The framework calls this member for window with the focus when the user chooses a new input language.
afx_msg void OnInputLangChangeRequest(
UINT nFlags,
UINT nLocaleId
Parameter |
Description |
[in] nFlags |
A bitwise (OR) combination of flags that indicate the new locale was selected from the previous or next locale in the installed list of locales, or that the new input locale's keyboard layout can be used with the system character set. The possible values are INPUTLANGCHANGE_BACKWARD, INPUTLANGCHANGE_FORWARD, and INPUTLANGCHANGE_SYSCHARSET. |
[in] nLocaleId |
The input locale identifier. For more information, see Language Identifier Constants and Strings. |
This method receives the WM_INPUTLANGCHANGEREQUEST notification message, which is described in the Windows SDK. This message is posted when the user chooses a new input language with either a hotkey that is specified in the keyboard control panel application, or from the indicator on the system taskbar.
This member function is called by the framework to allow your application to handle a Windows message. The parameters passed to your function reflect the parameters received by the framework when the message was received. If you call the base-class implementation of this function, that implementation will use the parameters originally passed with the message and not the parameters you supply to the function.
Header: afxwin.h
This method is supported in Windows Vista and later.
Additional requirements for this method are described in Build Requirements for Windows Vista Common Controls.
See Also
Language Identifier Constants and Strings