Sdílet prostřednictvím


Adds a specified item change to the list.

HRESULT AddItemMetadata(
  const BYTE * pbOwnerReplicaId, 
  const BYTE * pbItemId, 
  const SYNC_VERSION * pChangeVersion,
  const SYNC_VERSION * pCreationVersion, 
  DWORD dwFlags,
  ISyncChangeBuilder ** ppChangeBuilder);


  • pbOwnerReplicaId
    [in] The replica ID of the replica where pChangeVersion and pCreationVersion are valid. The ID format must match the format specified by the ID_PARAMETERS structure of the provider.
  • pbItemId
    [in] The ID of the item. The ID format must match the format specified by the ID_PARAMETERS structure of the provider.
  • pChangeVersion
    [in] The version of this change.
  • pCreationVersion
    [in] The creation version of the item.
  • dwFlags
    [in] Flags that specify the state of the item change. For the flag values, see SYNC_CHANGE_FLAG Flags.
  • ppChangeBuilder
    [out] Returns an object that can be used to add change unit information to the change.

Return Value

  • S_OK


  • E_INVALIDARG if dwFlags contains any values other than SYNC_CHANGE_FLAG_DELETED or SYNC_CHANGE_FLAG_DOES_NOT_EXIST.

  • SYNC_E_INVALID_OPERATION when an invalid operation occurs.

  • SYNC_E_ID_FORMAT_MISMATCH when the format of pbOwnerReplicaId or pbItemId does not match the format specified by the ID format schema of the provider.


The following example shows how to enumerate the changes in a remote change batch and create a corresponding list of local versions by using AddItemMetadata to add local versions to an IDestinationChangeVersionsBuilder object. The example also uses IDestinationChangeVersionsBuilder::GetChangeEnumerator to return the list of local versions.

STDMETHODIMP CMetadataMgr::GetItemBatchVersions(
    ISyncChangeBatch * pRemoteSyncChangeBatch,
    IEnumSyncChanges ** ppLocalVersionsEnum)

    if (NULL == pRemoteSyncChangeBatch || NULL == ppLocalVersionsEnum)
        hr = E_POINTER;
        IProviderSyncServices* pProvSvc;
        hr = GetProviderSyncServices(&c_idParams, &pProvSvc);
        if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
            IDestinationChangeVersionsBuilder* pDestChangeBuilder = NULL;
            hr = pProvSvc->CreateDestinationChangeVersionsBuilder(&pDestChangeBuilder);
            if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
                IEnumSyncChanges* pRemoteEnum = NULL;
                hr = pRemoteSyncChangeBatch->GetChangeEnumerator(&pRemoteEnum);
                if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
                    ULONG cFetched;

                    ISyncChange* pChange;
                    SYNC_GID gidItem;
                    DWORD cbID = sizeof(gidItem);
                    DWORD dwFlags;
                    SYNC_VERSION verCurrent;
                    SYNC_VERSION verCreation;
                    HRESULT hrEnum = S_OK;
                    while (S_OK == hrEnum && SUCCEEDED(hr))
                        pChange = NULL;
                        hrEnum = pRemoteEnum->Next(1, &pChange, &cFetched);
                        if (S_OK == hrEnum)
                            hr = pChange->GetRootItemId((BYTE*)&gidItem, &cbID);
                            if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
                                // Try to find the item in the local (destination) metadata.
                                IItemMetadata* pItem = NULL;
                                hr = FindItemMetadataByGlobalId((BYTE*)&gidItem, &pItem);
                                if (S_OK == hr)
                                    // S_OK means the item exists in our local store.
                                    // Extract its version and tombstone information.
                                    dwFlags = 0;

                                    BOOL fTombstone = FALSE;
                                    hr = pItem->GetIsDeleted(&fTombstone);
                                    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
                                        if (fTombstone)
                                            dwFlags = SYNC_CHANGE_FLAG_DELETED;

                                    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
                                        hr = pItem->GetChangeVersion(&verCurrent);
                                        if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
                                            hr = pItem->GetCreationVersion(&verCreation);                                            

                                else if (S_FALSE == hr)
                                    // S_FALSE means this item does not exist in our local store.
                                    // Set versions to 0 and flag it as a new item.
                                    verCurrent.dwLastUpdatingReplicaKey = 0;
                                    verCurrent.ullTickCount = 0;
                                    verCreation.dwLastUpdatingReplicaKey = 0;
                                    verCreation.ullTickCount = 0;
                                    dwFlags = SYNC_CHANGE_FLAG_DOES_NOT_EXIST;

                                if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
                                    // Add the item to the batch of destination versions.
                                    GUID guidReplicaID = GUID_NULL;
                                    ULONG cbID = sizeof(guidReplicaID);
                                    hr = GetReplicaId((BYTE*)&guidReplicaID, &cbID);
                                    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
                                        hr = pDestChangeBuilder->AddItemMetadata((BYTE*)&guidReplicaID,
                                            (BYTE*)&gidItem, &verCurrent, &verCreation, dwFlags, NULL);


                    if (FAILED(hrEnum))
                        hr = hrEnum;                    


                if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
                    hr = pDestChangeBuilder->GetChangeEnumerator(ppLocalVersionsEnum);               



    return hr;

See Also


IDestinationChangeVersionsBuilder Interface