Returns the value of a string field.
HRESULT TryGetFieldString(
LPCWSTR pcszFieldName,
LPWSTR pszValue,
ULONG * pcchValue);
- pcszFieldName
[in, string] The name of the field.
- pszValue
[in, out, size_is(*pcchValue)] Returns the value of the specified field.
- pcchValue
[in, out] Specifies the number of characters in pszValue. Returns the number of characters required to retrieve the specified field value when pszValue is too small; otherwise, returns the number of characters written, including the null terminator.
Return Value
S_FALSE if the value has not been set or if it has been set to NULL.
SYNC_E_METADATA_FIELD_INVALID_NAME if the field does not exist.
SYNC_E_METADATA_FIELD_INVALID_TYPE if the field is not a string.
HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_MORE_DATA) when pszValue is not large enough to receive the field value. In this situation, pcchValue returns the required number of characters.
Custom fields must be defined by using a CUSTOM_FIELD_DEFINITION structure when the replica metadata is first initialized.
If IItemMetadata::SetFieldString was called to set the field value, but the change has not yet been saved by a call to IReplicaMetadata::SaveItemMetadata, TryGetFieldString returns the value that is contained in the IItemMetadata object and not the value that is stored in the metadata store.