Sdílet prostřednictvím


Cord language elements defined here are general types, the primitive data types, and the basic literal value types.

Syntax Definition

Type ::= SimpleType { [ { , } ] } .
SimpleType ::= PrimitiveType | [ SimpleType . ] Ident [ < TypeList > ] .
TypeList ::= Type { , Type } .
PrimitiveType ::= sbyte | byte | short | ushort | int | uint | long | ulong | char | float
| double | bool | object | string | void .
Literal ::= String | Number | true | false | null .
IdentList ::= Ident { , Ident } .
Ident ::= /* as in C# */
String ::= /* as in C# */
Number ::= /* as in C# */


A Type can be primitive, qualified, generic, or an array. Types (Type), identifiers (Ident), strings (String), and numbers (Number) are expressed in Cord as they are in C#.

See Also




Cord Syntax Definition

Other Resources

Cord Scripting Language