Sdílet prostřednictvím

@set Statement

Creates variables used with conditional compilation statements.

@set @varname = term 


  • varname
    Required. Valid JScript variable name. Must be preceded by an "@" character at all times.

  • term
    Required. Zero or more unary operators followed by a constant, conditional compilation variable, or parenthesized expression.


Numeric and Boolean variables are supported for conditional compilation. Strings are not. Variables created using @set are generally used in conditional compilation statements, but can be used anywhere in JScript code.

Examples of variable declarations look like this:

@set @myvar1 = 12
@set @myvar2 = (@myvar1 * 20)
@set @myvar3 = @_jscript_version

The following operators are supported in parenthesized expressions:

  • ! ~

  • * / %

  • + -

  • << >> >>>

  • < <= > >=

  • == != === !==

  • & ^ |

  • && | |

If a variable is used before it has been defined, its value is NaN. NaN can be checked for using the @if statement:

@if (@newVar != @newVar)
   // ...

This works because NaN is the only value not equal to itself.


Version 3

See Also


@cc_on Statement

@if...@elif...@else...@end Statement


Conditional Compilation Variables

Other Resources

Conditional Compilation