.gif) |
AmbientFontService |
Provides access to the default font used by designers in Visual Studio. |
.gif) |
ClassViewImages |
Represents an image list used by Class View, Model Explorer, and IntelliSense. |
.gif) |
ClassViewNavigationInfo |
Represents information about each element that can appear in the diagram. Information about each element is displayed as a node in the Class View window. |
.gif) |
ClipboardCommandSet |
Represents a subset of the commands that are available in menus in a domain-specific language. Override methods in YourLanguageClipboardCommandSet to modify how these commands are processed. |
.gif) |
CommandContextBoundMenuCommand |
Represents a menu command that is bound to a specific UI context. |
.gif) |
CommandContextChangedEventArgs |
EventArgs capturing information about a command context change event. |
.gif) |
CommandSet |
Represents a subset of the commands that are available in the menus of a domain-specific language. Override methods in YourLanguageCommandSet to modify how these commands are processed. |
.gif) |
CommandSetLibrary |
Base class for CommandSet and ClipboardCommandSet. Provides access to current selection, diagram, windows and services. |
.gif) |
CommonModelingCommands |
Defines the command IDs of the shared commands in the Domain-Specific Language Designer. |
.gif) |
ContainerBase |
Applies styles to the base tool window and performs common operations, such as setting up borders and watermarks. |
.gif) |
CurrentSelectionPusher |
Class to expose the current selection from a set of WinForms Currency Manager Providers or WPF Content Controls to the Visual Studio properties window |
.gif) |
DiagramDocView |
Represents a diagram view in the Domain-Specific Language Designer or generated designer. |
.gif) |
DiagramExporter |
Exports diagrams from the Domain-Specific Language Designer as images. |
.gif) |
DialogBase |
Represents the base class for a dialog box that is hosted in the shell. |
.gif) |
DocData |
When overridden in a derived class, represents a document in memory. |
.gif) |
DocumentSavedEventArgs |
EventArgs class to carry data about a file save operation |
.gif) |
DslModelExplorerFilter |
A filter for use with ElementWalkers. |
.gif) |
DynamicStatusMenuCommand |
Reduces merge conflicts during server integrations when you invoke a menu command. |
.gif) |
ElementTreeNode |
Abstract class of ExplorerTreeNodes that represent ModelElements |
.gif) |
ErrorListObserver |
ErrorListObserver monitors changes after VsValidationController finishes the validation. It reports the error/warning/message in the VS ErrorList and Output window. |
.gif) |
ExplorerElementVisitor |
Represents a visiting function, also known as an element visitor, which traverses the in-memory store (IMS) model and adds nodes to the navigation tree for Model Explorer. |
.gif) |
ExplorerTreeNode |
Represents a node in the Model Explorer tree view. |
.gif) |
ExportErrorEventArgs |
Represents the arguments for the ExportErrorEventArgs class. |
.gif) |
FileCancelException |
Represents the exception that is thrown if a problem occurs when a user cancels a save operation. |
.gif) |
LinkedTransaction |
Manages the opening and closing of a globally linked transaction and any in-memory store (IMS) transactions that are in the linked transaction. |
.gif) |
ModelElementLocator |
Helper class for working with model element references. |
.gif) |
ModelElementTreeNode |
Represents a node for an element in the navigation tree for Model Explorer. |
.gif) |
ModelExplorerToolWindow |
Represents the tool window, which hosts Model Explorer. |
.gif) |
ModelExplorerTreeContainer |
Represents Model Explorer, which contains a tree view in alphabetical order of all elements in a model. |
.gif) |
ModelingBindingSourceToolboxItem |
ToolboxItem for ModelingBindingSource class |
.gif) |
ModelingCompositionContainer |
Simple class to provide access to the Composition Container that should be used by modeling assets and their extensions |
.gif) |
ModelingDocData |
Represents a document in the Store. |
.gif) |
ModelingDocStore |
Represents a model's in-memory elements and links. |
.gif) |
ModelingDocView |
Represents a document window in the Domain-Specific Language Designer or generated designer. |
.gif) |
ModelingEditorFactory |
Provides support for the modeling editor factory, which enables the Visual Studio shell to obtain an editor for a specific file type. |
.gif) |
ModelingErrorListItem |
Represents an item that can be handled in ModelingErrorListProvider. |
.gif) |
ModelingErrorListProvider |
ModelingErrorListProvider provides a way for ModelingdocData to report error/warning messages to VS Error List window. |
.gif) |
ModelingPackage |
When overridden in a derived class, represents the VSPackage for the Domain-Specific Language Designer. |
.gif) |
ModelingPartitionMapper |
Determines the partition for a particular model element or class. |
.gif) |
ModelingPartitionMapper.PartitionMappings |
Cache of partition mappings for use during the duration of a mapping operation. Records the model and diagram partitions, and a cache of partition mappings by domain class id. |
.gif) |
ModelingSchemaResolver |
An implementation of ISchemaResolver that resolves schema target namespace to a collection of schemas that define the namespace. |
.gif) |
ModelingWindowPane |
Provides selection service and selection event notification for both tool windows and document views. |
.gif) |
MonitorSelectionEventArgs |
Represents arguments for the monitor selection service. |
.gif) |
NavigateToModelExplorerTreeNodeCommand |
Validation navigation command that navigates to the model explorer window. |
.gif) |
NavigateToShapesOnDiagramCommand |
.gif) |
PackageUtility |
.gif) |
ProvideBindingPathAttribute |
This attribute allows the assemblies in your Visual Studio Package or Extension to be used by other packages and extensions. It adds the directory where your package is installed to the Visual Studio probing list, which is used to resolve assembly references. |
.gif) |
ProvideCommandLineSwitchAttribute |
Provides registry entries for a command-line switch. |
.gif) |
ProvideRelatedFileAttribute |
Attribute class to provide the registry entries for asking the shell to manage the relationship between a nested file and its parent in the solution explorer |
.gif) |
ProvideXmlEditorChooserBlockSxSWithXmlEditorAttribute |
Used to indicate that a custom XML designer should not allow SxS editing with the standard text-based XML editor. |
.gif) |
ProvideXmlEditorChooserDesignerViewAttribute |
Used to provide registration information to the XML Chooser for a custom XML designer. |
.gif) |
RegisterAdditionalEditorExtensionAttribute |
Attribute class to provide a way to add extra file extension handling to existing editors without altering anything else |
.gif) |
RegisterAsDslToolsEditorAttribute |
This attribute is used to tag a DSL Tools Designer that has been created with the Designer Wizard. It enables the Designer Wizard to advise against re-using file extensions handled by other non-DSLTools designers, and enables it to remove old DSL designers without removing other packages that handle the same file extension. |
.gif) |
RoleGroupTreeNode |
Represents the node that contains the child roles for a parent role in the navigation tree for Model Explorer. |
.gif) |
RoleTreeNode |
Model explorer node displayed that displays a relationship with Cardinality of One. |
.gif) |
SerializationErrorListItem |
This class translate a SerializationMessage into a VS Error List window task. |
.gif) |
ShellUtility |
Utility methods for searching solutions and the RDT. |
.gif) |
SimpleErrorListItem |
Subclass to allow simple text messages to be added to the error window. |
.gif) |
SingleDiagramDocView |
When overridden in a derived class, displays a single diagram in a document view. |
.gif) |
SubordinateDocData |
DocData object that represents a subordinate file in memory (represented as a child project item in the Solution Explorer). |
.gif) |
SubordinateDocumentLockHolder |
Manages an edit lock on a subordinate file in the running documents table. |
.gif) |
SubordinateFileHelper |
Helper methods for managing subordinate files (files that appear nested within project items in the solution explorer). |
.gif) |
TaskMenuCommand |
Represents a menu command entry on the context menu for a validation item in the error list. |
.gif) |
TaskValidationMessage |
Represents a validation error, warning, or information message. |
.gif) |
ToolWindow |
When overridden by a derived class, represents a tool window in the generated designer for a domain-specific language. |
.gif) |
UndoManager |
Helper class which wraps the Visual Studio shell's undo manager. |
.gif) |
UndoUnit |
Wrapper for Modeling transactions so they can be used by the shell's IOleUndoManager interface. |
.gif) |
UserActionEventArgs |
Event args for passing the information back to the user. |
.gif) |
ValidationMessageCommandIds |
CommandIDs for the Application Designer package. |
.gif) |
ValidationTask |
Validation task. |
.gif) |
ValidationTaskProvider |
.gif) |
VSDiagramView |
Represents the diagram view that Visual Studio hosts. |
.gif) |
VSDiagramViewSite |
Used to site the design surface control. Provides access to shell services. |
.gif) |
VsValidationContext |
Context specific to the VS Shell. It derives from ValidationContext. |
.gif) |
VsValidationController |
VS model validation controller. |
.gif) |
WaitCursor |
Displays the Wait cursor while an instance exists, and restores the original cursor when it is disposed. |