Sdílet prostřednictvím

Gewusst wie: Implementieren von Schnittstellen für benutzerdefinierte Datenklassen (Entity Framework)

Wenn Sie benutzerdefinierte Datenklassen mit einem Entitätsdatenmodell (EDM) verwenden, müssen die Klassen die folgenden Schnittstellen für benutzerdefinierte Datenklassen implementieren:

  • Ermöglicht das Nachverfolgen von Änderungen.

  • Optional. Macht einen Entitätsschlüssel verfügbar.

  • IEntityWithRelationships. Für Entitäten mit Zuordnungen erforderlich.

Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter Implementieren von Schnittstellen für benutzerdefinierte Datenklassen (Entity Framework). Außerdem müssen EDM-Attribute angelegt werden, die die benutzerdefinierten Klassen und Eigenschaften in der CSDL-Datei definierten Entitäten zuordnen. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter Gewusst wie: Zuordnen von benutzerdefinierten Objekten zu Entitäten (Entity Framework).

Statt die Schnittstellen für die Datenklassen direkt zu implementieren, können sie auch vom EntityObject geerbt werden. Dies ist die empfohlene Methode für die Verwendung von benutzerdefinierten Datenklassen mit einem EDM. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter Anpassen von Objekten (Entity Framework) und Gewusst wie: Erben von den Basisklassen 'EntityObject' und 'ComplexObject' (Entity Framework).

So implementieren Sie Schnittstellen für benutzerdefinierte Datenklassen

  1. Ändern Sie die Definition jeder benutzerdefinierten Datenklasse, sodass die Schnittstellen IEntityWithChangeTracker, IEntityWithKey und IEntityWithRelationships implementiert werden, wie im folgenden Beispiel:

    <EdmEntityTypeAttribute(NamespaceName:="Microsoft.Samples.Edm", Name:="Order")> _
    Public Class Order
        Implements IEntityWithRelationships, IEntityWithChangeTracker, IEntityWithKey
    [EdmEntityTypeAttribute(NamespaceName = "Microsoft.Samples.Edm", Name = "Order")]
    public class Order : IEntityWithRelationships, IEntityWithChangeTracker, IEntityWithKey
  2. (Optional) Implementieren Sie die EntityKey-Eigenschaft explizit in jeder benutzerdefinierten Datenklasse, wie im folgenden Beispiel:

    Dim _entityKey As EntityKey = Nothing
    ' Define the EntityKey property for the class.
    Property EntityKey() As EntityKey Implements IEntityWithKey.EntityKey
            Return _entityKey
        End Get
        Set(ByVal value As EntityKey)
            ' Set the EntityKey property, if it is not set.
            ' Report the change if the change tracker exists.
            If Not _changeTracker Is Nothing Then
                _entityKey = value
                _entityKey = value
            End If
        End Set
    End Property
    EntityKey _entityKey = null;
    // Define the EntityKey property for the class.
    EntityKey IEntityWithKey.EntityKey
            return _entityKey; 
            // Set the EntityKey property, if it is not set.
            // Report the change if the change tracker exists.
            if (_changeTracker != null)
                _entityKey = value;
                _entityKey = value;
  3. Implementieren Sie die SetChangeTracker-Methode explizit in jeder benutzerdefinierten Datenklasse, wie im folgenden Beispiel:

    Dim _changeTracker As IEntityChangeTracker = Nothing
    ' Specify the IEntityChangeTracker to use for tracking changes.
    Private Sub SetChangeTracker(ByVal changeTracker As IEntityChangeTracker) _
        Implements IEntityWithChangeTracker.SetChangeTracker
        _changeTracker = changeTracker
        ' Every time the change tracker is set, we must also set all the 
        ' complex type change trackers.
        If Not _extendedInfo Is Nothing Then
            _extendedInfo.SetComplexChangeTracker("ExtendedInfo", _changeTracker)
        End If
    End Sub
    IEntityChangeTracker _changeTracker = null;
    // Specify the IEntityChangeTracker to use for tracking changes.
    void IEntityWithChangeTracker.SetChangeTracker(IEntityChangeTracker changeTracker)
        _changeTracker = changeTracker;
        // Every time the change tracker is set, we must also set all the 
        // complex type change trackers.
        if (_extendedInfo != null)
            _extendedInfo.SetComplexChangeTracker("ExtendedInfo", _changeTracker);

    Diese Methode ist erforderlich, um Änderungen von Dateneigenschaften an Object Services zu melden.

  4. Implementieren Sie für IEntityWithRelationships die RelationshipManager-Eigenschaft explizit, wie im folgenden Beispiel:

    Dim _relationships As RelationshipManager = Nothing
    ' Define a relationship manager for the class.
    ReadOnly Property RelationshipManager() As RelationshipManager _
    Implements IEntityWithRelationships.RelationshipManager
            If _relationships Is Nothing Then
                _relationships = RelationshipManager.Create(Me)
            End If
            Return _relationships
        End Get
    End Property
    RelationshipManager _relationships = null;
    // Define a relationship manager for the class.
    RelationshipManager IEntityWithRelationships.RelationshipManager
            if (null == _relationships)
                _relationships = RelationshipManager.Create(this);
            return _relationships;
  5. Fügen Sie in den festlegbaren skalaren Eigenschaften jeder Datenklasse vor dem Festlegen des Eigenschaftswerts einen Aufruf an EntityMemberChanging hinzu, und fügen Sie nach dem Festlegen der Eigenschaft einen Aufruf an EntityMemberChanged hinzu. Dies ist im folgenden Beispiel dargestellt:

    <EdmScalarPropertyAttribute(IsNullable:=False)> _
            Public Property Status() As Byte
            Return _status
        End Get
        Set(ByVal value As Byte)
            If _status <> value Then
                ' Report the change if the change tracker exists.
                If Not _changeTracker Is Nothing Then
                    _status = value
                    _status = value
                End If
            End If
        End Set
    End Property
    [EdmScalarPropertyAttribute(IsNullable = false)]
    public byte Status
            return _status;
            if (_status != value)
                // Report the change if the change tracker exists.
                if (_changeTracker != null)
                    _status = value;
                    _status = value;
  6. Fügen Sie in den festlegbaren komplexen Eigenschaften jeder Datenklasse vor dem Festlegen des Eigenschaftswerts einen Aufruf an EntityComplexMemberChanging hinzu, und fügen Sie nach dem Festlegen der Eigenschaft einen Aufruf an EntityComplexMemberChanged hinzu.


In diesem Beispiel sind die benutzerdefinierten Datenklassen Order und LineItem sowie der komplexe Typ OrderInfo dargestellt. Diese benutzerdefinierten Klassen werden der SalesOrderHeader-Tabelle und der SalesOrderDetail-Tabelle in der AdventureWorks- Datenbank zugeordnet. Beide Entitätsklassen implementieren alle drei Schnittstellen für benutzerdefinierte Datenklassen. Die komplexe Typklasse OrderInfo veranschaulichet eine vorgeschlagene Implementierung der Änderungsnachverfolgung.

Option Explicit On
Option Strict On

Imports System
Imports System.Data.SqlTypes
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports System.Text
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.Objects.DataClasses
Imports System.Data.Metadata.Edm
Imports Microsoft.Samples.Edm

<Assembly: EdmSchemaAttribute()> 
<Assembly: EdmRelationshipAttribute("Microsoft.Samples.Edm", _
    "FK_LineItem_Order_OrderId", "Order", _
    RelationshipMultiplicity.One, GetType(Order), "LineItem", _
    RelationshipMultiplicity.Many, GetType(LineItem))> 
Namespace Microsoft.Samples.Edm

    <EdmEntityTypeAttribute(NamespaceName:="Microsoft.Samples.Edm", Name:="Order")> _
    Public Class Order
        Implements IEntityWithRelationships, IEntityWithChangeTracker, IEntityWithKey

        ' Define private property variables.
        Private _orderId As Integer
        Private _orderDate As DateTime
        Private _dueDate As DateTime
        Private _shipDate As DateTime
        Private _status As Byte
        Private _customer As Integer
        Private _subTotal As Decimal
        Private _tax As Decimal
        Private _freight As Decimal
        Private _totalDue As Decimal
        Private _extendedInfo As OrderInfo

#Region "ExplicitImplementation"
        Dim _changeTracker As IEntityChangeTracker = Nothing

        ' Specify the IEntityChangeTracker to use for tracking changes.
        Private Sub SetChangeTracker(ByVal changeTracker As IEntityChangeTracker) _
            Implements IEntityWithChangeTracker.SetChangeTracker
            _changeTracker = changeTracker

            ' Every time the change tracker is set, we must also set all the 
            ' complex type change trackers.
            If Not _extendedInfo Is Nothing Then
                _extendedInfo.SetComplexChangeTracker("ExtendedInfo", _changeTracker)
            End If
        End Sub

        Dim _entityKey As EntityKey = Nothing

        ' Define the EntityKey property for the class.
        Property EntityKey() As EntityKey Implements IEntityWithKey.EntityKey
                Return _entityKey
            End Get
            Set(ByVal value As EntityKey)
                ' Set the EntityKey property, if it is not set.
                ' Report the change if the change tracker exists.
                If Not _changeTracker Is Nothing Then
                    _entityKey = value
                    _entityKey = value
                End If
            End Set
        End Property

        Dim _relationships As RelationshipManager = Nothing

        ' Define a relationship manager for the class.
        ReadOnly Property RelationshipManager() As RelationshipManager _
        Implements IEntityWithRelationships.RelationshipManager
                If _relationships Is Nothing Then
                    _relationships = RelationshipManager.Create(Me)
                End If
                Return _relationships
            End Get
        End Property
#End Region

        ' Public properties of the Order object.
        <EdmScalarPropertyAttribute(EntityKeyProperty:=True, IsNullable:=False)> _
        Public Property OrderId() As Integer
                Return _orderId
            End Get
            Set(ByVal value As Integer)
                ' Report the change if the change tracker exists.
                If Not _changeTracker Is Nothing Then
                    _orderId = value
                    _orderId = value
                End If
            End Set
        End Property
        ' Navigation property that returns a collection of line items.
        <EdmRelationshipNavigationPropertyAttribute("Microsoft.Samples.Edm", "FK_LineItem_Order_OrderId", "LineItem")> _
        Public ReadOnly Property LineItem() As EntityCollection(Of LineItem)
                Return CType(Me, IEntityWithRelationships).RelationshipManager.GetRelatedCollection(Of LineItem) _
                ("FK_LineItem_Order_OrderId", "LineItem")
            End Get
        End Property
        <EdmScalarPropertyAttribute(IsNullable:=False)> _
        Public Property OrderDate() As Date
                Return _orderDate
            End Get
            Set(ByVal value As DateTime)
                ' Report the change if the change tracker exists.
                If Not _changeTracker Is Nothing Then
                    _orderDate = value
                    _orderDate = value
                End If
            End Set
        End Property
        <EdmScalarPropertyAttribute(IsNullable:=False)> _
        Public Property DueDate() As Date
                Return _dueDate
            End Get
            Set(ByVal value As Date)
                ' Report the change if the change tracker exists.
                If Not _changeTracker Is Nothing Then

                    _dueDate = value
                End If
            End Set
        End Property
        <EdmScalarPropertyAttribute()> _
        Public Property ShipDate() As Date
                Return _shipDate
            End Get
            Set(ByVal value As Date)
                ' Report the change if the change tracker exists.
                If Not _changeTracker Is Nothing Then

                    _shipDate = value
                End If
            End Set
        End Property
        <EdmScalarPropertyAttribute(IsNullable:=False)> _
                Public Property Status() As Byte
                Return _status
            End Get
            Set(ByVal value As Byte)
                If _status <> value Then
                    ' Report the change if the change tracker exists.
                    If Not _changeTracker Is Nothing Then
                        _status = value
                        _status = value
                    End If
                End If
            End Set
        End Property
        <EdmScalarPropertyAttribute(IsNullable:=False)> _
        Public Property Customer() As Integer
                Return _customer
            End Get
            Set(ByVal value As Integer)
                ' Report the change if the change tracker exists.
                If Not _changeTracker Is Nothing Then
                    _customer = value
                    _customer = value
                End If
            End Set
        End Property
        <EdmScalarPropertyAttribute(IsNullable:=False)> _
        Public Property SubTotal() As Decimal
                Return _subTotal
            End Get
            Set(ByVal value As Decimal)
                If _subTotal <> value Then
                    ' Validate the value before setting it.
                    If value < 0 Then
                        Throw New ApplicationException(String.Format( _
                                  My.Resources.propertyNotValidNegative, _
                                  value.ToString, "SubTotal"))
                    End If
                    ' Report the change if the change tracker exists.
                    If Not _changeTracker Is Nothing Then
                        _subTotal = value
                        _subTotal = value
                    End If
                    ' Recalculate the order total.
                End If
            End Set
        End Property
        <EdmScalarPropertyAttribute(IsNullable:=False)> _
        Public Property TaxAmt() As Decimal
                Return _tax
            End Get
            Set(ByVal value As Decimal)
                ' Validate the value before setting it.
                If value < 0 Then
                    Throw New ApplicationException(String.Format( _
                              My.Resources.propertyNotValidNegative, _
                              value.ToString(), "Tax"))
                End If
                ' Report the change if the change tracker exists.
                If Not _changeTracker Is Nothing Then
                    _tax = value
                    _tax = value
                End If

                ' Recalculate the order total.
            End Set
        End Property
        <EdmScalarPropertyAttribute(IsNullable:=False)> _
        Public Property Freight() As Decimal
                Return _freight
            End Get
            Set(ByVal value As Decimal)
                If _freight <> value Then
                    ' Validate the value before setting it.
                    If value < 0 Then
                        Throw New ApplicationException(String.Format( _
                                  My.Resources.propertyNotValidNegative, _
                        value.ToString(), "Freight"))
                    End If
                    ' Report the change if the change tracker exists.
                    If Not _changeTracker Is Nothing Then
                        _freight = value
                        _freight = value
                    End If
                    ' Recalculate the order total.
                End If
            End Set
        End Property
        Public ReadOnly Property TotalDue() As Decimal
                Return _totalDue
            End Get
        End Property
        <EdmComplexPropertyAttribute()> _
                Public Property ExtendedInfo() As OrderInfo
                Return _extendedInfo
            End Get
            Set(ByVal value As OrderInfo)

                ' For a complex type any changes in the complex type 
                ' properties all get tracked together.
                ' The change tracker may be Nothing during object materialization.
                If Not _changeTracker Is Nothing Then

                    ' Since this is a complex property, we need to reset the change 
                    ' tracker on the complex type. 
                    If Not _extendedInfo Is Nothing Then
                        ' Reset the change tracker.
                        _extendedInfo.SetComplexChangeTracker("ExtendedInfo", Nothing)
                    End If

                    ' Report the change.
                    _extendedInfo = value

                    _extendedInfo = value
                End If

                ' Rest the change tracker. Complex type property cannot be Nothing.
                If Not _extendedInfo Is Nothing Then
                    _extendedInfo.SetComplexChangeTracker("ExtendedInfo", _changeTracker)
                End If
            End Set
        End Property
        Private Sub CalculateOrderTotal()
            ' Update the total due as a sum of the other cost properties.
            _totalDue = _subTotal + _tax + _freight
        End Sub
    End Class
    ' Base class for complex types that implements change tracking.
    Public MustInherit Class ComplexTypeChangeTracker
        Protected _complexChangeTracker As IEntityChangeTracker = Nothing
        Private _rootComplexPropertyName As String

        ' Gets an IEntityChangeTracker to call for properties change. 
        ' You must do this in order to track changes.
        Public Overridable Sub SetComplexChangeTracker( _
            ByVal rootComplexPropertyName As String, _
            ByVal complexChangeTracker As IEntityChangeTracker)
            _rootComplexPropertyName = rootComplexPropertyName
            _complexChangeTracker = complexChangeTracker
        End Sub

        ' Protected method that is called before the change for change tracking 
        ' each of the scalar properties in the complex type.
        Protected Sub ReportMemberChanging(ByVal scalarPropertyName As String)
            If Not _complexChangeTracker Is Nothing Then
                _complexChangeTracker.EntityComplexMemberChanging( _
                    _rootComplexPropertyName, Me, scalarPropertyName)
            End If
        End Sub

        ' Protected method that is called after the change for change tracking 
        ' each of the scalar properties in the complex type.
        Protected Sub ReportMemberChanged(ByVal scalarPropertyName As String)
            If Not _complexChangeTracker Is Nothing Then
                _complexChangeTracker.EntityComplexMemberChanged( _
                    _rootComplexPropertyName, Me, scalarPropertyName)
            End If
        End Sub
    End Class
    <EdmComplexTypeAttribute(NamespaceName:="Microsoft.Samples.Edm", Name:="OrderInfo")> _
    Partial Public Class OrderInfo
        Inherits ComplexTypeChangeTracker
        Private _orderNumber As String
        Private _purchaseOrder As String
        Private _accountNumber As String
        Private _comment As String
        Private _extendedInfo As OrderInfo

        Public Overrides Sub SetComplexChangeTracker(ByVal rootComplexPropertyName As String, _
            ByVal changeTracker As IEntityChangeTracker)

            ' Call SetChangeTracker on the base class to set the change tracker 
            ' and the name of the root complex type property on the entity.
            MyBase.SetComplexChangeTracker(rootComplexPropertyName, changeTracker)
        End Sub
        <EdmScalarPropertyAttribute(IsNullable:=False)> _
        Public Property OrderNumber() As String
                Return _orderNumber
            End Get
            Set(ByVal value As String)
                ' Validate the value before setting it.
                If value.Length > 25 Then
                    Throw New ApplicationException(String.Format( _
                        My.Resources.propertyNotValidString, _
                        "OrderNumber", "25"))
                End If
                ' Report the change if the change tracker exists.
                If Not _complexChangeTracker Is Nothing Then
                    _orderNumber = value
                    _orderNumber = value
                End If
            End Set
        End Property
        <EdmScalarPropertyAttribute()> _
        Public Property PurchaseOrder() As String
                Return _purchaseOrder
            End Get
            Set(ByVal value As String)
                If (value <> Nothing) AndAlso value.Length > 25 Then
                    Throw New ApplicationException(String.Format( _
                              My.Resources.propertyNotValidString, _
                              "PurchaseOrder", "25"))
                End If
                If _purchaseOrder <> value Then
                    ' Report the change if the change tracker exists.
                    If Not _complexChangeTracker Is Nothing Then
                        _purchaseOrder = value
                        _purchaseOrder = value
                    End If
                End If
            End Set
        End Property
        <EdmScalarPropertyAttribute()> _
        Public Property AccountNumber() As String
                Return _accountNumber
            End Get
            Set(ByVal value As String)
                ' Validate the value before setting it.
                If (value <> Nothing) AndAlso value.Length > 15 Then
                    Throw New ApplicationException(String.Format( _
                              My.Resources.propertyNotValidString, _
                              "AccountNumber", "15"))
                End If
                ' Report the change if the change tracker exists.
                If Not _complexChangeTracker Is Nothing Then
                    _accountNumber = value
                    _accountNumber = value
                End If
            End Set
        End Property
        <EdmScalarPropertyAttribute()> _
        Public Property Comment() As String
                Return _comment
            End Get
            Set(ByVal value As String)
                ' Validate the value before setting it.
                If (value <> Nothing) AndAlso value.Length > 128 Then
                    Throw New ApplicationException(String.Format( _
                              My.Resources.propertyNotValidString, _
                              "Comment", "128"))
                End If
                If _comment <> value Then
                    ' Report the change if the change tracker exists.
                    If Not _complexChangeTracker Is Nothing Then
                        _comment = value
                        _comment = value
                    End If
                End If
            End Set
        End Property
    End Class
    <EdmEntityTypeAttribute(NamespaceName:="Microsoft.Samples.Edm", Name:="LineItem")> _
Public Class LineItem
        Implements IEntityWithRelationships, IEntityWithChangeTracker, IEntityWithKey

        ' Define private property variables.
        Dim _lineItemId As Integer
        Dim _trackingNumber As String
        Dim _quantity As Short
        Dim _product As Integer
        Dim _price As Decimal
        Dim _discount As Decimal
        Dim _total As Decimal

        Dim _changeTracker As IEntityChangeTracker = Nothing

        ' Specify the IEntityChangeTracker to use for tracking changes.
        Private Sub SetChangeTracker(ByVal changeTracker As IEntityChangeTracker) _
            Implements IEntityWithChangeTracker.SetChangeTracker
            _changeTracker = changeTracker
        End Sub

        Dim _entityKey As EntityKey = Nothing

        ' Define the EntityKey property for the class.
        Property EntityKey() As EntityKey Implements IEntityWithKey.EntityKey
                Return _entityKey
            End Get
            Set(ByVal value As EntityKey)
                ' Set the EntityKey property, if it is not set.
                ' Changing an existing value will cause an exception.
                If _entityKey Is Nothing Then
                    ' Report the change if the change tracker exists.
                    If Not _changeTracker Is Nothing Then
                        _entityKey = value
                        _entityKey = value
                    End If
                End If
            End Set
        End Property

        Dim _relationships As RelationshipManager = Nothing

        ' Define a relationship manager for the class.
        ReadOnly Property RelationshipManager() As RelationshipManager _
        Implements IEntityWithRelationships.RelationshipManager
                If _relationships Is Nothing Then
                    _relationships = RelationshipManager.Create(Me)
                End If
                Return _relationships
            End Get
        End Property
        ' Defines a navigation property to the Order class.
        <EdmRelationshipNavigationPropertyAttribute("Microsoft.Samples.Edm", _
                "FK_LineItem_Order_OrderId", "Order")> _
        Public Property Order() As Order
                Return CType(Me,  _
                IEntityWithRelationships).RelationshipManager.GetRelatedReference(Of Order) _
                ("FK_LineItem_Order_OrderId", "Order").Value
            End Get
            Set(ByVal value As Order)
                CType(Me,  _
                IEntityWithRelationships).RelationshipManager.GetRelatedReference(Of Order) _
                ("FK_LineItem_Order_OrderId", "Order").Value = value
            End Set
        End Property
        <EdmScalarPropertyAttribute(EntityKeyProperty:=True, IsNullable:=False)> _
        Public Property LineItemId() As Integer
                Return _lineItemId
            End Get
            Set(ByVal value As Integer)
                ' Report the change if the change tracker exists.
                If Not _changeTracker Is Nothing Then
                    _lineItemId = value
                    _lineItemId = value
                End If
            End Set
        End Property
        <EdmScalarPropertyAttribute()> _
        Public Property TrackingNumber() As String
                Return _trackingNumber
            End Get
            Set(ByVal value As String)
                If _trackingNumber <> value Then
                    ' Validate the value before setting it.
                    If value.Length > 25 Then
                        Throw New ApplicationException(String.Format( _
                                My.Resources.propertyNotValidString, _
                                "TrackingNumber", "25"))
                    End If
                    ' Report the change if the change tracker exists.
                    If Not _changeTracker Is Nothing Then
                        _trackingNumber = value
                        _trackingNumber = value
                    End If
                End If
            End Set
        End Property
        <EdmScalarPropertyAttribute(IsNullable:=False)> _
        Public Property Quantity() As Short
                Return _quantity
            End Get
            Set(ByVal value As Short)
                If _quantity <> value Then
                    ' Validate the value before setting it.
                    If value < 1 Then
                        Throw New ApplicationException(String.Format( _
                                  My.Resources.propertyNotValidNegative, _
                                  value.ToString(), "Quantity"))
                    End If
        ' Report the change if the change tracker exists.
                    If Not _changeTracker Is Nothing Then
                        _quantity = value
                        _quantity = value
                    End If
        ' Update the line total.
                End If
            End Set
        End Property
        <EdmScalarPropertyAttribute(IsNullable:=False)> _
        Public Property Product() As Integer
                Return _product
            End Get
            Set(ByVal value As Integer)
                ' Validate the value before setting it.
                If value < 1 Then
                    Throw New ApplicationException(String.Format( _
                              My.Resources.propertyNotValidNegative, _
                              value.ToString(), "Product"))
                End If
                ' Report the change if the change tracker exists.
                If Not _changeTracker Is Nothing Then
                    _product = value
                    _product = value
                End If
            End Set
        End Property
        <EdmScalarPropertyAttribute(IsNullable:=False)> _
        Public Property Price() As Decimal
                Return _price
            End Get
            Set(ByVal value As Decimal)
                If _price <> value Then
                    ' Validate the value before setting it.
                    If value < 0 Then
                        Throw New ApplicationException(String.Format( _
                                  My.Resources.propertyNotValidNegative, _
                                  value.ToString(), "Price"))
                    End If
                    ' Report the change if the change tracker exists.
                    If Not _changeTracker Is Nothing Then
                        _price = value
                        _price = value
                    End If
                    ' Update the line total.
                End If
            End Set
        End Property
        <EdmScalarPropertyAttribute(IsNullable:=False)> _
        Public Property Discount() As Decimal
                Return _discount
            End Get
            Set(ByVal value As Decimal)
                ' Validate the value before setting it.
                If value < 0 Then
                    Throw New ApplicationException(String.Format( _
                              My.Resources.propertyNotValidNegative, _
                              value.ToString(), "Discount"))
                End If
                ' Report the change if the change tracker exists.
                If Not _changeTracker Is Nothing Then
                    _discount = value
                    _discount = value
                End If
            End Set
        End Property
        Public ReadOnly Property Total() As Decimal
                Return _total
            End Get
        End Property
        Private Sub CalculateLineTotal()
            _total = (_quantity * (_price - _discount))
        End Sub
    End Class
End Namespace
using System;
using System.Data.SqlTypes;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.Objects.DataClasses;
using System.Data.Metadata.Edm;
using Microsoft.Samples.Edm;
//using Microsoft.Samples.Edm;

[assembly: EdmSchemaAttribute()]
[assembly: EdmRelationshipAttribute("Microsoft.Samples.Edm",
    "FK_LineItem_Order_OrderId", "Order",
    RelationshipMultiplicity.One, typeof(Order), "LineItem",
    RelationshipMultiplicity.Many, typeof(LineItem))]
namespace Microsoft.Samples.Edm
    [EdmEntityTypeAttribute(NamespaceName = "Microsoft.Samples.Edm", Name = "Order")]
    public class Order : IEntityWithRelationships, IEntityWithChangeTracker, IEntityWithKey
        // Define private property variables.
        private int _orderId;
        private DateTime _orderDate;
        private DateTime _dueDate;
        private DateTime _shipDate;
        private byte _status;
        private int _customer;
        private decimal _subTotal;
        private decimal _tax;
        private decimal _freight;
        private decimal _totalDue;
        private OrderInfo _extendedInfo;

        #region ExplicitImplementation
        IEntityChangeTracker _changeTracker = null;

        // Specify the IEntityChangeTracker to use for tracking changes.
        void IEntityWithChangeTracker.SetChangeTracker(IEntityChangeTracker changeTracker)
            _changeTracker = changeTracker;

            // Every time the change tracker is set, we must also set all the 
            // complex type change trackers.
            if (_extendedInfo != null)
                _extendedInfo.SetComplexChangeTracker("ExtendedInfo", _changeTracker);

        EntityKey _entityKey = null;
        // Define the EntityKey property for the class.
        EntityKey IEntityWithKey.EntityKey
                return _entityKey; 
                // Set the EntityKey property, if it is not set.
                // Report the change if the change tracker exists.
                if (_changeTracker != null)
                    _entityKey = value;
                    _entityKey = value;

        RelationshipManager _relationships = null;

        // Define a relationship manager for the class.
        RelationshipManager IEntityWithRelationships.RelationshipManager
                if (null == _relationships)
                    _relationships = RelationshipManager.Create(this);
                return _relationships;

        // Public properties of the Order object.
        [EdmScalarPropertyAttribute(EntityKeyProperty = true, IsNullable = false)]
        public int OrderId
                return _orderId;
                // Report the change if the change tracker exists.
                if (_changeTracker != null)
                    _orderId = value;
                    _orderId = value;

        // Navigation property that returns a collection of line items.
        [EdmRelationshipNavigationPropertyAttribute("Microsoft.Samples.Edm", "FK_LineItem_Order_OrderId", "LineItem")]
        public System.Data.Objects.DataClasses.EntityCollection<LineItem> LineItem
                return ((IEntityWithRelationships)(this)).RelationshipManager.
                    GetRelatedCollection<LineItem>("FK_LineItem_Order_OrderId", "LineItem");
        [EdmScalarPropertyAttribute(IsNullable = false)]
        public DateTime OrderDate 
                return _orderDate;
                // Report the change if the change tracker exists.
                if (_changeTracker != null)
                    _orderDate = value;
                    _orderDate = value;
        [EdmScalarPropertyAttribute(IsNullable = false)]
        public DateTime DueDate 
                return _dueDate;
                // Report the change if the change tracker exists.
                if (_changeTracker != null)
                    _dueDate = value;
                    _dueDate = value;
        public DateTime ShipDate
                return _shipDate;
                // Report the change if the change tracker exists.
                if (_changeTracker != null)
                    _shipDate = value;
                    _shipDate = value;
        [EdmScalarPropertyAttribute(IsNullable = false)]
        public byte Status
                return _status;
                if (_status != value)
                    // Report the change if the change tracker exists.
                    if (_changeTracker != null)
                        _status = value;
                        _status = value;
        [EdmScalarPropertyAttribute(IsNullable = false)]
        public int Customer
                return _customer;
                // Report the change if the change tracker exists.
                if (_changeTracker != null)
                    _customer = value;
                    _customer = value;
        [EdmScalarPropertyAttribute(IsNullable = false)]
        public decimal SubTotal
                return _subTotal;
                if (_subTotal != value)
                    // Validate the value before setting it.
                    if (value < 0)
                        throw new ApplicationException(string.Format(
                                  new string[2] { value.ToString(), "SubTotal" }));
                    // Report the change if the change tracker exists.
                    if (_changeTracker != null)
                        _subTotal = value;
                        _subTotal = value;

                    // Recalculate the order total.
        [EdmScalarPropertyAttribute(IsNullable = false)]
        public decimal TaxAmt
                return _tax;
                // Validate the value before setting it.
                if (value < 0)
                    throw new ApplicationException(string.Format(
                              new string[2] { value.ToString(), "Tax" }));
                // Report the change if the change tracker exists.
                if (_changeTracker != null)
                    _tax = value;
                    _tax = value;
                // Recalculate the order total.
        [EdmScalarPropertyAttribute(IsNullable = false)]
        public decimal Freight
                return _freight;
                if (_freight != value)
                    // Validate the value before setting it.
                    if (value < 0)
                        throw new ApplicationException(string.Format(
                                  new string[2] { value.ToString(), "Freight" }));

                    // Report the change if the change tracker exists.
                    if (_changeTracker != null)
                        _freight = value;
                        _freight = value;

                    // Recalculate the order total.
        public decimal TotalDue
                return _totalDue;
        public OrderInfo ExtendedInfo
                return _extendedInfo;
                // For a complex type any changes in the complex type 
                // properties all get tracked together.
                // The change tracker may be null during object materialization.
                if (_changeTracker != null)
                    // Since this is a complex property, we need to reset the change 
                    // tracker on the complex type. 
                    if (_extendedInfo != null)
                        // Reset the change tracker.
                        _extendedInfo.SetComplexChangeTracker("ExtendedInfo", null);

                    // Report the change.
                    _extendedInfo = value;
                    _extendedInfo = value;

                // Reset the change tracker. Complex type property cannot be null.
                if (_extendedInfo != null)
                    _extendedInfo.SetComplexChangeTracker("ExtendedInfo", _changeTracker);
        private void CalculateOrderTotal()
            // Update the total due as a sum of the other cost properties.
            _totalDue = _subTotal + _tax + _freight;
    // Base class for complex types that implements change tracking.
    public abstract class ComplexTypeChangeTracker
        protected IEntityChangeTracker _complexChangeTracker = null;
        private string _rootComplexPropertyName;

        // Gets an IEntityChangeTracker to call for properties change. 
        // You must do this in order to track changes.
        virtual public void SetComplexChangeTracker(string rootComplexPropertyName, IEntityChangeTracker complexChangeTracker)
            _rootComplexPropertyName = rootComplexPropertyName;
            _complexChangeTracker = complexChangeTracker;

        // Protected method that is called before the change for change tracking 
        // each of the scalar properties in the complex type.
        protected void ReportMemberChanging(string scalarPropertyName)
            if (null != _complexChangeTracker)
                                                           this, scalarPropertyName);

        // Protected method that is called after the change for change tracking 
        // each of the scalar properties in the complex type.
        protected void ReportMemberChanged(string scalarPropertyName)
            if (null != _complexChangeTracker)
                                                          this, scalarPropertyName);
    [EdmComplexTypeAttribute(NamespaceName = "Microsoft.Samples.Edm", Name = "OrderInfo")]
    public partial class OrderInfo : ComplexTypeChangeTracker
        private string _orderNumber;
        private string _purchaseOrder;
        private string _accountNumber;
        private string _comment;

        override public void SetComplexChangeTracker(string rootComplexPropertyName, IEntityChangeTracker changeTracker)
            // Call SetChangeTracker on the base class to set the change tracker 
            // and the name of the root complex type property on the entity.
            base.SetComplexChangeTracker(rootComplexPropertyName, changeTracker);

        [EdmScalarPropertyAttribute(IsNullable = false)]
        public string OrderNumber
                return _orderNumber;
                // Validate the value before setting it.
                if (value.Length > 25)
                    throw new ApplicationException(string.Format(
                              new string[3] { value, "OrderNumber", "25" }));
                // Report the change if the change tracker exists.
                if (_complexChangeTracker != null)
                    _orderNumber = value;
                    _orderNumber = value;
        public string PurchaseOrder
                return _purchaseOrder;
                // Validate the value before setting it.
                if ((value != null) && value.Length > 25)
                    throw new ApplicationException(string.Format(
                              new string[3] { value, "PurchaseOrder", "25" }));
                if (_purchaseOrder != value)
                    // Report the change if the change tracker exists.
                    if (_complexChangeTracker != null)
                        _purchaseOrder = value;
                        _purchaseOrder = value;
        public string AccountNumber
                return _accountNumber;
                // Validate the value before setting it.
                if ((value != null) && value.Length > 15)
                    throw new ApplicationException(string.Format(
                              new string[3] { value, "AccountNumber", "15" }));
                if (_purchaseOrder != value)
                    // Report the change if the change tracker exists.
                    if (_complexChangeTracker != null)
                        _accountNumber = value;
                        _accountNumber = value;
        public string Comment
                return _comment;
                // Validate the value before setting it.
                if ((value != null) && value.Length > 128)
                    throw new ApplicationException(string.Format(
                              new string[3] { value, "Comment", "128" }));
                if (_comment != value)
                    // Report the change if the change tracker exists.
                    if (_complexChangeTracker != null)
                        _comment = value;
                        _comment = value;

    [EdmEntityTypeAttribute(NamespaceName = "Microsoft.Samples.Edm", 
        Name = "LineItem")]
    public class LineItem : IEntityWithRelationships, 
        IEntityWithChangeTracker, IEntityWithKey   
        // Define private property variables.
        int _lineItemId; 
        string _trackingNumber;
        short _quantity;
        int _product;
        decimal _price;
        decimal _discount;
        decimal _total;

        IEntityChangeTracker _changeTracker = null;
        // Specify the IEntityChangeTracker to use for tracking changes.
        void IEntityWithChangeTracker.SetChangeTracker(IEntityChangeTracker changeTracker)
            _changeTracker = changeTracker;

        EntityKey _entityKey = null;
        // Define the EntityKey property for the class.
        EntityKey IEntityWithKey.EntityKey
                return _entityKey;
                // Set the EntityKey property, if it is not set.
                // Changing an existing value will cause an exception.
                if (_entityKey == null)
                    // Report the change if the change tracker exists.
                    if (_changeTracker != null)
                        _entityKey = value;
                        _entityKey = value;

        RelationshipManager _relationships = null;

        // Define a relationship manager for the class.
        RelationshipManager IEntityWithRelationships.RelationshipManager
                if (null == _relationships)
                    _relationships = RelationshipManager.Create(this);
                return _relationships;

        // Defines a navigation property to the Order class.
        [EdmRelationshipNavigationPropertyAttribute("Microsoft.Samples.Edm", "FK_LineItem_Order_OrderId", "Order")]
        public Order Order
                return ((IEntityWithRelationships)(this)).RelationshipManager.
                    GetRelatedReference<Order>("FK_LineItem_Order_OrderId", "Order").Value;
                    GetRelatedReference<Order>("FK_LineItem_Order_OrderId", "Order").Value = value;
        [EdmScalarPropertyAttribute(EntityKeyProperty = true, IsNullable = false)]
        public int LineItemId
                return _lineItemId;
                // Report the change if the change tracker exists.
                if (_changeTracker != null)
                    _lineItemId = value;
                    _lineItemId = value;
        public string TrackingNumber
                return _trackingNumber;
                if (_trackingNumber != value)
                    // Validate the value before setting it.
                    if (value.Length > 25)
                        throw new ApplicationException(string.Format(
                                  new string[3] {value,"TrackingNumber", "25"}));
                    // Report the change if the change tracker exists.
                    if (_changeTracker != null)
                        _trackingNumber = value;
                        _trackingNumber = value;
        [EdmScalarPropertyAttribute(IsNullable = false)]
        public short Quantity
                return _quantity;
                if (_quantity != value)
                    // Validate the value before setting it.
                    if (value < 1)
                        throw new ApplicationException(string.Format(
                                  new string[2] { value.ToString(), "Quantity" }));
                    // Report the change if the change tracker exists.
                    if (_changeTracker != null)
                        _quantity = value;
                        _quantity = value;
                    // Update the line total.
        [EdmScalarPropertyAttribute(IsNullable = false)]
        public int Product
                return _product;
                // Validate the value before setting it.
                if (value < 1)
                    throw new ApplicationException(string.Format(
                              new string[2] { value.ToString(), "Product" }));
                // Report the change if the change tracker exists.
                if (_changeTracker != null)
                    _product = value;
                    _product = value;
        [EdmScalarPropertyAttribute(IsNullable = false)] 
        public decimal Price
                return _price;
                if (_price != value)
                    // Validate the value before setting it.
                    if (value < 0)
                        throw new ApplicationException(string.Format(
                                  new string[2] { value.ToString(), "Price" }));
                    // Report the change if the change tracker exists.
                    if (_changeTracker != null)
                        _price = value;
                        _price = value;

                    // Update the line total.
        [EdmScalarPropertyAttribute(IsNullable = false)]
        public decimal Discount
                return _discount;
                // Validate the value before setting it.
                if (value < 0)
                    throw new ApplicationException(string.Format(
                              new string[2] { value.ToString(), "Discount" }));
                // Report the change if the change tracker exists.
                if (_changeTracker != null)
                    _discount = value;
                    _discount = value;
        public decimal Total
                return _total;

        private void CalculateLineTotal()
            _total = (_quantity * (_price - _discount)); 

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Gewusst wie: Anpassen eines Entity Data Model zur Verwendung von benutzerdefinierten Objekten (Entity Framework)

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Arbeiten mit benutzerdefinierten Objekten (Entity Framework-Aufgaben)