Navigating and Updating Layer Models in Program Code
This Visual Studio 2010 feature pack lets you navigate and update layer models in Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate by using program code. This topic describes the elements and relationships in layer models.
For more information about layer diagrams from the user's point of view, see Layer Diagrams: Reference and Layer Diagrams: Guidelines. For more information, see Visual Studio Feature Packs.
When you update a model, consider enclosing the changes in a ILinkedUndoTransaction. This groups your changes into one transaction. If any of the changes fails, the whole transaction will be rolled back. If the user undoes a change, all the changes will be undone together.
For more information, see How to: Link Model Updates using Transactions.
using (ILinkedUndoTransaction t =
LinkedUndoContext.BeginTransaction("a name"))
// Make changes here ....
t.Commit(); // Don't forget this!
Layers (ILayer) and the layer model (ILayerModel) can contain Comments and Layers.
A layer (ILayer) can be contained in a layer model (ILayerModel) or it can be nested within another ILayer.
To create a comment or a layer, use the creation methods on the appropriate container.
Dependency Links
A dependency link is represented by an object. It can be navigated in either direction:
To create a dependency link, call source.CreateDependencyLink(target).
Comments can be contained inside layers or the layer model, and can also be linked to any layer element:
A comment can be linked to any number of elements, including none.
Create a comment by invoking CreateComment() on the appropriate container.
Create a link by using CreateLink() on the comment.
Layer Elements
All the types of element that can be contained in a model are layer elements:
Artifact References
An artifact reference (ILayerArtifactReference) represents the link between a layer and a project item such as a file, class, or folder. When the user creates or adds to a layer by dragging items onto the layer diagram from Solution Explorer or Architecture Explorer, they are creating artifacts. Any number of artifact references can be linked to a layer.
Each row in Layer Explorer displays an artifact reference. For more information, see How to: Create Layer Diagrams from Artifacts.
The principal types and methods concerned with artifact references are as follows:
ILayerArtifactReference. The Categories property indicates what kind of artifact is referenced, such as a class, executable file, or assembly. Categories determines how the Identifier identifies the target artifact.
CreateArtifactReferenceAsync() creates an artifact reference from an Project or ProjectItem. This is an asynchronous operation. Therefore, you usually provide a callback that is called when the creation is complete.
Layer Artifact References should not be confused with Artifacts in use case diagrams.
Shapes and Diagrams
Two objects are used to represent each element in a layer model: an ILayerElement, and an IShape. The IShape represents the position and size of the shape on the diagram. In layer models, every ILayerElement has one IShape, and every IShape on a layer diagram has one ILayerElement. IShape is also used for UML models. Therefore, not every IShape has a layer element.
In the same manner, the ILayerModel is displayed on one IDiagram.
In the code of a custom command or gesture handler, you can get the current diagram and the current selection of shapes from the DiagramContext import:
public class ... {
public IDiagramContext DiagramContext { get; set; }
public void ... (...)
{ IDiagram diagram = this.DiagramContext.CurrentDiagram;
ILayerModel model = diagram.GetLayerModel();
if (model != null)
{ foreach (ILayer layer in model.Layers) { ... }}
foreach (IShape selected in diagram.SelectedShapes)
{ ILayerElement element = selected.GetLayerElement();
if (element != null) ... }}
IShape and IDiagram are also used to display UML models. For more information, see How to: Display a Model on Diagrams.
See Also
Adding Commands and Gestures to Layer Diagrams
Adding Custom Architecture Validation to Layer Diagrams