Walkthrough: Creating an IQueryable LINQ Provider
This advanced topic provides step-by-step instructions for creating a custom LINQ provider. When you are finished, you will be able to use the provider you create to write LINQ queries against the TerraServer-USA Web service.
The TerraServer-USA Web service provides an interface to a database of aerial images of the United States. It also exposes a method that returns information about locations in the United States, given part or all of a location name. This method, which is named GetPlaceList, is the method that your LINQ provider will call. The provider will use Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) to communicate with the Web service. For more information about the TerraServer-USA Web service, see Overview of the TerraServer-USA Web Services.
This provider is a relatively simple IQueryable provider. It expects specific information in the queries that it handles and it has a closed type system, exposing a single type to represent the result data. This provider examines only one type of method call expression in the expression tree that represents the query, that is the innermost call to Where. It extracts the data that it must have in order to query the Web service from this expression. It then calls the Web service and inserts the returned data into the expression tree in the place of the initial IQueryable data source. The rest of the query execution is handled by the Enumerable implementations of the standard query operators.
The code examples in this topic are provided in C# and Visual Basic.
This walkthrough illustrates the following tasks:
Creating the project in Visual Studio.
Implementing the interfaces that are required for an IQueryable LINQ provider: IQueryable<T>, IOrderedQueryable<T>, and IQueryProvider.
Adding a custom .NET type to represent the data from the Web service.
Creating a query context class and a class that obtains data from the Web service.
Creating an expression tree visitor subclass that finds the expression that represents the innermost call to the Queryable.Where method.
Creating an expression tree visitor subclass that extracts information from the LINQ query to use in the Web service request.
Creating an expression tree visitor subclass that modifies the expression tree that represents the complete LINQ query.
Using an evaluator class to partially evaluate an expression tree. This step is necessary because it translates all local variable references in the LINQ query into values.
Creating an expression tree helper class and a new exception class.
Testing the LINQ provider from a client application that contains a LINQ query.
Adding more complex query capabilities to the LINQ provider.
The LINQ provider that this walkthrough creates is available as a sample. For more information, LINQ Samples.
You need the following components to complete this walkthrough:
- Visual Studio 2008
Your computer might show different names or locations for some of the Visual Studio user interface elements in the following instructions. The Visual Studio edition that you have and the settings that you use determine these elements. For more information, see Visual Studio Settings.
Creating the Project
To create the project in Visual Studio
In Visual Studio, create a new Class Library application. Name the project LinqToTerraServerProvider.
In Solution Explorer, select the Class1.cs (or Class1.vb) file and rename it to QueryableTerraServerData.cs (or QueryableTerraServerData.vb). In the dialog box that pops up, click Yes to rename all references to the code element.
You create the provider as a Class Library project in Visual Studio because executable client applications will add the provider assembly as a reference to their project.
To add a service reference to the Web service
In Solution Explorer, right-click the LinqToTerraServerProvider project and click Add Service Reference.
The Add Service Reference dialog box opens.
In the Address box, type http://terraserver.microsoft.com/TerraService2.asmx.
In the Namespace box, type TerraServerReference and then click OK.
The TerraServer-USA Web service is added as a service reference so that the application can communicate with the Web service by way of Windows Communication Foundation (WCF). By adding a service reference to the project, Visual Studio generates an app.config file that contains a proxy and an endpoint for the Web service. For more information, see Windows Communication Foundation Services and WCF Data Services in Visual Studio.
You now have a project that has a file that is named app.config, a file that is named QueryableTerraServerData.cs (or QueryableTerraServerData.vb), and a service reference named TerraServerReference.
Implementing the Necessary Interfaces
To create a LINQ provider, at a minimum you must implement the IQueryable<T> and IQueryProvider interfaces. IQueryable<T> and IQueryProvider are derived from the other required interfaces; therefore, by implementing these two interfaces, you are also implementing the other interfaces that are required for a LINQ provider.
If you want to support sorting query operators such as OrderBy and ThenBy, you must also implement the IOrderedQueryable<T> interface. Because IOrderedQueryable<T> derives from IQueryable<T>, you can implement both of these interfaces in one type, which is what this provider does.
To implement System.Linq.IQueryable`1 and System.Linq.IOrderedQueryable`1
In the file QueryableTerraServerData.cs (or QueryableTerraServerData.vb), add the following code.
Imports System.Linq.Expressions Public Class QueryableTerraServerData(Of TData) Implements IOrderedQueryable(Of TData) #Region "Private members" Private _provider As TerraServerQueryProvider Private _expression As Expression #End Region #Region "Constructors" ''' <summary> ''' This constructor is called by the client to create the data source. ''' </summary> Public Sub New() Me._provider = New TerraServerQueryProvider() Me._expression = Expression.Constant(Me) End Sub ''' <summary> ''' This constructor is called by Provider.CreateQuery(). ''' </summary> ''' <param name="_expression"></param> Public Sub New(ByVal _provider As TerraServerQueryProvider, ByVal _expression As Expression) If _provider Is Nothing Then Throw New ArgumentNullException("provider") End If If _expression Is Nothing Then Throw New ArgumentNullException("expression") End If If Not GetType(IQueryable(Of TData)).IsAssignableFrom(_expression.Type) Then Throw New ArgumentOutOfRangeException("expression") End If Me._provider = _provider Me._expression = _expression End Sub #End Region #Region "Properties" Public ReadOnly Property ElementType( ) As Type Implements IQueryable(Of TData).ElementType Get Return GetType(TData) End Get End Property Public ReadOnly Property Expression( ) As Expression Implements IQueryable(Of TData).Expression Get Return _expression End Get End Property Public ReadOnly Property Provider( ) As IQueryProvider Implements IQueryable(Of TData).Provider Get Return _provider End Get End Property #End Region #Region "Enumerators" Public Function GetGenericEnumerator( ) As IEnumerator(Of TData) Implements IEnumerable(Of TData).GetEnumerator Return (Me.Provider. Execute(Of IEnumerable(Of TData))(Me._expression)).GetEnumerator() End Function Public Function GetEnumerator( ) As IEnumerator Implements IEnumerable.GetEnumerator Return (Me.Provider. Execute(Of IEnumerable)(Me._expression)).GetEnumerator() End Function #End Region End Class
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Linq.Expressions; namespace LinqToTerraServerProvider { public class QueryableTerraServerData<TData> : IOrderedQueryable<TData> { #region Constructors /// <summary> /// This constructor is called by the client to create the data source. /// </summary> public QueryableTerraServerData() { Provider = new TerraServerQueryProvider(); Expression = Expression.Constant(this); } /// <summary> /// This constructor is called by Provider.CreateQuery(). /// </summary> /// <param name="expression"></param> public QueryableTerraServerData(TerraServerQueryProvider provider, Expression expression) { if (provider == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("provider"); } if (expression == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("expression"); } if (!typeof(IQueryable<TData>).IsAssignableFrom(expression.Type)) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("expression"); } Provider = provider; Expression = expression; } #endregion #region Properties public IQueryProvider Provider { get; private set; } public Expression Expression { get; private set; } public Type ElementType { get { return typeof(TData); } } #endregion #region Enumerators public IEnumerator<TData> GetEnumerator() { return (Provider.Execute<IEnumerable<TData>>(Expression)).GetEnumerator(); } System.Collections.IEnumerator System.Collections.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() { return (Provider.Execute<System.Collections.IEnumerable>(Expression)).GetEnumerator(); } #endregion } }
The IOrderedQueryable<T> implementation by the QueryableTerraServerData class implements three properties declared in IQueryable and two enumeration methods declared in IEnumerable and IEnumerable<T>.
This class has two constructors. The first constructor is called from the client application to create the object to write the LINQ query against. The second constructor is called internal to the provider library by the code in the IQueryProvider implementation.
When the GetEnumerator method is called on an object of type QueryableTerraServerData, the query that it represents is executed and the results of the query are enumerated.
This code, except for the name of the class, is not specific to this TerraServer-USA Web service provider. Therefore, it can be reused for any LINQ provider.
To implement System.Linq.IQueryProvider
Add the TerraServerQueryProvider class to your project.
Imports System.Linq.Expressions Imports System.Reflection Public Class TerraServerQueryProvider Implements IQueryProvider Public Function CreateQuery( ByVal expression As Expression ) As IQueryable Implements IQueryProvider.CreateQuery Dim elementType As Type = TypeSystem.GetElementType(expression.Type) Try Dim qType = GetType(QueryableTerraServerData(Of )).MakeGenericType(elementType) Dim args = New Object() {Me, expression} Dim instance = Activator.CreateInstance(qType, args) Return CType(instance, IQueryable) Catch tie As TargetInvocationException Throw tie.InnerException End Try End Function ' Queryable's collection-returning standard query operators call this method. Public Function CreateQuery(Of TResult)( ByVal expression As Expression ) As IQueryable(Of TResult) Implements IQueryProvider.CreateQuery Return New QueryableTerraServerData(Of TResult)(Me, expression) End Function Public Function Execute( ByVal expression As Expression ) As Object Implements IQueryProvider.Execute Return TerraServerQueryContext.Execute(expression, False) End Function ' Queryable's "single value" standard query operators call this method. ' It is also called from QueryableTerraServerData.GetEnumerator(). Public Function Execute(Of TResult)( ByVal expression As Expression ) As TResult Implements IQueryProvider.Execute Dim IsEnumerable As Boolean = (GetType(TResult).Name = "IEnumerable`1") Dim result = TerraServerQueryContext.Execute(expression, IsEnumerable) Return CType(result, TResult) End Function End Class
using System; using System.Linq; using System.Linq.Expressions; namespace LinqToTerraServerProvider { public class TerraServerQueryProvider : IQueryProvider { public IQueryable CreateQuery(Expression expression) { Type elementType = TypeSystem.GetElementType(expression.Type); try { return (IQueryable)Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(QueryableTerraServerData<>).MakeGenericType(elementType), new object[] { this, expression }); } catch (System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException tie) { throw tie.InnerException; } } // Queryable's collection-returning standard query operators call this method. public IQueryable<TResult> CreateQuery<TResult>(Expression expression) { return new QueryableTerraServerData<TResult>(this, expression); } public object Execute(Expression expression) { return TerraServerQueryContext.Execute(expression, false); } // Queryable's "single value" standard query operators call this method. // It is also called from QueryableTerraServerData.GetEnumerator(). public TResult Execute<TResult>(Expression expression) { bool IsEnumerable = (typeof(TResult).Name == "IEnumerable`1"); return (TResult)TerraServerQueryContext.Execute(expression, IsEnumerable); } } }
The query provider code in this class implements the four methods that are required to implement the IQueryProvider interface. The two CreateQuery methods create queries that are associated with the data source. The two Execute methods send such queries off to be executed.
The non-generic CreateQuery method uses reflection to obtain the element type of the sequence that the query it creates would return if it was executed. It then uses the Activator class to construct a new QueryableTerraServerData instance that is constructed with the element type as its generic type argument. The result of calling the non-generic CreateQuery method is the same as if the generic CreateQuery method had been called with the correct type argument.
Most of the query execution logic is handled in a different class that you will add later. This functionality is handled elsewhere because it is specific to the data source being queried, whereas the code in this class is generic to any LINQ provider. To use this code for a different provider, you might have to change the name of the class and the name of the query context type that is referenced in two of the methods.
Adding a Custom Type to Represent the Result Data
You will need a .NET type to represent the data that is obtained from the Web service. This type will be used in the client LINQ query to define the results it wants. The following procedure creates such a type. This type, named Place, contains information about a single geographical location such as a city, a park, or a lake.
This code also contains an enumeration type, named PlaceType, that defines the various types of geographical location and is used in the Place class.
To create a custom result type
Add the Place class and the PlaceType enumeration to your project.
Public Class Place ' Properties. Public Property Name As String Public Property State As String Public Property PlaceType As PlaceType ' Constructor. Friend Sub New(ByVal name As String, ByVal state As String, ByVal placeType As TerraServerReference.PlaceType) Me.Name = name Me.State = state Me.PlaceType = CType(placeType, PlaceType) End Sub End Class Public Enum PlaceType Unknown AirRailStation BayGulf CapePeninsula CityTown HillMountain Island Lake OtherLandFeature OtherWaterFeature ParkBeach PointOfInterest River End Enum
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; namespace LinqToTerraServerProvider { public class Place { // Properties. public string Name { get; private set; } public string State { get; private set; } public PlaceType PlaceType { get; private set; } // Constructor. internal Place(string name, string state, LinqToTerraServerProvider.TerraServerReference.PlaceType placeType) { Name = name; State = state; PlaceType = (PlaceType)placeType; } } public enum PlaceType { Unknown, AirRailStation, BayGulf, CapePeninsula, CityTown, HillMountain, Island, Lake, OtherLandFeature, OtherWaterFeature, ParkBeach, PointOfInterest, River } }
The constructor for the Place type simplifies creating a result object from the type that is returned by the Web service. While the provider can return the result type defined by the Web service API directly, it would require client applications to add a reference to the Web service. By creating a new type as part of the provider library, the client does not have to know about the types and methods that the Web service exposes.
Adding Functionality to Get Data from the Data Source
This provider implementation assumes that the innermost call to Queryable.Where contains the location information to use to query the Web service. The innermost Queryable.Where call is the where clause (Where clause in Visual Basic) or Queryable.Where method call that occurs first in a LINQ query, or the one nearest to the "bottom" of the expression tree that represents the query.
To create a query context class
Add the TerraServerQueryContext class to your project.
Imports System.Linq.Expressions Public Class TerraServerQueryContext ' Executes the expression tree that is passed to it. Friend Shared Function Execute(ByVal expr As Expression, ByVal IsEnumerable As Boolean) As Object ' The expression must represent a query over the data source. If Not IsQueryOverDataSource(expr) Then Throw New InvalidProgramException("No query over the data source was specified.") End If ' Find the call to Where() and get the lambda expression predicate. Dim whereFinder As New InnermostWhereFinder() Dim whereExpression As MethodCallExpression = whereFinder.GetInnermostWhere(expr) Dim lambdaExpr As LambdaExpression lambdaExpr = CType(CType(whereExpression.Arguments(1), UnaryExpression).Operand, LambdaExpression) ' Send the lambda expression through the partial evaluator. lambdaExpr = CType(Evaluator.PartialEval(lambdaExpr), LambdaExpression) ' Get the place name(s) to query the Web service with. Dim lf As New LocationFinder(lambdaExpr.Body) Dim locations As List(Of String) = lf.Locations If locations.Count = 0 Then Dim s = "You must specify at least one place name in your query." Throw New InvalidQueryException(s) End If ' Call the Web service and get the results. Dim places() = WebServiceHelper.GetPlacesFromTerraServer(locations) ' Copy the IEnumerable places to an IQueryable. Dim queryablePlaces = places.AsQueryable() ' Copy the expression tree that was passed in, changing only the first ' argument of the innermost MethodCallExpression. Dim treeCopier As New ExpressionTreeModifier(queryablePlaces) Dim newExpressionTree = treeCopier.Visit(expr) ' This step creates an IQueryable that executes by replacing ' Queryable methods with Enumerable methods. If (IsEnumerable) Then Return queryablePlaces.Provider.CreateQuery(newExpressionTree) Else Return queryablePlaces.Provider.Execute(newExpressionTree) End If End Function Private Shared Function IsQueryOverDataSource(ByVal expression As Expression) As Boolean ' If expression represents an unqueried IQueryable data source instance, ' expression is of type ConstantExpression, not MethodCallExpression. Return (TypeOf expression Is MethodCallExpression) End Function End Class
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Linq.Expressions; namespace LinqToTerraServerProvider { class TerraServerQueryContext { // Executes the expression tree that is passed to it. internal static object Execute(Expression expression, bool IsEnumerable) { // The expression must represent a query over the data source. if (!IsQueryOverDataSource(expression)) throw new InvalidProgramException("No query over the data source was specified."); // Find the call to Where() and get the lambda expression predicate. InnermostWhereFinder whereFinder = new InnermostWhereFinder(); MethodCallExpression whereExpression = whereFinder.GetInnermostWhere(expression); LambdaExpression lambdaExpression = (LambdaExpression)((UnaryExpression)(whereExpression.Arguments[1])).Operand; // Send the lambda expression through the partial evaluator. lambdaExpression = (LambdaExpression)Evaluator.PartialEval(lambdaExpression); // Get the place name(s) to query the Web service with. LocationFinder lf = new LocationFinder(lambdaExpression.Body); List<string> locations = lf.Locations; if (locations.Count == 0) throw new InvalidQueryException("You must specify at least one place name in your query."); // Call the Web service and get the results. Place[] places = WebServiceHelper.GetPlacesFromTerraServer(locations); // Copy the IEnumerable places to an IQueryable. IQueryable<Place> queryablePlaces = places.AsQueryable<Place>(); // Copy the expression tree that was passed in, changing only the first // argument of the innermost MethodCallExpression. ExpressionTreeModifier treeCopier = new ExpressionTreeModifier(queryablePlaces); Expression newExpressionTree = treeCopier.Visit(expression); // This step creates an IQueryable that executes by replacing Queryable methods with Enumerable methods. if (IsEnumerable) return queryablePlaces.Provider.CreateQuery(newExpressionTree); else return queryablePlaces.Provider.Execute(newExpressionTree); } private static bool IsQueryOverDataSource(Expression expression) { // If expression represents an unqueried IQueryable data source instance, // expression is of type ConstantExpression, not MethodCallExpression. return (expression is MethodCallExpression); } } }
This class organizes the work of executing a query. After finding the expression that represents the innermost Queryable.Where call, this code retrieves the lambda expression that represents the predicate that was passed to Queryable.Where. It then passes the predicate expression to a method to be partially evaluated, so that all references to local variables are translated into values. Then it calls a method to extract the requested locations from the predicate, and calls another method to obtain the result data from the Web service.
In the next step, this code copies the expression tree that represents the LINQ query and makes one modification to the expression tree. The code uses an expression tree visitor subclass to replace the data source that the innermost query operator call is applied to with the concrete list of Place objects that were obtained from the Web service.
Before the list of Place objects is inserted into the expression tree, its type is changed from IEnumerable to IQueryable by calling AsQueryable. This type change is necessary because when the expression tree is rewritten, the node that represents the method call to the innermost query operator method is reconstructed. The node is reconstructed because one of the arguments has changed (that is, the data source that it is applied to). The Call(Expression, MethodInfo, IEnumerable<Expression>) method, which is used to reconstruct the node, will throw an exception if any argument is not assignable to the corresponding parameter of the method that it will be passed to. In this case, the IEnumerable list of Place objects would not be assignable to the IQueryable parameter of Queryable.Where. Therefore, its type is changed to IQueryable.
By changing its type to IQueryable, the collection also obtains an IQueryProvider member, accessed by the Provider property, that can create or execute queries. The dynamic type of the IQueryable°Place collection is EnumerableQuery, which is a type that is internal to the System.Linq API. The query provider that is associated with this type executes queries by replacing Queryable standard query operator calls with the equivalent Enumerable operators, so that effectively the query becomes a LINQ to Objects query.
The final code in the TerraServerQueryContext class calls one of two methods on the IQueryable list of Place objects. It calls CreateQuery if the client query returns enumerable results, or Execute if the client query returns a non-enumerable result.
The code in this class is very specific to this TerraServer-USA provider. Therefore, it is encapsulated in the TerraServerQueryContext class instead of being inserted directly into the more generic IQueryProvider implementation.
The provider you are creating requires only the information in the Queryable.Where predicate to query the Web service. Therefore, it uses LINQ to Objects to do the work of executing the LINQ query by using the internal EnumerableQuery type. An alternative way to use LINQ to Objects to execute the query is to have the client wrap the part of the query to be executed by LINQ to Objects in a LINQ to Objects query. This is accomplished by calling AsEnumerable<TSource> on the rest of the query, which is the part of the query that the provider requires for its specific purposes. The advantage of this kind of implementation is that the division of work between the custom provider and LINQ to Objects is more transparent.
The provider presented in this topic is a simple provider that has minimal query support of its own. Therefore, it relies heavily on LINQ to Objects to execute queries. A complex LINQ provider such as LINQ to SQL may support the whole query without handing any work off to LINQ to Objects.
To create a class to obtain data from the Web service
Add the WebServiceHelper class (or module in Visual Basic) to your project.
Imports System.Collections.Generic Imports LinqToTerraServerProvider.TerraServerReference Friend Module WebServiceHelper Private numResults As Integer = 200 Private mustHaveImage As Boolean = False Friend Function GetPlacesFromTerraServer(ByVal locations As List(Of String)) As Place() ' Limit the total number of Web service calls. If locations.Count > 5 Then Dim s = "This query requires more than five separate calls to the Web service. Please decrease the number of places." Throw New InvalidQueryException(s) End If Dim allPlaces As New List(Of Place) ' For each location, call the Web service method to get data. For Each location In locations Dim places = CallGetPlaceListMethod(location) allPlaces.AddRange(places) Next Return allPlaces.ToArray() End Function Private Function CallGetPlaceListMethod(ByVal location As String) As Place() Dim client As New TerraServiceSoapClient() Dim placeFacts() As PlaceFacts Try ' Call the Web service method "GetPlaceList". placeFacts = client.GetPlaceList(location, numResults, mustHaveImage) ' If we get exactly 'numResults' results, they are probably truncated. If (placeFacts.Length = numResults) Then Dim s = "The results have been truncated by the Web service and would not be complete. Please try a different query." Throw New Exception(s) End If ' Create Place objects from the PlaceFacts objects returned by the Web service. Dim places(placeFacts.Length - 1) As Place For i = 0 To placeFacts.Length - 1 places(i) = New Place(placeFacts(i).Place.City, placeFacts(i).Place.State, placeFacts(i).PlaceTypeId) Next ' Close the WCF client. client.Close() Return places Catch timeoutException As TimeoutException client.Abort() Throw Catch communicationException As System.ServiceModel.CommunicationException client.Abort() Throw End Try End Function End Module
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using LinqToTerraServerProvider.TerraServerReference; namespace LinqToTerraServerProvider { internal static class WebServiceHelper { private static int numResults = 200; private static bool mustHaveImage = false; internal static Place[] GetPlacesFromTerraServer(List<string> locations) { // Limit the total number of Web service calls. if (locations.Count > 5) throw new InvalidQueryException("This query requires more than five separate calls to the Web service. Please decrease the number of locations in your query."); List<Place> allPlaces = new List<Place>(); // For each location, call the Web service method to get data. foreach (string location in locations) { Place[] places = CallGetPlaceListMethod(location); allPlaces.AddRange(places); } return allPlaces.ToArray(); } private static Place[] CallGetPlaceListMethod(string location) { TerraServiceSoapClient client = new TerraServiceSoapClient(); PlaceFacts[] placeFacts = null; try { // Call the Web service method "GetPlaceList". placeFacts = client.GetPlaceList(location, numResults, mustHaveImage); // If there are exactly 'numResults' results, they are probably truncated. if (placeFacts.Length == numResults) throw new Exception("The results have been truncated by the Web service and would not be complete. Please try a different query."); // Create Place objects from the PlaceFacts objects returned by the Web service. Place[] places = new Place[placeFacts.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < placeFacts.Length; i++) { places[i] = new Place( placeFacts[i].Place.City, placeFacts[i].Place.State, placeFacts[i].PlaceTypeId); } // Close the WCF client. client.Close(); return places; } catch (TimeoutException timeoutException) { client.Abort(); throw; } catch (System.ServiceModel.CommunicationException communicationException) { client.Abort(); throw; } } } }
This class contains the functionality that obtains data from the Web service. This code uses a type named TerraServiceSoapClient, which is auto-generated for the project by Windows Communication Foundation (WCF), to call the Web service method GetPlaceList. Then, each result is translated from the return type of the Web service method to the .NET type that the provider defines for the data.
This code contains two checks that enhance the usability of the provider library. The first check limits the maximum time that a client application will wait for a response by limiting the total number of calls that are made to the Web service, per query, to five. For each location that is specified in the client query, one Web service request is generated. Therefore, the provider throws an exception if the query contains more than five locations.
The second check determines whether the number of results returned by the Web service is equal to the maximum number of results that it can return. If the number of results is the maximum number, it is likely that the results from the Web service are truncated. Instead of returning an incomplete list to the client, the provider throws an exception.
Adding the Expression Tree Visitor Classes
To create the visitor that finds the innermost Where method call expression
Add the InnermostWhereFinder class, which inherits the ExpressionVisitor class, to your project.
Imports System.Linq.Expressions Class InnermostWhereFinder Inherits ExpressionVisitor Private innermostWhereExpression As MethodCallExpression Public Function GetInnermostWhere(ByVal expr As Expression) As MethodCallExpression Me.Visit(expr) Return innermostWhereExpression End Function Protected Overrides Function VisitMethodCall(ByVal expr As MethodCallExpression) As Expression If expr.Method.Name = "Where" Then innermostWhereExpression = expr End If Me.Visit(expr.Arguments(0)) Return expr End Function End Class
using System; using System.Linq.Expressions; namespace LinqToTerraServerProvider { internal class InnermostWhereFinder : ExpressionVisitor { private MethodCallExpression innermostWhereExpression; public MethodCallExpression GetInnermostWhere(Expression expression) { Visit(expression); return innermostWhereExpression; } protected override Expression VisitMethodCall(MethodCallExpression expression) { if (expression.Method.Name == "Where") innermostWhereExpression = expression; Visit(expression.Arguments[0]); return expression; } } }
This class inherits the base expression tree visitor class to perform the functionality of finding a specific expression. The base expression tree visitor class is designed to be inherited and specialized for a specific task that involves traversing an expression tree. The derived class overrides the VisitMethodCall method to seek out the expression that represents the innermost call to Where in the expression tree that represents the client query. This innermost expression is the expression that the provider extracts the search locations from.
Add using directives (Imports statements in Visual Basic) to the file for the following namespaces: System.Collections.Generic, System.Collections.ObjectModel and System.Linq.Expressions.
To create the visitor that extracts data to query the Web service
Add the LocationFinder class to your project.
Imports System.Linq.Expressions Imports ETH = LinqToTerraServerProvider.ExpressionTreeHelpers Friend Class LocationFinder Inherits ExpressionVisitor Private _expression As Expression Private _locations As List(Of String) Public Sub New(ByVal exp As Expression) Me._expression = exp End Sub Public ReadOnly Property Locations() As List(Of String) Get If _locations Is Nothing Then _locations = New List(Of String)() Me.Visit(Me._expression) End If Return Me._locations End Get End Property Protected Overrides Function VisitBinary(ByVal be As BinaryExpression) As Expression ' Handles Visual Basic String semantics. be = ETH.ConvertVBStringCompare(be) If be.NodeType = ExpressionType.Equal Then If (ETH.IsMemberEqualsValueExpression(be, GetType(Place), "Name")) Then _locations.Add(ETH.GetValueFromEqualsExpression(be, GetType(Place), "Name")) Return be ElseIf (ETH.IsMemberEqualsValueExpression(be, GetType(Place), "State")) Then _locations.Add(ETH.GetValueFromEqualsExpression(be, GetType(Place), "State")) Return be Else Return MyBase.VisitBinary(be) End If Else Return MyBase.VisitBinary(be) End If End Function End Class
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Linq.Expressions; namespace LinqToTerraServerProvider { internal class LocationFinder : ExpressionVisitor { private Expression expression; private List<string> locations; public LocationFinder(Expression exp) { this.expression = exp; } public List<string> Locations { get { if (locations == null) { locations = new List<string>(); this.Visit(this.expression); } return this.locations; } } protected override Expression VisitBinary(BinaryExpression be) { if (be.NodeType == ExpressionType.Equal) { if (ExpressionTreeHelpers.IsMemberEqualsValueExpression(be, typeof(Place), "Name")) { locations.Add(ExpressionTreeHelpers.GetValueFromEqualsExpression(be, typeof(Place), "Name")); return be; } else if (ExpressionTreeHelpers.IsMemberEqualsValueExpression(be, typeof(Place), "State")) { locations.Add(ExpressionTreeHelpers.GetValueFromEqualsExpression(be, typeof(Place), "State")); return be; } else return base.VisitBinary(be); } else return base.VisitBinary(be); } } }
This class is used to extract location information from the predicate that the client passes to Queryable.Where. It derives from the ExpressionVisitor class and overrides only the VisitBinary method.
The ExpressionVisitor class sends binary expressions, such as equality expressions like place.Name == "Seattle" (place.Name = "Seattle" in Visual Basic), to the VisitBinary method. In this overriding VisitBinary method, if the expression matches the equality expression pattern that can provide location information, that information is extracted and stored in a list of locations.
This class uses an expression tree visitor to find the location information in the expression tree because a visitor is designed for traversing and examining expression trees. The resulting code is neater and less error-prone than if it had been implemented without using the visitor.
At this stage of the walkthrough, your provider supports only limited ways of supplying location information in the query. Later in the topic, you will add functionality to enable more ways of supplying location information.
To create the visitor that modifies the expression tree
Add the ExpressionTreeModifier class to your project.
Imports System.Linq.Expressions Friend Class ExpressionTreeModifier Inherits ExpressionVisitor Private queryablePlaces As IQueryable(Of Place) Friend Sub New(ByVal places As IQueryable(Of Place)) Me.queryablePlaces = places End Sub Protected Overrides Function VisitConstant(ByVal c As ConstantExpression) As Expression ' Replace the constant QueryableTerraServerData arg with the queryable Place collection. If c.Type Is GetType(QueryableTerraServerData(Of Place)) Then Return Expression.Constant(Me.queryablePlaces) Else Return c End If End Function End Class
using System; using System.Linq; using System.Linq.Expressions; namespace LinqToTerraServerProvider { internal class ExpressionTreeModifier : ExpressionVisitor { private IQueryable<Place> queryablePlaces; internal ExpressionTreeModifier(IQueryable<Place> places) { this.queryablePlaces = places; } protected override Expression VisitConstant(ConstantExpression c) { // Replace the constant QueryableTerraServerData arg with the queryable Place collection. if (c.Type == typeof(QueryableTerraServerData<Place>)) return Expression.Constant(this.queryablePlaces); else return c; } } }
This class derives from the ExpressionVisitor class and overrides the VisitConstant method. In this method, it replaces the object that the innermost standard query operator call is applied to with a concrete list of Place objects.
This expression tree modifier class uses the expression tree visitor because the visitor is designed to traverse, examine, and copy expression trees. By deriving from the base expression tree visitor class, this class requires minimal code to perform its function.
Adding the Expression Evaluator
The predicate that is passed to the Queryable.Where method in the client query may contain sub-expressions that do not depend on the parameter of the lambda expression. These isolated sub-expressions can and should be evaluated immediately. They could be references to local variables or member variables that must be translated into values.
The next class exposes a method, PartialEval(Expression), that determines which, if any, of the sub-trees in the expression can be evaluated immediately. It then evaluates those expressions by creating a lambda expression, compiling it, and invoking the returned delegate. Finally, it replaces the sub-tree with a new node that represents a constant value. This is known as partial evaluation.
To add a class to perform partial evaluation of an expression tree
Add the Evaluator class to your project.
Imports System.Linq.Expressions Public Module Evaluator ''' <summary>Performs evaluation and replacement of independent sub-trees</summary> ''' <param name="expr">The root of the expression tree.</param> ''' <param name="fnCanBeEvaluated">A function that decides whether a given expression node can be part of the local function.</param> ''' <returns>A new tree with sub-trees evaluated and replaced.</returns> Public Function PartialEval( ByVal expr As Expression, ByVal fnCanBeEvaluated As Func(Of Expression, Boolean) ) As Expression Return New SubtreeEvaluator(New Nominator(fnCanBeEvaluated).Nominate(expr)).Eval(expr) End Function ''' <summary> ''' Performs evaluation and replacement of independent sub-trees ''' </summary> ''' <param name="expression">The root of the expression tree.</param> ''' <returns>A new tree with sub-trees evaluated and replaced.</returns> Public Function PartialEval(ByVal expression As Expression) As Expression Return PartialEval(expression, AddressOf Evaluator.CanBeEvaluatedLocally) End Function Private Function CanBeEvaluatedLocally(ByVal expression As Expression) As Boolean Return expression.NodeType <> ExpressionType.Parameter End Function ''' <summary> ''' Evaluates and replaces sub-trees when first candidate is reached (top-down) ''' </summary> Class SubtreeEvaluator Inherits ExpressionVisitor Private candidates As HashSet(Of Expression) Friend Sub New(ByVal candidates As HashSet(Of Expression)) Me.candidates = candidates End Sub Friend Function Eval(ByVal exp As Expression) As Expression Return Me.Visit(exp) End Function Public Overrides Function Visit(ByVal exp As Expression) As Expression If exp Is Nothing Then Return Nothing ElseIf Me.candidates.Contains(exp) Then Return Me.Evaluate(exp) End If Return MyBase.Visit(exp) End Function Private Function Evaluate(ByVal e As Expression) As Expression If e.NodeType = ExpressionType.Constant Then Return e End If Dim lambda = Expression.Lambda(e) Dim fn As [Delegate] = lambda.Compile() Return Expression.Constant(fn.DynamicInvoke(Nothing), e.Type) End Function End Class ''' <summary> ''' Performs bottom-up analysis to determine which nodes can possibly ''' be part of an evaluated sub-tree. ''' </summary> Class Nominator Inherits ExpressionVisitor Private fnCanBeEvaluated As Func(Of Expression, Boolean) Private candidates As HashSet(Of Expression) Private cannotBeEvaluated As Boolean Friend Sub New(ByVal fnCanBeEvaluated As Func(Of Expression, Boolean)) Me.fnCanBeEvaluated = fnCanBeEvaluated End Sub Friend Function Nominate(ByVal expr As Expression) As HashSet(Of Expression) Me.candidates = New HashSet(Of Expression)() Me.Visit(expr) Return Me.candidates End Function Public Overrides Function Visit(ByVal expr As Expression) As Expression If expr IsNot Nothing Then Dim saveCannotBeEvaluated = Me.cannotBeEvaluated Me.cannotBeEvaluated = False MyBase.Visit(expr) If Not Me.cannotBeEvaluated Then If Me.fnCanBeEvaluated(expr) Then Me.candidates.Add(expr) Else Me.cannotBeEvaluated = True End If End If Me.cannotBeEvaluated = Me.cannotBeEvaluated Or saveCannotBeEvaluated End If Return expr End Function End Class End Module
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq.Expressions; namespace LinqToTerraServerProvider { public static class Evaluator { /// <summary> /// Performs evaluation & replacement of independent sub-trees /// </summary> /// <param name="expression">The root of the expression tree.</param> /// <param name="fnCanBeEvaluated">A function that decides whether a given expression node can be part of the local function.</param> /// <returns>A new tree with sub-trees evaluated and replaced.</returns> public static Expression PartialEval(Expression expression, Func<Expression, bool> fnCanBeEvaluated) { return new SubtreeEvaluator(new Nominator(fnCanBeEvaluated).Nominate(expression)).Eval(expression); } /// <summary> /// Performs evaluation & replacement of independent sub-trees /// </summary> /// <param name="expression">The root of the expression tree.</param> /// <returns>A new tree with sub-trees evaluated and replaced.</returns> public static Expression PartialEval(Expression expression) { return PartialEval(expression, Evaluator.CanBeEvaluatedLocally); } private static bool CanBeEvaluatedLocally(Expression expression) { return expression.NodeType != ExpressionType.Parameter; } /// <summary> /// Evaluates & replaces sub-trees when first candidate is reached (top-down) /// </summary> class SubtreeEvaluator : ExpressionVisitor { HashSet<Expression> candidates; internal SubtreeEvaluator(HashSet<Expression> candidates) { this.candidates = candidates; } internal Expression Eval(Expression exp) { return this.Visit(exp); } public override Expression Visit(Expression exp) { if (exp == null) { return null; } if (this.candidates.Contains(exp)) { return this.Evaluate(exp); } return base.Visit(exp); } private Expression Evaluate(Expression e) { if (e.NodeType == ExpressionType.Constant) { return e; } LambdaExpression lambda = Expression.Lambda(e); Delegate fn = lambda.Compile(); return Expression.Constant(fn.DynamicInvoke(null), e.Type); } } /// <summary> /// Performs bottom-up analysis to determine which nodes can possibly /// be part of an evaluated sub-tree. /// </summary> class Nominator : ExpressionVisitor { Func<Expression, bool> fnCanBeEvaluated; HashSet<Expression> candidates; bool cannotBeEvaluated; internal Nominator(Func<Expression, bool> fnCanBeEvaluated) { this.fnCanBeEvaluated = fnCanBeEvaluated; } internal HashSet<Expression> Nominate(Expression expression) { this.candidates = new HashSet<Expression>(); this.Visit(expression); return this.candidates; } public override Expression Visit(Expression expression) { if (expression != null) { bool saveCannotBeEvaluated = this.cannotBeEvaluated; this.cannotBeEvaluated = false; base.Visit(expression); if (!this.cannotBeEvaluated) { if (this.fnCanBeEvaluated(expression)) { this.candidates.Add(expression); } else { this.cannotBeEvaluated = true; } } this.cannotBeEvaluated |= saveCannotBeEvaluated; } return expression; } } } }
Adding the Helper Classes
This section contains code for three helper classes for your provider.
To add the helper class that is used by the System.Linq.IQueryProvider implementation
Add the TypeSystem class (or module in Visual Basic) to your project.
Imports System.Collections.Generic Friend Module TypeSystem Friend Function GetElementType(ByVal seqType As Type) As Type Dim ienum As Type = FindIEnumerable(seqType) If ienum Is Nothing Then Return seqType End If Return ienum.GetGenericArguments()(0) End Function Private Function FindIEnumerable(ByVal seqType As Type) As Type If seqType Is Nothing Or seqType Is GetType(String) Then Return Nothing End If If (seqType.IsArray) Then Return GetType(IEnumerable(Of )).MakeGenericType(seqType.GetElementType()) End If If (seqType.IsGenericType) Then For Each arg As Type In seqType.GetGenericArguments() Dim ienum As Type = GetType(IEnumerable(Of )).MakeGenericType(arg) If (ienum.IsAssignableFrom(seqType)) Then Return ienum End If Next End If Dim ifaces As Type() = seqType.GetInterfaces() If ifaces IsNot Nothing And ifaces.Length > 0 Then For Each iface As Type In ifaces Dim ienum As Type = FindIEnumerable(iface) If (ienum IsNot Nothing) Then Return ienum End If Next End If If seqType.BaseType IsNot Nothing AndAlso seqType.BaseType IsNot GetType(Object) Then Return FindIEnumerable(seqType.BaseType) End If Return Nothing End Function End Module
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; namespace LinqToTerraServerProvider { internal static class TypeSystem { internal static Type GetElementType(Type seqType) { Type ienum = FindIEnumerable(seqType); if (ienum == null) return seqType; return ienum.GetGenericArguments()[0]; } private static Type FindIEnumerable(Type seqType) { if (seqType == null || seqType == typeof(string)) return null; if (seqType.IsArray) return typeof(IEnumerable<>).MakeGenericType(seqType.GetElementType()); if (seqType.IsGenericType) { foreach (Type arg in seqType.GetGenericArguments()) { Type ienum = typeof(IEnumerable<>).MakeGenericType(arg); if (ienum.IsAssignableFrom(seqType)) { return ienum; } } } Type[] ifaces = seqType.GetInterfaces(); if (ifaces != null && ifaces.Length > 0) { foreach (Type iface in ifaces) { Type ienum = FindIEnumerable(iface); if (ienum != null) return ienum; } } if (seqType.BaseType != null && seqType.BaseType != typeof(object)) { return FindIEnumerable(seqType.BaseType); } return null; } } }
The IQueryProvider implementation that you added previously uses this helper class.
TypeSystem.GetElementType uses reflection to obtain the generic type argument of an IEnumerable<T> (IEnumerable(Of T) in Visual Basic) collection. This method is called from the non-generic CreateQuery method in the query provider implementation to supply the element type of the query result collection.
This helper class is not specific to this TerraServer-USA Web service provider. Therefore, it can be reused for any LINQ provider.
To create an expression tree helper class
Add the ExpressionTreeHelpers class to your project.
Imports System.Linq.Expressions Friend Class ExpressionTreeHelpers ' Visual Basic encodes string comparisons as a method call to ' Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.Operators.CompareString. ' This method will convert the method call into a binary operation instead. ' Note that this makes the string comparison case sensitive. Friend Shared Function ConvertVBStringCompare(ByVal exp As BinaryExpression) As BinaryExpression If exp.Left.NodeType = ExpressionType.Call Then Dim compareStringCall = CType(exp.Left, MethodCallExpression) If compareStringCall.Method.DeclaringType.FullName = "Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.Operators" AndAlso compareStringCall.Method.Name = "CompareString" Then Dim arg1 = compareStringCall.Arguments(0) Dim arg2 = compareStringCall.Arguments(1) Select Case exp.NodeType Case ExpressionType.LessThan Return Expression.LessThan(arg1, arg2) Case ExpressionType.LessThanOrEqual Return Expression.GreaterThan(arg1, arg2) Case ExpressionType.GreaterThan Return Expression.GreaterThan(arg1, arg2) Case ExpressionType.GreaterThanOrEqual Return Expression.GreaterThanOrEqual(arg1, arg2) Case Else Return Expression.Equal(arg1, arg2) End Select End If End If Return exp End Function Friend Shared Function IsMemberEqualsValueExpression( ByVal exp As Expression, ByVal declaringType As Type, ByVal memberName As String) As Boolean If exp.NodeType <> ExpressionType.Equal Then Return False End If Dim be = CType(exp, BinaryExpression) ' Assert. If IsSpecificMemberExpression(be.Left, declaringType, memberName) AndAlso IsSpecificMemberExpression(be.Right, declaringType, memberName) Then Throw New Exception("Cannot have 'member' = 'member' in an expression!") End If Return IsSpecificMemberExpression(be.Left, declaringType, memberName) OrElse IsSpecificMemberExpression(be.Right, declaringType, memberName) End Function Friend Shared Function IsSpecificMemberExpression( ByVal exp As Expression, ByVal declaringType As Type, ByVal memberName As String) As Boolean Return (TypeOf exp Is MemberExpression) AndAlso (CType(exp, MemberExpression).Member.DeclaringType Is declaringType) AndAlso (CType(exp, MemberExpression).Member.Name = memberName) End Function Friend Shared Function GetValueFromEqualsExpression( ByVal be As BinaryExpression, ByVal memberDeclaringType As Type, ByVal memberName As String) As String If be.NodeType <> ExpressionType.Equal Then Throw New Exception("There is a bug in this program.") End If If be.Left.NodeType = ExpressionType.MemberAccess Then Dim mEx = CType(be.Left, MemberExpression) If mEx.Member.DeclaringType Is memberDeclaringType AndAlso mEx.Member.Name = memberName Then Return GetValueFromExpression(be.Right) End If ElseIf be.Right.NodeType = ExpressionType.MemberAccess Then Dim mEx = CType(be.Right, MemberExpression) If mEx.Member.DeclaringType Is memberDeclaringType AndAlso mEx.Member.Name = memberName Then Return GetValueFromExpression(be.Left) End If End If ' We should have returned by now. Throw New Exception("There is a bug in this program.") End Function Friend Shared Function GetValueFromExpression(ByVal expr As expression) As String If expr.NodeType = ExpressionType.Constant Then Return CStr(CType(expr, ConstantExpression).Value) Else Dim s = "The expression type {0} is not supported to obtain a value." Throw New InvalidQueryException(String.Format(s, expr.NodeType)) End If End Function End Class
using System; using System.Linq.Expressions; namespace LinqToTerraServerProvider { internal class ExpressionTreeHelpers { internal static bool IsMemberEqualsValueExpression(Expression exp, Type declaringType, string memberName) { if (exp.NodeType != ExpressionType.Equal) return false; BinaryExpression be = (BinaryExpression)exp; // Assert. if (ExpressionTreeHelpers.IsSpecificMemberExpression(be.Left, declaringType, memberName) && ExpressionTreeHelpers.IsSpecificMemberExpression(be.Right, declaringType, memberName)) throw new Exception("Cannot have 'member' == 'member' in an expression!"); return (ExpressionTreeHelpers.IsSpecificMemberExpression(be.Left, declaringType, memberName) || ExpressionTreeHelpers.IsSpecificMemberExpression(be.Right, declaringType, memberName)); } internal static bool IsSpecificMemberExpression(Expression exp, Type declaringType, string memberName) { return ((exp is MemberExpression) && (((MemberExpression)exp).Member.DeclaringType == declaringType) && (((MemberExpression)exp).Member.Name == memberName)); } internal static string GetValueFromEqualsExpression(BinaryExpression be, Type memberDeclaringType, string memberName) { if (be.NodeType != ExpressionType.Equal) throw new Exception("There is a bug in this program."); if (be.Left.NodeType == ExpressionType.MemberAccess) { MemberExpression me = (MemberExpression)be.Left; if (me.Member.DeclaringType == memberDeclaringType && me.Member.Name == memberName) { return GetValueFromExpression(be.Right); } } else if (be.Right.NodeType == ExpressionType.MemberAccess) { MemberExpression me = (MemberExpression)be.Right; if (me.Member.DeclaringType == memberDeclaringType && me.Member.Name == memberName) { return GetValueFromExpression(be.Left); } } // We should have returned by now. throw new Exception("There is a bug in this program."); } internal static string GetValueFromExpression(Expression expression) { if (expression.NodeType == ExpressionType.Constant) return (string)(((ConstantExpression)expression).Value); else throw new InvalidQueryException( String.Format("The expression type {0} is not supported to obtain a value.", expression.NodeType)); } } }
This class contains methods that can be used to determine information about and extract data from specific types of expression trees. In this provider, these methods are used by the LocationFinder class to extract location information from the expression tree that represents the query.
To add an exception type for invalid queries
Add the InvalidQueryException class to your project.
Public Class InvalidQueryException Inherits Exception Private _message As String Public Sub New(ByVal message As String) Me._message = message & " " End Sub Public Overrides ReadOnly Property Message() As String Get Return "The client query is invalid: " & _message End Get End Property End Class
using System; namespace LinqToTerraServerProvider { class InvalidQueryException : System.Exception { private string message; public InvalidQueryException(string message) { this.message = message + " "; } public override string Message { get { return "The client query is invalid: " + message; } } } }
This class defines an Exception type that your provider can throw when it does not understand the LINQ query from the client. By defining this invalid query exception type, the provider can throw a more specific exception than just Exception from various places in the code.
You have now added all the pieces that are required to compile your provider. Build the LinqToTerraServerProvider project and verify that there are no compile errors.
Testing the LINQ Provider
You can test your LINQ provider by creating a client application that contains a LINQ query against your data source.
To create a client application to test your provider
Add a new Console Application project to your solution and name it ClientApp.
In the new project, add a reference to the provider assembly.
Drag the app.config file from your provider project to the client project. (This file is necessary for communicating with the Web service.)
In Visual Basic, you may have to click the Show All Files button to see the app.config file in Solution Explorer.
Add the following using statements (Imports statement in Visual Basic) to the Program.cs (or Module1.vb in Visual Basic) file:
using System; using System.Linq; using LinqToTerraServerProvider;
Imports LinqToTerraServerProvider
In the Main method in the file Program.cs (or Module1.vb in Visual Basic), insert the following code:
QueryableTerraServerData<Place> terraPlaces = new QueryableTerraServerData<Place>(); var query = from place in terraPlaces where place.Name == "Johannesburg" select place.PlaceType; foreach (PlaceType placeType in query) Console.WriteLine(placeType);
Dim terraPlaces As New QueryableTerraServerData(Of Place) Dim query = From place In terraPlaces Where place.Name = "Johannesburg" Select place.PlaceType For Each placeType In query Console.WriteLine(placeType.ToString()) Next
This code creates a new instance of the IQueryable<T> type that you defined in your provider, and then queries that object by using LINQ. The query specifies a location to obtain data on by using an equality expression. Because the data source implements IQueryable, the compiler translates the query expression syntax into calls to the standard query operators defined in Queryable. Internally, these standard query operator methods build an expression tree and call the Execute or CreateQuery methods that you implemented as part of your IQueryProvider implementation.
Build ClientApp.
Set this client application as the "StartUp" project for your solution. In Solution Explorer, right-click the ClientApp project and select Set as StartUp Project.
Run the program and view the results. There should be approximately three results.
Adding More Complex Query Capabilities
The provider that you have to this point provides a very limited way for clients to specify location information in the LINQ query. Specifically, the provider is only able to obtain location information from equality expressions such as Place.Name == "Seattle" or Place.State == "Alaska" (Place.Name = "Seattle" or Place.State = "Alaska" in Visual Basic).
The next procedure shows you how to add support for an additional way of specifying location information. When you have added this code, your provider will be able to extract location information from method call expressions such as place.Name.StartsWith("Seat").
To add support for predicates that contain String.StartsWith
In the LinqToTerraServerProvider project, add the VisitMethodCall method to the LocationFinder class definition.
Protected Overrides Function VisitMethodCall(ByVal m As MethodCallExpression) As Expression If m.Method.DeclaringType Is GetType(String) And m.Method.Name = "StartsWith" Then If ETH.IsSpecificMemberExpression(m.Object, GetType(Place), "Name") OrElse ETH.IsSpecificMemberExpression(m.Object, GetType(Place), "State") Then _locations.Add(ETH.GetValueFromExpression(m.Arguments(0))) Return m End If End If Return MyBase.VisitMethodCall(m) End Function
protected override Expression VisitMethodCall(MethodCallExpression m) { if (m.Method.DeclaringType == typeof(String) && m.Method.Name == "StartsWith") { if (ExpressionTreeHelpers.IsSpecificMemberExpression(m.Object, typeof(Place), "Name") || ExpressionTreeHelpers.IsSpecificMemberExpression(m.Object, typeof(Place), "State")) { locations.Add(ExpressionTreeHelpers.GetValueFromExpression(m.Arguments[0])); return m; } } return base.VisitMethodCall(m); }
Recompile the LinqToTerraServerProvider project.
To test the new capability of your provider, open the file Program.cs (or Module1.vb in Visual Basic) in the ClientApp project. Replace the code in the Main method with the following code:
QueryableTerraServerData<Place> terraPlaces = new QueryableTerraServerData<Place>(); var query = from place in terraPlaces where place.Name.StartsWith("Lond") select new { place.Name, place.State }; foreach (var obj in query) Console.WriteLine(obj);
Dim terraPlaces As New QueryableTerraServerData(Of Place) Dim query = From place In terraPlaces Where place.Name.StartsWith("Lond") Select place.Name, place.State For Each obj In query Console.WriteLine(obj) Next
Run the program and view the results. There should be approximately 29 results.
The next procedure shows you how to add functionality to your provider to enable the client query to specify location information by using two additional methods, specifically Enumerable.Contains and List<T>.Contains. When you have added this code, your provider will be able to extract location information from method call expressions in the client query such as placeList.Contains(place.Name), where the placeList collection is a concrete list supplied by the client. The advantage of letting clients use the Contains method is that they can specify any number of locations just by adding them to placeList. Varying the number of locations does not change the syntax of the query.
To add support for queries that have the Contains method in their 'where' clause
In the LinqToTerraServerProvider project, in the LocationFinder class definition, replace the VisitMethodCall method with the following code:
Protected Overrides Function VisitMethodCall(ByVal m As MethodCallExpression) As Expression If m.Method.DeclaringType Is GetType(String) And m.Method.Name = "StartsWith" Then If ETH.IsSpecificMemberExpression(m.Object, GetType(Place), "Name") OrElse ETH.IsSpecificMemberExpression(m.Object, GetType(Place), "State") Then _locations.Add(ETH.GetValueFromExpression(m.Arguments(0))) Return m End If ElseIf m.Method.Name = "Contains" Then Dim valuesExpression As Expression = Nothing If m.Method.DeclaringType Is GetType(Enumerable) Then If ETH.IsSpecificMemberExpression(m.Arguments(1), GetType(Place), "Name") OrElse ETH.IsSpecificMemberExpression(m.Arguments(1), GetType(Place), "State") Then valuesExpression = m.Arguments(0) End If ElseIf m.Method.DeclaringType Is GetType(List(Of String)) Then If ETH.IsSpecificMemberExpression(m.Arguments(0), GetType(Place), "Name") OrElse ETH.IsSpecificMemberExpression(m.Arguments(0), GetType(Place), "State") Then valuesExpression = m.Object End If End If If valuesExpression Is Nothing OrElse valuesExpression.NodeType <> ExpressionType.Constant Then Throw New Exception("Could not find the location values.") End If Dim ce = CType(valuesExpression, ConstantExpression) Dim placeStrings = CType(ce.Value, IEnumerable(Of String)) ' Add each string in the collection to the list of locations to obtain data about. For Each place In placeStrings _locations.Add(place) Next Return m End If Return MyBase.VisitMethodCall(m) End Function
protected override Expression VisitMethodCall(MethodCallExpression m) { if (m.Method.DeclaringType == typeof(String) && m.Method.Name == "StartsWith") { if (ExpressionTreeHelpers.IsSpecificMemberExpression(m.Object, typeof(Place), "Name") || ExpressionTreeHelpers.IsSpecificMemberExpression(m.Object, typeof(Place), "State")) { locations.Add(ExpressionTreeHelpers.GetValueFromExpression(m.Arguments[0])); return m; } } else if (m.Method.Name == "Contains") { Expression valuesExpression = null; if (m.Method.DeclaringType == typeof(Enumerable)) { if (ExpressionTreeHelpers.IsSpecificMemberExpression(m.Arguments[1], typeof(Place), "Name") || ExpressionTreeHelpers.IsSpecificMemberExpression(m.Arguments[1], typeof(Place), "State")) { valuesExpression = m.Arguments[0]; } } else if (m.Method.DeclaringType == typeof(List<string>)) { if (ExpressionTreeHelpers.IsSpecificMemberExpression(m.Arguments[0], typeof(Place), "Name") || ExpressionTreeHelpers.IsSpecificMemberExpression(m.Arguments[0], typeof(Place), "State")) { valuesExpression = m.Object; } } if (valuesExpression == null || valuesExpression.NodeType != ExpressionType.Constant) throw new Exception("Could not find the location values."); ConstantExpression ce = (ConstantExpression)valuesExpression; IEnumerable<string> placeStrings = (IEnumerable<string>)ce.Value; // Add each string in the collection to the list of locations to obtain data about. foreach (string place in placeStrings) locations.Add(place); return m; } return base.VisitMethodCall(m); }
This method adds each string in the collection that Contains is applied to, to the list of locations to query the Web service with. A method named Contains is defined in both Enumerable and List<T>. Therefore, the VisitMethodCall method must check for both of these declaring types. Enumerable.Contains is defined as an extension method; therefore the collection it is applied to is actually the first argument to the method. List.Contains is defined as an instance method; therefore the collection it is applied to is the receiving object of the method.
Recompile the LinqToTerraServerProvider project.
To test the new capability of your provider, open the file Program.cs (or Module1.vb in Visual Basic) in the ClientApp project. Replace the code in the Main method with the following code:
QueryableTerraServerData<Place> terraPlaces = new QueryableTerraServerData<Place>(); string[] places = { "Johannesburg", "Yachats", "Seattle" }; var query = from place in terraPlaces where places.Contains(place.Name) orderby place.State select new { place.Name, place.State }; foreach (var obj in query) Console.WriteLine(obj);
Dim terraPlaces As New QueryableTerraServerData(Of Place) Dim places = New String() {"Johannesburg", "Yachats", "Seattle"} Dim query = From place In terraPlaces Where places.Contains(place.Name) Order By place.State Select place.Name, place.State For Each obj In query Console.WriteLine(obj) Next
Run the program and view the results. There should be approximately 5 results.
Next Steps
This walkthrough topic showed you how to create a LINQ provider for one method of a Web service. If you want to pursue additional development of a LINQ provider, consider these possibilities:
Enable the LINQ provider to handle other ways of specifying a location in the client query.
Investigate the other methods that the TerraServer-USA Web service exposes, and create a LINQ provider that interfaces with one of those methods.
Find a different Web service that you are interested in, and create a LINQ provider for it.
Create a LINQ provider for a data source other than a Web service.
For more information about how to create your own LINQ provider, see LINQ: Building an IQueryable Provider on MSDN Blogs.
See Also
How to: Modify Expression Trees (C# and Visual Basic)
Enabling a Data Source for LINQ Querying
Windows Communication Foundation Services and WCF Data Services in Visual Studio