Creating Event Handlers in Windows Forms
An event handler is a procedure in your code that determines what actions are performed when an event occurs, such as when the user clicks a button or a message queue receives a message. When an event is raised, the event handler or handlers that receive the event are executed. Events can be assigned to multiple handlers, and the methods that handle particular events can be changed dynamically. You can also use the Windows Forms Designer to create event handlers. For more information, see Windows Forms Designer and Návrhář formulářů Windows and Návrhář formulářů Windows..
In This Section
Events Overview (Windows Forms)
Explains the event model and the role of delegates.Event Handlers Overview (Windows Forms)
Describes how to handle events.How to: Create Event Handlers at Run Time for Windows Forms
Gives directions for responding to system or user events dynamically.How to: Connect Multiple Events to a Single Event Handler in Windows Forms
Gives directions for assigning the same functionality to multiple controls through events.Order of Events in Windows Forms
Describes the order in which events are raised in Windows Forms controls.
Topic | Location |
How to: Create Default Event Handlers on the Windows Forms Designer | Windows Forms Programming |
How to: Create Event Handlers Using the Designer | Windows Forms Programming |
Postupy: Vytváření výchozích obslužných rutin událostí v Návrháři formulářů Windows | dv_ManCli |
Postupy: Vytváření obslužných rutin událostí pomocí Návrháře | dv_ManCli |
Postupy: Vytváření výchozích obslužných rutin událostí v Návrháři formulářů Windows | dv_ManCli |
Postupy: Vytváření obslužných rutin událostí pomocí Návrháře | dv_ManCli |
Related Sections
Handling and Raising Events
Provides links to topics on handling and raising events using the .NET Framework.Troubleshooting Inherited Event Handlers in Visual Basic
Lists common issues that occur with event handlers in inherited components.Events and Delegates
Provides an overview of the event model and describes delegates in the .NET Framework.