Saves an item change to the feed. The item change is represented by an XML string in the FeedSync format.
HRESULT SaveChangeDataXmlText(
ISyncChange * pChange,
ISaveChangeContext * pSaveChangeContext,
LPCWSTR wszItemText,
IFeedItemDataXmlTextMerger * pItemDataTextMerger);
- ssa
[in] The action to be performed for the change.
- pChange
[in] The item change to be saved.
- pSaveChangeContext
[in] Context information about the change to save.
- wszItemText
[in] The item data represented by an XML string in the FeedSync format.
- pItemDataTextMerger
[in, unique] An object that can be called by Sync Frameworkto merge changes. Can be NULL if no merging is required. It cannot be NULL if conflicts are resolved with the SRA_MERGE resolve action. If the value is not NULL, Sync Framework will call IFeedItemDataXmlTextMerger::MergeFeedItemDataXmlText to merge FeedSync item data for any conflicts that are resolved with the SRA_MERGE action.
Return Value
SYNC_E_FEEDSYNC_ITEM_NOT_IN_METADATA when ssa specifies an update or delete action and the item cannot be found in the FeedSync feed.
This method helps a provider implement its ISynchronousNotifyingChangeApplierTarget::SaveChange method.