Thread.Parent – vlastnost
Bezprostřední nadřízený objekt dostane Thread objektu.
Obor názvů: EnvDTE
Sestavení: EnvDTE (v EnvDTE.dll)
ReadOnly Property Parent As Debugger
Debugger Parent { get; }
property Debugger^ Parent {
Debugger^ get ();
abstract Parent : Debugger
function get Parent () : Debugger
Hodnota vlastnosti
Typ: EnvDTE.Debugger
A Debugger objektu.
Parent Vrátí vlastnost bezprostředně nadřízeném Thread objektu. Získejte kolekci obsahující použijte Collection vlastnost.
Následující příklad demonstruje použití Parent vlastnost.
Tato vlastnost test
Nastavte bod přerušení uvnitř pracovník metody zpětného volání podprocesu.
Cílová aplikace spouštět v režimu ladění.
Doplněk spusťte po ukončení aplikace na bod přerušení.
public static void TestThreadProperties(DTE dte)
// Setup debug Output window.
Window w = (Window)dte.Windows.Item(EnvDTE.Constants.vsWindowKindOutput);
w.Visible = true;
OutputWindow ow = (OutputWindow)w.Object;
OutputWindowPane owp = ow.OutputWindowPanes.Add("Thread Test");
EnvDTE.Threads threads = dte.Debugger.CurrentProgram.Threads;
owp.OutputString("\nNumber of items in the Thread collection: " +
threads.Item(1).Collection.Count + "\n");
foreach(EnvDTE.Thread thread in threads)
owp.OutputString("\nThread: " + thread.ID + " Name: " + thread.Name);
owp.OutputString("\n Edition of the environment : " + thread.DTE.Edition);
owp.OutputString("\n Is alive : " + thread.IsAlive);
owp.OutputString("\n Is frozen : " + thread.IsFrozen);
owp.OutputString("\n Location : " + thread.Location);
owp.OutputString("\n Parent's current mode : " + thread.Parent.CurrentMode);
owp.OutputString("\n Priority : " + thread.Priority);
owp.OutputString("\n Program name : " + thread.Program.Name);
owp.OutputString("\n Number of stack frames : " + thread.StackFrames.Count);
owp.OutputString("\n Suspended number of times : " + thread.SuspendCount);
Shared Sub ThreadProperties(ByRef dte As EnvDTE.DTE)
Dim str As String
Dim threads As EnvDTE.Threads = dte.Debugger.CurrentProgram.Threads
str = "Number of items in the Thread collection: " + _
For Each thread As EnvDTE.Thread In threads
str += vbCrLf + vbCrLf + " Thread: " + thread.ID.ToString()
str += vbCrLf + " Edition of the environment: " + thread.DTE.Edition
str += vbCrLf + " Is alive: " + thread.IsAlive.ToString()
str += vbCrLf + " Is frozen: " + thread.IsFrozen.ToString()
str += vbCrLf + " Location: " + thread.Location
str += vbCrLf + " Parent's current mode: " + _
str += vbCrLf + " Priority: " + thread.Priority
str += vbCrLf + " Program name: " + thread.Program.Name
str += vbCrLf + " Number of stack frames: " + _
str += vbCrLf + " Suspended number of times: " + _
MessageBox.Show(str, "Thread Test - Properties")
End Sub
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