How to: Access a Member with a Pointer (C# Programming Guide)
To access a member of a struct that is declared in an unsafe context, you can use the member access operator as shown in the following example in which p is a pointer to a struct that contains a member x.
CoOrds* p = &home;
p -> x = 25; //member access operator ->
In this example, a struct, CoOrds, that contains the two coordinates x and y is declared and instantiated. By using the member access operator -> and a pointer to the instance home, x and y are assigned values.
Notice that the expression p->x is equivalent to the expression (*p).x, and you can obtain the same result by using either of the two expressions.
// compile with: /unsafe
struct CoOrds
public int x;
public int y;
class AccessMembers
static void Main()
CoOrds home;
CoOrds* p = &home;
p->x = 25;
p->y = 12;
System.Console.WriteLine("The coordinates are: x={0}, y={1}", p->x, p->y );
See Also
Pointer Expressions (C# Programming Guide)
Pointer types (C# Programming Guide)
fixed Statement (C# Reference)