Sdílet prostřednictvím

MonitoringAlertProperty Members

[This topic is pre-release documentation and is subject to change in future releases. Blank topics are included as placeholders.]

Represents a property of the MonitoringAlert class.

The following tables list the members exposed by the MonitoringAlertProperty type.

Public Fields

  Name Description
public fieldstatic Category Represents the Category property.
public fieldstatic ClassId Represents the ClassId property.
public fieldstatic ConnectorId Represents the ConnectorId property.
public fieldstatic ConnectorStatus Represents the ConnectorStatus property.
public fieldstatic Context Represents the Context property.
public fieldstatic CustomField1 Represents the CustomField1 property.
public fieldstatic CustomField10 Represents the CustomField10 property.
public fieldstatic CustomField2 Represents the CustomField2 property.
public fieldstatic CustomField3 Represents the CustomField3 property.
public fieldstatic CustomField4 Represents the CustomField4 property.
public fieldstatic CustomField5 Represents the CustomField5 property.
public fieldstatic CustomField6 Represents the CustomField6 property.
public fieldstatic CustomField7 Represents the CustomField7 property.
public fieldstatic CustomField8 Represents the CustomField8 property.
public fieldstatic CustomField9 Represents the CustomField9 property.
public fieldstatic Description Represents the Description property.
public fieldstatic Id Represents the Id property.
public fieldstatic IsMonitorAlert Represents the IsMonitorAlert property.
public fieldstatic LastModified Represents the LastModified property.
public fieldstatic LastModifiedBy Represents the LastModifiedBy property.
public fieldstatic LastModifiedByNonConnector Represents the LastModifiedByNonConnector property.
public fieldstatic MaintenanceModeLastModified Represents the MaintenanceModeLastModified property.
public fieldstatic MonitoringObjectDisplayName Represents the MonitoringObjectDisplayName property.
public fieldstatic MonitoringObjectFullName Represents the MonitoringObjectFullName property.
public fieldstatic MonitoringObjectHealthState Represents the MonitoringObjectHealthState property.
public fieldstatic MonitoringObjectId Represents the MonitoringObjectId property.
public fieldstatic MonitoringObjectInMaintenanceMode Represents the MonitoringObjectInMaintenanceMode property.
public fieldstatic MonitoringObjectName Represents the MonitoringObjectName property.
public fieldstatic MonitoringObjectPath Represents the MonitoringObjectPath property.
public fieldstatic Name Represents the Name property.
public fieldstatic NetbiosComputerName Represents the NetbiosComputerName property.
public fieldstatic NetbiosDomainName Represents the NetbiosDomainName property.
public fieldstatic Owner Represents the Owner property.
public fieldstatic Parameters Represents the Parameters property.
public fieldstatic PrincipalName Represents the PrincipalName property.
public fieldstatic Priority Represents the Priority property.
public fieldstatic ProblemId Represents the ProblemId property.
public fieldstatic RepeatCount Represents the RepeatCount property.
public fieldstatic ResolutionState Represents the ResolutionState property.
public fieldstatic ResolvedBy Represents the ResolvedBy property.
public fieldstatic RuleId Represents the RuleId property.
public fieldstatic Severity Represents the Severity property.
public fieldstatic SiteName Represents the SiteName property.
public fieldstatic StateLastModified Represents the StateLastModified property.
public fieldstatic TicketId Represents the TicketId property.
public fieldstatic TimeAdded Represents the TimeAdded property.
public fieldstatic TimeRaised Represents the TimeRaised property.
public fieldstatic TimeResolutionStateLastModified Represents the LastModified property.
public fieldstatic TimeResolved Represents the TimeResolved property.


Public Properties

  Name Description
public propertystatic AllProperties Returns a collection of MonitoringAlertProperty objects. Each object represents an MonitoringAlert property.
public property PropertyName  Gets the column name of this property. (inherited from OperationalDataProperty)
public property PropertyType  Gets the property type. (inherited from OperationalDataProperty)


Public Methods

(see also Protected Methods)

  Name Description
public method Equals  Overridden. Determines whether the specified OperationalDataProperty object equals the current OperationalDataProperty object (inherited from Object)
public method GetHashCode  Overridden. Serves as a hash function for the current OperationalDataProperty object (inherited from Object)
public method GetType  (inherited from Object)
public method ToString  (inherited from Object)


Protected Methods

  Name Description
protected method Finalize  (inherited from Object)
protected method MemberwiseClone  (inherited from Object)


See Also


MonitoringAlertProperty Class
Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Monitoring Namespace