Inheritance Picker Dialog Box
Allows you to specify which component a new form or user control will derive from. This dialog box appears when you use the Add New Items dialog box to add an inherited form or an inherited control to your Windows-based application. All classes created with Visual Basic are inheritable by default. Because forms are classes, you can use inheritance to define new forms based on existing forms.
If you have created a new project, you need to compile that project before you can use the Inheritance Picker dialog box.
Specify the component to inherit from
Shows the available components you can inherit from. By default, this table lists the components in the current solution. To choose a component that is outside the current solution, use the Browse button. The three read-only column headings specify the name of the component to be inherited from, what project that component is stored in, and the full directory path of that project. Click a heading to sort the list of components by that column.New component name
Specifies the intended name of the inherited component. The name may be modified after it has been added to your project.Browse
Allows you to select a file which contains a component to inherit from.Poznámka
Only Windows forms declared as Public will appear in the Inheritance Picker dialog box. However, you can manually add the inheritance statement to forms. For details, see How to: Inherit Windows Forms.
See Also
How to: Inherit Forms Using the Inheritance Picker Dialog Box
How to: Inherit from Existing Windows Forms Controls
Walkthrough: Inheriting from a Windows Forms Control with Visual Basic
Walkthrough: Inheriting from a Windows Forms Control with Visual C#