation comments after you type the /// comment introduction. For more information about XML documentation, see XML Documentation Comments (C# Programming Guide).
Implement Interface
- Surround generated code with #region
Inserts a #region <interface name> Member around the methods when Implement Interface or Implement Interface Explicitly is used.
Organize Usings
- Place 'System' directives first when sorting usings
When selected, System using directives appear before other using directives. For more information, see Sort Usings.
See Also
XML Documentation Comments (C# Programming Guide)