Sdílet prostřednictvím

CCM_SoftwareDistribution Client WMI Class

Applies To: System Center Configuration Manager 2007, System Center Configuration Manager 2007 R2, System Center Configuration Manager 2007 R3, System Center Configuration Manager 2007 SP1, System Center Configuration Manager 2007 SP2

In Configuration Manager 2007, the CCM_SoftwareDistribution class is a client Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) class that stores information specific to a software distribution, a combination of the properties for the package, program, and advertisement that were created to distribute the software.

The following syntax is simplified from Managed Object Format (MOF) code and includes all inherited properties.

Class CCM_SoftwareDistribution : CCM_Policy
      DateTime ADV_ActiveTime;
      Boolean ADV_ActiveTimeIsGMT;
      Boolean ADV_ADF_Published;
      Boolean ADV_ADF_RunNotification;
      String ADV_AdvertisementID;
      DateTime ADV_ExpirationTime;
      Boolean ADV_ExpirationTimeIsGMT;
      String ADV_FirstRunBehavior;
      Boolean ADV_MandatoryAssignments;
      Boolean ADV_ProgramWindowIsGMT;
      DateTime ADV_ProgramWindowStartTime;
      DateTime ADV_ProgramWindowStopTime;
      String ADV_RCF_InstallFromCDOptions;
      String ADV_RCF_InstallFromLocalDPOptions;
      String ADV_RCF_InstallFromRemoteDPOptions;
      Boolean ADV_RCF_PostponeToAC;
      Boolean ADV_RebootLogoffNotification;
      UInt32 ADV_RebootLogoffNotificationCountdownDuration;
      UInt32 ADV_RebootLogoffNotificationFinalWindow;
      String ADV_RepeatRunBehavior;
      UInt32 ADV_RetryCount;
      UInt32 ADV_RetryInterval;
      UInt32 ADV_RunNotificationCountdownDuration;
      UInt32 PKG_ContentSize;
      String PKG_Language;
      String PKG_Manufacturer;
      Boolean PKG_MIFChecking;
      String PKG_MifFileName;
      String PKG_MIFName;
      String PKG_MIFPublisher;
      String PKG_MIFVersion;
      String PKG_Name;
      String PKG_PackageID;
      Boolean PKG_PSF_ContainsSourceFiles;
      String PKG_SourceHash;
      String PKG_SourceVersion;
      String PKG_version;
      String PolicyID;
      String PolicyInstanceID;
      UInt32 PolicyPrecedence;
      String PolicyRuleID;
      String PolicySource;
      String PolicyVersion;
      String PRG_Category[];
      String PRG_CommandLine;
      String PRG_Comment;
      UInt32 PRG_CustomLogoffReturnCodes[];
      UInt32 PRG_CustomRebootReturnCodes[];
      UInt32 PRG_CustomSuccessReturnCodes[];
      Boolean PRG_DependentPolicy;
      String PRG_DependentProgramPackageID;
      String PRG_DependentProgramProgramID;
      String PRG_DiskSpaceReq;
      String PRG_DriveLetter;
      Boolean PRG_ForceDependencyRun;
      String PRG_HistoryLocation;
      UInt32 PRG_MaxDuration;
      String PRG_PRF_AfterRunning;
      Boolean PRG_PRF_Disabled;
      Boolean PRG_PRF_InstallsApplication;
      Boolean PRG_PRF_MappedDriveRequired;
      Boolean PRG_PRF_PersistMappedDrive;
      Boolean PRG_PRF_RunNotification;
      Boolean PRG_PRF_RunWithAdminRights;
      String PRG_PRF_ShowWindow;
      Boolean PRG_PRF_UserInputRequired;
      String PRG_PRF_UserLogonRequirement;
      String PRG_ProgramID;
      String PRG_ProgramName;
      String PRG_Requirements;
      String PRG_ReturnCodesSource;
      String PRG_WorkingDirectory;


The CCM_SoftwareDistribution class does not define any methods.


  • ADV_ActiveTime
    Data type: DateTime

    Access type: Read/Write

    Qualifiers: None

    Date and time when the advertisement becomes available to targets.

  • ADV_ActiveTimeIsGMT
    Data type: Boolean

    Access type: Read/Write

    Qualifiers: None

    true if the time specified in ADV_ActiveTime is in Universal Coordinated Time (UTC. This value is set to false if the indicated time is local time.

  • ADV_ADF_Published
    Data type: Boolean

    Access type: Read/Write

    Qualifiers: None

    true if the program has no assignments or if it has assignments and the administrator has selected the option to run the program independent of assignments.

  • ADV_ADF_RunNotification
    Data type: Boolean

    Access type: Read/Write

    Qualifiers: None

    This property is not used.

  • ADV_AdvertisementID
    Data type: String

    Access type: Read/Write

    Qualifiers: [realkey]

    ID of the advertisement.

  • ADV_ExpirationTime
    Data type: DateTime

    Access type: Read/Write

    Qualifiers: None

    Date and time when the advertisement expires. This property is required only if there is an expiration time.

  • ADV_ExpirationTimeIsGMT
    Data type: Boolean

    Access type: Read/Write

    Qualifiers: None

    true if the time specified in ADV_ExpirationTime is in UTC.

  • ADV_FirstRunBehavior
    Data type: String

    Access type: Read/Write

    Qualifiers: None

    Behavior of the client when a program runs for the first time on the client computer. Possible values are:

    • Run

    • DoNotRun

  • ADV_MandatoryAssignments
    Data type: Boolean

    Access type: Read/Write

    Qualifiers: None

    true if the advertisement includes assignments.

  • ADV_ProgramWindowIsGMT
    Data type: Boolean

    Access type: Read/Write

    Qualifiers: None

    Not used.

  • ADV_ProgramWindowStartTime
    Data type: DateTime

    Access type: Read/Write

    Qualifiers: None

    Not used.

  • ADV_ProgramWindowStopTime
    Data type: DateTime

    Access type: Read/Write

    Qualifiers: None

    Not used.

  • ADV_RCF_InstallFromCDOptions
    Data type: String

    Access type: Read/Write

    Qualifiers: None

    This property is not used.

  • ADV_RCF_InstallFromLocalDPOptions
    Data type: String

    Access type: Read/Write

    Qualifiers: None

    Options that the client has when installing from a local distribution point. Possible values are:


    The content is run directly from the distribution point.


    The content is copied from the distribution point to the local cache and then run.

    If the administrator has selected Configuration Manager distribution point content for the advertisement, this property is required. If the administrator has not selected Configuration Manager distribution point content, this property must not be set.

  • ADV_RCF_InstallFromRemoteDPOptions
    Data type: String

    Access type: Read/Write

    Qualifiers: None

    Options that the client has when installing from a remote distribution point. Possible values are:


    The content should be copied from the remote distribution point to the local cache and then run.


    The content is run directly from the distribution point.


    The program should not be run.

    If the administrator has selected Configuration Manager distribution point content for this advertisement, this property is required. If the administrator has not selected Configuration Manager distribution point content, this property must not be set.

  • ADV_RCF_PostponeToAC
    Data type: Boolean

    Access type: Read/Write

    Qualifiers: None

    This property is not used.

  • ADV_RebootLogoffNotification
    Data type: Boolean

    Access type: Read/Write

    Qualifiers: None

    true to show the site restart countdown notification on the client system. If the notification should not be shown, this value is false. If the notification options set in the site should be used to determine whether a notification should be displayed, this value is null.

  • ADV_RebootLogoffNotificationCountdownDuration
    Data type: UInt32

    Access type: Read/Write

    Qualifiers: None

    The duration, in seconds, of the reboot/logoff notification countdown. If the value is null, the site settings are used.

  • ADV_RebootLogoffNotificationFinalWindow
    Data type: UInt32

    Access type: Read/Write

    Qualifiers: None

    The final duration, in seconds. During this duration, the Hide button is not displayed in the reboot/logoff countdown window. If the value is null, the site settings is used.

  • ADV_RepeatRunBehavior
    Data type: String

    Access type: Read/Write

    Qualifiers: None

    Response of the client when a program is run more than once on a computer. Possible values are:


    Rerun the program regardless of previous execution condition.


    Rerun the program if the previous attempt to run failed. If there was no previous attempt, do not run.


    Rerun the program if the previous attempt to run succeeded. If there was no previous attempt, do not run.


    Do not rerun the program.

  • ADV_RetryCount
    Data type: UInt32

    Access type: Read/Write

    Qualifiers: None

    This property is not used.

  • ADV_RetryInterval
    Data type: UInt32

    Access type: Read/Write

    Qualifiers: None

    This property is not used.

  • ADV_RunNotificationCountdownDuration
    Data type: UInt32

    Access type: Read/Write

    Qualifiers: None

    Duration, in seconds, of the run notification countdown. If the value is null, the site settings are used.

  • PKG_ContentSize
    Data type: UInt32

    Access type: Read/Write

    Qualifiers: None

    Size, in kilobytes, of the package content.

  • PKG_Language
    Data type: String

    Access type: Read/Write

    Qualifiers: None

    Language of the package.

  • PKG_Manufacturer
    Data type: String

    Access type: Read/Write

    Qualifiers: None

    Publisher of the package.

  • PKG_MIFChecking
    Data type: Boolean

    Access type: Read/Write

    Qualifiers: None

    true if the client should search locations for Management Information Format (MIF) files that match the MIF properties specified in PKG_MIFFileName, PKG_MIFName, PKG_MIFVersion, and PKG_MIFPublisher. If the value is false, MIF checking is not performed.

  • PKG_MifFileName
    Data type: String

    Access type: Read/Write

    Qualifiers: None

    File name to use for MIF matching.

  • PKG_MIFName
    Data type: String

    Access type: Read/Write

    Qualifiers: None

    Package name to use for MIF reporting.

  • PKG_MIFPublisher
    Data type: String

    Access type: Read/Write

    Qualifiers: None

    Publisher to use for MIF reporting.

  • PKG_MIFVersion
    Data type: String

    Access type: Read/Write

    Qualifiers: None

    Package version to use for MIF reporting.

  • PKG_Name
    Data type: String

    Access type: Read/Write

    Qualifiers: None

    Name of the package.

  • PKG_PackageID
    Data type: String

    Access type: Read/Write

    Qualifiers: [realkey]

    ID of the package associated with the program.

  • PKG_PSF_ContainsSourceFiles
    Data type: Boolean

    Access type: Read/Write

    Qualifiers: None

    true if the package contains source files.

  • PKG_SourceHash
    Data type: String

    Access type: Read/Write

    Qualifiers: None

    The source hash code.

  • PKG_SourceVersion
    Data type: String

    Access type: Read/Write

    Qualifiers: None

    Version of the package source files. This property is present if PKG_PSF_ContainsSourceFiles is set to true.

  • PKG_Version
    Data type: String

    Access type: Read/Write

    Qualifiers: None

    Version of the package.

  • PRG_Category
    Data type: String Array

    Access type: Read/Write

    Qualifiers: None

    Categories assigned to the program.

  • PRG_CommandLine
    Data type: String

    Access type: Read/Write

    Qualifiers: None

    Command line to run with the program.

  • PRG_Comment
    Data type: String

    Access type: Read/Write

    Qualifiers: None

    Program comment.

  • PRG_CustomLogoffReturnCodes
    Data type: UInt32 Array

    Access type: Read/Write

    Qualifiers: None

    Custom program return codes indicating that a logoff is necessary.

  • PRG_CustomRebootReturnCodes
    Data type: UInt32 Array

    Access type: Read/Write

    Qualifiers: None

    Custom program return codes indicating that a restart is necessary.

  • PRG_CustomSuccessReturnCodes
    Data type: UInt32 Array

    Access type: Read/Write

    Qualifiers: None

    Custom program return codes indicating success.

  • PRG_DependentPolicy
    Data type: Boolean

    Access type: Read/Write

    Qualifiers: None

    true if this is the policy for a program on which another program depends. The root program in a chain has this property set to false.

  • PRG_DependentProgramPackageID
    Data type: String

    Access type: Read/Write

    Qualifiers: None

    Package ID of the program on which the program depends.

  • PRG_DependentProgramProgramID
    Data type: String

    Access type: Read/Write

    Qualifiers: None

    Program ID of the program on which this program depends.

  • PRG_DiskSpaceReq
    Data type: String

    Access type: Read/Write

    Qualifiers: None

    Estimated disk space required for the program.

  • PRG_DriveLetter
    Data type: String

    Access type: Read/Write

    Qualifiers: None

    Drive letter. When PRG_PRF_MappedDriveRequired is true, this property is required. Possible values are any letter (such as A, B, or C) or use any available drive letter "*".

  • PRG_ForceDependencyRun
    Data type: Boolean

    Access type: Read/Write

    Qualifiers: None

    true if before every time this program runs, the program that it depends on will be run as well, regardless of whether it has run before or not.

  • PRG_HistoryLocation
    Data type: String

    Access type: Read/Write

    Qualifiers: None

    Location to check or record history for this program. Possible values are:


    If the program can run only when a user is logged on, and the behavior of the program when targeted at a computer is to run once for every user, then this program is a per-user program and the user's history should be checked.


    In all other cases, the program is a per-computer program.

  • PRG_MaxDuration
    Data type: UInt32

    Access type: Read/Write

    Qualifiers: None

    Maximum allowed run time, in seconds, for the program.

  • PRG_PRF_AfterRunning
    Data type: String

    Access type: Read/Write

    Qualifiers: None

    Value indicating if the computer restarts or the user is logged off after the program completes. Possible values are:


    No restart or logoff occurs.


    Configuration Manager initiates a restart of the computer.


    The program initiates a restart of the computer.


    Configuration Manager logs the current user (if any) off the system.


    The program logs the current user (if any) off the system.

  • PRG_PRF_Disabled
    Data type: Boolean

    Access type: Read/Write

    Qualifiers: None

    true if the program is disabled.

  • PRG_PRF_InstallsApplication
    Data type: Boolean

    Access type: Read/Write

    Qualifiers: None

    This property is not used.

  • PRG_PRF_MappedDriveRequired
    Data type: Boolean

    Access type: Read/Write

    Qualifiers: None

    true if the program should use a mapped drive to run the command line. If the property is set to false, the program uses a Universal Naming Convention (UNC) path.

  • PRG_PRF_PersistMappedDrive
    Data type: Boolean

    Access type: Read/Write

    Qualifiers: None

    true if the drive mapped to run the program should be persistent. This property is required if PRG_PRF_MappedDriveRequired is true.

  • PRG_PRF_RunNotification
    Data type: Boolean

    Access type: Read/Write

    Qualifiers: None

    true if the program notification dialog box is displayed. This is the equivalent of selecting the Suppress program notifications check box in the program advanced properties. false is the equivalent of selecting the Suppress program notifications check box in the administrator console.

  • PRG_PRF_RunWithAdminRights
    Data type: Boolean

    Access type: Read/Write

    Qualifiers: None

    true if the program should run in the local System context, and false if the program should run in the user's context.

  • PRG_PRF_ShowWindow
    Data type: String

    Access type: Read/Write

    Qualifiers: None

    Value indicating how the window should be displayed when the program runs. Possible values are:


    Shows the window in its normal state.


    Shows the window minimized.


    Shows the window in its maximized state.


    Do not show (hide) the window.

  • PRG_PRF_UserInputRequired
    Data type: Boolean

    Access type: Read/Write

    Qualifiers: None

    true if user input is required. It is important to note that it is possible within the confines of this schema to indicate that a program can run only when a user is not logged on, or have no user requirement, when it also requires user input. In this case, the client does not run the program and does not report a failed status.

  • PRG_PRF_UserLogonRequirement
    Data type: String

    Access type: Read/Write

    Qualifiers: None

    User logon requirement. This property determines the requirements for whether a user needs to be logged on when this program runs. Possible values are:


    The program can only run when no user is logged on.


    The program can only run when a user is logged on.


    The program has no specific user logon requirements.

    It is important to note that it is possible within the confines of this schema to indicate that a program can run only when a user is not logged on when it is targeted at a user. In this case, the client does not run the program and does not report a failed status.

  • PRG_ProgramID
    Data type: String

    Access type: Read/Write

    Qualifiers: [realkey]

    ID of the program associated with the advertisement.

  • PRG_ProgramName
    Data type: String

    Access type: Read/Write

    Qualifiers: None

    Name of the program associated with the advertisement.

  • PRG_Requirements
    Data type: String

    Access type: Read/Write

    Qualifiers: None

    Additional requirements specified by the administrator.

  • PRG_ReturnCodesSource
    Data type: String

    Access type: Read/Write

    Qualifiers: None

    Value that determines how the return codes for a program should be determined. Possible values are:


    Use the return codes list from the site settings.


    Use the custom return codes included in the policy.


    Use return codes from both the site settings and the policy.

  • PRG_WorkingDirectory
    Data type: String

    Access type: Read/Write

    Qualifiers: None

    Working directory that the program uses when it runs.


Runtime Requirements

For more information, see Configuration Manager Client Runtime Requirements.

Development Requirements

For more information, see Configuration Manager Client Development Requirements.

See Also


Software Distribution Client WMI Classes