Sdílet prostřednictvím

Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Administration Namespace

[This topic is pre-release documentation and is subject to change in future releases. Blank topics are included as placeholders.]


Class Description
AgentAssignment Defines the agents that a rule applies to. This class uses Active Directory to locate the agents.
AgentManagedComputer Represents a managed computer to which an agent has been deployed.
AgentManagedComputerCriteria Used to specify the criteria for the GetAgentManagedComputers method, limiting the returned objects to those that meet the criteria.
AgentOperationResult Represents the result of a successfully performed action that targeted an agent deployed on a managed computer.
AgentPendingAction Represents a task that targets an agent on a managed computer. The task is queued or awaiting administrator approval.
AgentTaskInformation Represents information about a batch of completed tasks that targeted one or more agents on managed computers.
AgentTaskResult Represents information and results for a batch of completed tasks that targeted agents on managed computers.
AlertChangedSubscriptionConfiguration Configuration settings for an alert changed subscription.
AlertNotChangedSubscriptionConfiguration Configuration settings for an alert not changed subscription.
AlertNotificationSubscription A notification subscription that is based on alert change notifications.
AlertSubscriptionConfiguration Configuration settings for various rules that use the alert change notification data.
BaseUpdateAgentConfiguration Contains configuration settings for launching an agent update or agent repair task.
CommandNotificationAction Represents a command that executes in response to a triggered alert or state change.
ComputerHealthService Represents an agent that captures information from the computer on which it is running, applies predefined rules to the captured data, and performs actions as defined by the rules.
ComputerNameDiscoveryCriteria Specifies the criteria for the GetComputerNames method, limiting the returned objects to those that meet the criteria.
DeviceDiscoveryConfiguration Represents a configuration to use when discovering network devices. The discovery process allows you to find devices that you want to manage.
DiscoveryTaskResult Represents the result of a discovery operation.
InstallAgentConfiguration Represents a configuration to use when installing agents on Windows-based computers.
IPAddressRangeDiscoveryCriteria Specifies the criteria for a range of IP addresses in which to discover network devices, limiting the returned objects to those that meet the criteria.
ManagementGroupAdministrationSummary Exposes summary information for managed devices and computers.
ManagementServer Represents a management server in the management group.
ManagementServerCriteria Specifies the criteria for the GetManagementServers method, limiting the returned objects to those that meet the criteria.
NotificationAction A notification action for notification subscriptions.
NotificationEndpoint The abstract base class for a communication endpoint to which notifications can be sent.
NotificationRecipient Represents a user or group who receives Operations Manager notifications.
NotificationRecipientDevice Represents a device (such as email, a pager, or a mobile phone) to which notifications can be sent.
NotificationRecipientScheduleEntry Represents an entry in a schedule that determines when a recipient or device is available to receive notifications.
NotificationRecipientScheduleEntryTime Represents the time of day at which a daily schedule starts or stops.
NotificationSubscription Represents a notification subscription.
PartialAgentManagedComputer Represents a partial agent monitored computer.
PartialAgentManagedComputerCriteria Specifies the criteria for the GetPartialAgentManagedComputers method, limiting the returned objects to those that meet the criteria.
RemotelyManagedComputer Represents a managed computer that does not have a local agent installed.
RemotelyManagedDevice Represents a managed network device.
RepairAgentConfiguration Represents a configuration to use when repairing agents on managed computers.
SettablePropertyValue Represents a settable property value.
Setting Represents a management setting.
SettingGroupAttribute Defines an attribute this is used to specify that an object is part of a group of settings.
Settings Represents a group of management settings for a system.
SipNotificationAction Represents a Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) notification action for notification subscriptions. This protocol is supported by various instant messaging systems.
SipNotificationEndpoint Represents an endpoint for sending notifications using the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP). This protocol is supported by various instant messaging systems.
SipServer Represents a Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) server that sends outgoing SIP notifications.
SmsNotificationAction Represents a Short Message Service (SMS) notification action. This service is supported by various mobile phones and other handheld devices.
SmsNotificationEndpoint Represents an endpoint for sending notifications using the Short Message Service (SMS). This service is supported by various mobile phones and other handheld devices.
SmtpNotificationAction Represents a Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) notification action for notification subscriptions.
SmtpNotificationActionHeader Represents a header for Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) notification actions.
SmtpNotificationEndpoint Represents an endpoint for sending notifications using the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP). This endpoint allows you to send notifications to email addresses.
SmtpServer Represents a Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) server that sends outgoing e-mail notifications.
UninstallAgentConfiguration Represents a configuration to use when uninstalling agents on managed computers.
UpdateAgentConfiguration Contains configuration for launching a task that updates an agent.
WindowsDiscoveryConfiguration Represents a configuration to use when discovering Windows-based computers. The discovery process allows you to find computers that you want to manage.


Interface Description


Structure Description
Agent Settings for an agent.
Heartbeats Contains heartbeat settings for an agent.
HealthService Contains health service settings that apply to Management Servers and agents.
ManagementGroup Contains settings for a Management Group.
AlertCustomFieldSettings Contains custom settings for an alert for a Management Group.
AlertResolution Contains settings that determine how an alert is resolved for a Management Group.
ClientMonitoringSettings Contains the client monitoring settings for a Management Group that are shown in the Global Policy user interface.
DataWarehouse Contains settings for a data warehouse for a Management Group.
ErrorReporting Contains error reporting settings for a Management Group that determine how to send error reports.
PartitioningAndGroomingSettings Contains database partitioning and grooming settings for a Management Group.
WebAddresses Contains Web address settings for a Management Group.
ManagementServer Contains Management Server settings.
NotificationServer Contains notification subscription server settings.
WebAddresses Contains Web address settings for a notification subscription server.


Enumeration Description
AgentOperation Tasks that target an agent on a managed computer.
AgentPendingActionType The type of task that is waiting to execute.
AlertSubscriptionConfigurationType The type of configuration to use for alert subscription configuration settings.
DiscoveryComputerType The possible types of Windows-based computers to discover.
NotificationRecipientScheduleEntryDaysOfWeek Represents the days of the week that are included in a NotificationRecipientScheduleEntry.
NotificationRecipientScheduleEntryType A value that determines whether the schedule indicates available (included) or unavailable (excluded) notification times.
SipNotificationAuthenticationProtocols The type of authentication used by a Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) server.
SipTransportProtocol The transport protocol used to send notifications to the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) server.
SmsNotificationEncoding Defines the encoding types available for Short Message Service (SMS) notifications.
SmtpNotificationAuthenticationProtocol Contains values for Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) notification endpoint authentication types.