Working with Class Diagrams (Class Designer)
Class diagrams help you understand the class structure of projects others have written (or that you wrote a long time ago). You can use them to customize, share and present project information with others.
The first step in presenting project information is to create a class diagram that displays what you want to show. For more information, see Viewing Types and Relationships (Class Designer). You can create multiple class diagrams for a project that can be used to display a distinct view of the project, a chosen subset of the project's types, or a chosen subset of the members of types.
In addition to defining what each class diagram shows, you can also change the way that information is presented; for more information, see How to: Customize Class Diagrams (Class Designer).
After you have fine-tuned one or more class diagrams, you can copy them into Microsoft Office documents and print them, or export them as image files. For more information, see How to: Copy Class Diagram Elements to a Microsoft Office Document (Class Designer), How to: Print Class Diagrams (Class Designer) and How to: Export Class Diagrams As Images (Class Designer).
Class Designer does not keep track of the location of source files. Therefore, modifying your project structure or moving source files in a project can cause Class Designer to lose track of the type (especially the source type of a typedef, base classes, or association types). You might receive an error such as Class Designer is unable to display this type. If so, drag the modified or relocated source code to the class diagram again to redisplay it.
In This Section
How to: Add Class Diagrams to Projects (Class Designer)
Describes how to add class diagrams to projects.
How to: Customize Class Diagrams (Class Designer)
Provides information about how to customize class diagrams.
How to: Copy Class Diagram Elements to a Microsoft Office Document (Class Designer)
Explains how to copy from a class diagram into an Office document.
How to: Export Class Diagrams As Images (Class Designer)
Describes how to export class diagrams as images.
How to: Print Class Diagrams (Class Designer)
Explains how to print class diagrams.
How to: Add Comments to Class Diagrams (Class Designer)
Describes how to add comments to a class diagram.
How to: Remove Type Shapes from Class Diagrams (Class Designer)
Describes how to remove shapes from class diagrams.
See Also
How to: Customize Class Diagrams (Class Designer)
How to: Remove Type Shapes from Class Diagrams (Class Designer)