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Configuration Manager Object Security

Applies To: System Center Configuration Manager 2007, System Center Configuration Manager 2007 R2, System Center Configuration Manager 2007 R3, System Center Configuration Manager 2007 SP1, System Center Configuration Manager 2007 SP2

Although only the SMS_UserInstancePermissions Server WMI Class is commonly used in Configuration Manager 2007 scripting, you can also use the following Configuration Manager classes for Configuration Manager object security:

  • SMS_UserInstancePermissions Server WMI Class   Each instance of this class represents all the rights for a particular user or group for that instance.

  • SMS_UserInstancePermissionNames Server WMI Class   Each instance of this class represents a particular right for a particular user or group on a particular instance. This class is useful for display purposes because the rights are already parsed into a form that you can read, but it takes more scripting to achieve the same results as the SMS_UserInstancePermissions Server WMI Class.

  • SMS_UserClassPermissions Server WMI Class   Each instance of this class represents all the rights for a particular user or group for a particular class.

  • SMS_UserClassPermissionNames Server WMI Class   Each instance of this class represents a particular right for a particular user or group for a particular class. The class is useful for display purposes because the rights are already parsed into a form that you can read, but it takes more scripting to achieve the same results as the SMS_UserClassPermissions Server WMI Class.

Delegate Verb

The delegate verb in Configuration Manager provides administrators with a way of allowing users to assign to other users the instance permissions to an object in a very limited way. The rights that a user is allowed to assign (or revoke) to other users are limited to the instance rights that have been explicitly granted to that user. When a user creates a secured object, that user is automatically granted explicit instance rights to that object (usually read, modify, and delete).

To some extent, these explicitly granted rights provide the user with a certain level of ownership of the object. With the delegate right, this ownership is extended to the control of the default group of instance rights. To limit which rights a user can delegate, only rights explicitly granted to them (not a group to which they belong) can be delegated. A user can also remove other users (or groups) instance rights if the user has the delegate permission and explicit rights to an object (this is why a user is said to own an object if they have explicit instance rights). Users with administrator rights still have full control of administering permissions.

A common scenario for using the delegate verb is when a user has create and delegate rights for an object type and wants to create an object and allow members of a user group to see it. They create an instance of the object and then delegate read permissions for the instance to the user group.

The delegate verb is applicable to the follow Configuration Manager classes:

  • SMS_Collection

  • SMS_Package

  • SMS_Advertisement

  • SMS_Site

  • SMS_Query

  • SMS_Report

  • SMS_MeteredProductRule

System Resource (SMS_R_System) as a Secured Resource

Secured resources are resources (the SMS_R_* classes) that require collection read rights to be viewed. If the user has class-level collection read rights, the user can see all the instances of a secured resource. If the user only has instance-level read rights to certain collections, the user only has rights to see resources that are a members of those collections. SMS_R_User and SMS_R_UserGroup are secured resources in SMS 2.0. In SMS 2003, SMS_R_System (the system resource) is also a secured resource.

Inventory instances (SMS_G_System_*) are secured similarly with the read resource verb. If a user has class-level rights, that user can see inventory data belonging to all resources. If the user does not have class-level rights, the user can see only inventory data for inventory that belongs to resources that are members of collections to which the user has instance-level read resource rights. Conversely, if a user has read resource rights to a collection, a user can see the inventory data for the members of that collection. This has not been affected by the change in security to SMS_R_System. Read resource rights cannot be granted to a user without granting read rights. When a user does not have the appropriate class-level collection rights, resource security is enforced through collection limiting.

Securing File Submissions to a Configuration Manager Server

The recommended location for copying data discovery record (DDR) files and Managed Information Format (MIF) files that not related to existing Configuration Manager clients is directly in the site server inboxes. This requires administrator level permissions on the site server to be granted to the application that is copying these files. These are located as follows:

DDR files: <SMS>/inboxes/

MIF files: <SMS>/inboxes/

See Also


About Configuration Manager Objects
Configuration Manager Association Classes
Configuration Manager Bit Field Properties
Configuration Manager Date and Time Formats
Configuration Manager Embedded Objects
Configuration Manager Extended WMI Query Language
How to Use Configuration Manager Objects with Managed Code
Configuration Manager Lazy Properties
Configuration Manager Special Queries
Configuration Manager Errors