Sdílet prostřednictvím

Gewusst wie: Abrufen des Gerätespeichers

Aktualisiert: November 2007

Um den verfügbaren Speicher eines Geräts abzurufen, rufen Sie mithilfe eines Plattformaufrufs die systemeigenen Funktionen GlobalMemoryStatus und GetSystemMemoryDivision auf.


In diesem Codebeispiel wird Folgendes definiert:

  • Plattformaufrufdeklarationen für die systemeigenen Methoden in Windows Embedded CE.

  • Eine Struktur, um Werte an die systemeigenen Methoden zu übergeben und von diesen zu empfangen

  • Eine verwaltete Methode mit dem Namen ShowMemory, die den verfügbaren Speicher anzeigt

Public Structure MEMORYSTATUS
    Public dwLength As UInt32
    Public dwMemoryLoad As UInt32
    Public dwTotalPhys As UInt32
    Public dwAvailPhys As UInt32
    Public dwTotalPageFile As UInt32
    Public dwAvailPageFile As UInt32
    Public dwTotalVirtual As UInt32
    Public dwAvailVirtual As UInt32
End Structure 

Public Declare Function GlobalMemoryStatus Lib "CoreDll.Dll" _
    (ByRef ms As MEMORYSTATUS) As Integer

Public Declare Function GetSystemMemoryDivision Lib "CoreDll.Dll" _
    (ByRef lpdwStorePages As UInt32, _
    ByRef ldpwRamPages As UInt32, _
    ByRef ldpwPageSize As UInt32) As Integer

Public Shared Sub ShowMemory()
    Dim storePages As UInt32
    Dim ramPages As UInt32
    Dim pageSize As UInt32
    Dim res As Integer = _
        GetSystemMemoryDivision(storePages, ramPages, pageSize)

    ' Call the native GlobalMemoryStatus method
    ' with the defined structure.
    Dim memStatus As New MEMORYSTATUS

  ' Use a StringBuilder for the message box string.
    Dim MemoryInfo As New StringBuilder
    MemoryInfo.Append("Memory Load: " _
        & memStatus.dwMemoryLoad.ToString() & vbCrLf)
    MemoryInfo.Append("Total Physical: " _
        & memStatus.dwTotalPhys.ToString() & vbCrLf)
    MemoryInfo.Append("Avail Physical: " _
        & memStatus.dwAvailPhys.ToString() & vbCrLf)
    MemoryInfo.Append("Total Page File: " _
        & memStatus.dwTotalPageFile.ToString() & vbCrLf)
    MemoryInfo.Append("Avail Page File: " _
        & memStatus.dwAvailPageFile.ToString() & vbCrLf)
    MemoryInfo.Append("Total Virtual: " _
        & memStatus.dwTotalVirtual.ToString() & vbCrLf)
    MemoryInfo.Append("Avail Virtual: " _
        & memStatus.dwAvailVirtual.ToString() & vbCrLf)

    ' Show the available memory.

End Sub 
public struct MEMORYSTATUS
    public UInt32 dwLength;
    public UInt32 dwMemoryLoad;
    public UInt32 dwTotalPhys;
    public UInt32 dwAvailPhys;
    public UInt32 dwTotalPageFile;
    public UInt32 dwAvailPageFile;
    public UInt32 dwTotalVirtual;
    public UInt32 dwAvailVirtual;

public static extern void GlobalMemoryStatus
    ref MEMORYSTATUS lpBuffer

public static extern int GetSystemMemoryDivision
    ref UInt32 lpdwStorePages,
    ref UInt32 lpdwRamPages,
    ref UInt32 lpdwPageSize

public void ShowMemory()
    UInt32 storePages = 0;
    UInt32 ramPages = 0;
    UInt32 pageSize = 0;
    int res = GetSystemMemoryDivision(ref storePages, 
        ref ramPages, ref pageSize);

    // Call the native GlobalMemoryStatus method
    // with the defined structure.
    GlobalMemoryStatus(ref memStatus);

    // Use a StringBuilder for the message box string.
    StringBuilder MemoryInfo = new StringBuilder();
    MemoryInfo.Append("Memory Load: " 
        + memStatus.dwMemoryLoad.ToString() + "\n");
    MemoryInfo.Append("Total Physical: " 
        + memStatus.dwTotalPhys.ToString() + "\n");
    MemoryInfo.Append("Avail Physical: " 
        + memStatus.dwAvailPhys.ToString() + "\n");
    MemoryInfo.Append("Total Page File: " 
        + memStatus.dwTotalPageFile.ToString() + "\n");
    MemoryInfo.Append("Avail Page File: " 
        + memStatus.dwAvailPageFile.ToString() + "\n");
    MemoryInfo.Append("Total Virtual: " 
        + memStatus.dwTotalVirtual.ToString() + "\n");
    MemoryInfo.Append("Avail Virtual: " 
        + memStatus.dwAvailVirtual.ToString() + "\n");

    // Show the available memory.


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