list::list (STL Samples)
Illustrates how to use the list::list Standard Template Library (STL) function in Visual C++.
explicit list(
const A& Al = A( )
explicit list(
size_type n,
const T& v = T( ),
const A& Al = A( )
const list& x
const_iterator First,
const_iterator Last,
const A& Al = A( )
The class/parameter names in the prototype do not match the version in the header file. Some have been modified to improve readability.
The first constructor specifies an empty initial controlled sequence. The second constructor specifies a repetition of n elements of value x. The third constructor specifies a copy of the sequence controlled by x. The last constructor specifies the sequence [First, Last). All constructors store the allocator object Al, or for the copy constructor, the return value of x.get_allocator, in the data member allocator and initialize the controlled sequence.
// list_list.cpp
// compile with: /EHsc
// Demonstrates the different constructors for list<T>
#pragma warning (disable:4786)
#include <list>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std ;
typedef list<string> LISTSTR;
// Try each of the four constructors
int main()
LISTSTR::iterator i;
LISTSTR test; // default constructor
test.insert(test.end(), "one");
test.insert(test.end(), "two");
LISTSTR test2(test); // construct from another list
LISTSTR test3(3, "three"); // add several <T>'s
LISTSTR test4(++test3.begin(), // add part of another list
// Print them all out
// one two
cout << "test:";
for (i = test.begin(); i != test.end(); ++i)
cout << " " << *i;
cout << endl;
// one two
cout << "test:";
for (i = test2.begin(); i != test2.end(); ++i)
cout << " " << *i;
cout << endl;
// three three three
cout << "test:";
for (i = test3.begin(); i != test3.end(); ++i)
cout << " " << *i;
cout << endl;
// three three
cout << "test:";
for (i = test4.begin(); i != test4.end(); ++i)
cout << " " << *i;
cout << endl;
test: one two test: one two test: three three three test: three three
Header: <list>