Button.Application – vlastnost
Získává Application objekt představující autora Button.
Obor názvů: Microsoft.Office.Tools.Excel.Controls
Sestavení: Microsoft.Office.Tools.Excel.v4.0.Utilities (v Microsoft.Office.Tools.Excel.v4.0.Utilities.dll)
Public ReadOnly Property Application As Application
public Application Application { get; }
Hodnota vlastnosti
Typ: Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application
Application Objekt představující autora Button.
Následující příklad kódu přidá Button řízení aktuálního list. ClickObslužnou rutinuudálost pro toto tlačítko zobrazí hodnoty Creator a Application Vlastnosti.
Tento příklad je přizpůsobení úrovni dokumentu.
Private Sub DisplayCreatorAndApplication()
Dim CreatorButton1 As Microsoft.Office.Tools.Excel.Controls.Button = _
Me.Controls.AddButton(Me.Range("B2", "C3"), "CreatorButton1")
CreatorButton1.Text = "Click to view creator and application"
AddHandler CreatorButton1.Click, AddressOf CreatorButton_Click
End Sub
Private Sub CreatorButton_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
Dim ClickedButton As Microsoft.Office.Tools.Excel.Controls.Button = _
CType(sender, Microsoft.Office.Tools.Excel.Controls.Button)
Dim ApplicationString As String = "The current application is " & _
If ClickedButton.Creator = Excel.XlCreator.xlCreatorCode Then
MsgBox(ApplicationString & ". Created by Microsoft Excel")
MsgBox(ApplicationString & _
". Created by an application other than Microsfot Excel")
End If
End Sub
private void DisplayCreatorAndApplication()
Microsoft.Office.Tools.Excel.Controls.Button creatorButton1 =
this.Controls.AddButton(this.Range["B2", "C3"],
creatorButton1.Text = "Click to view creator and application";
creatorButton1.Click += new EventHandler(creatorButton_Click);
void creatorButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Microsoft.Office.Tools.Excel.Controls.Button clickedButton =
string applicationString = "The current application is " +
if (clickedButton.Creator == Excel.XlCreator.xlCreatorCode)
MessageBox.Show(applicationString +
". Created by Microsoft Excel");
MessageBox.Show(applicationString +
". Created by an application other than Microsfot Excel");
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