Gets the ID of the replica that enumerated this change.
HRESULT GetOwnerReplicaId(
BYTE * pbReplicaId,
DWORD * pcbIdSize);
- pbReplicaId
[in, out, unique, size_is(*pcbIdSize)] Returns the ID of the replica that originated this change.
- pcbIdSize
[in, out] Specifies the number of bytes in pbReplicaId. Returns the number of bytes required to retrieve the ID when pbReplicaId is too small, or returns the number of bytes written.
Return Value
HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_MORE_DATA) when pbReplicaId is too small. In this case, the required number of bytes is returned in pcbIdSize.
The versions contained in this object are valid for the replica that is identified by pbReplicaId.