sp_schemafilter (Transact-SQL)
Modifies and displays information on the schema that is excluded when listing Oracle tables eligible for publishing.
Transact-SQL Syntax Conventions
sp_schemafilter [ @publisher = ] 'publisher'
[ , [ @schema = ] 'schema' ]
[ , [ @operation = ] 'operation' ]
[@publisher = ] 'publisher'
Is the name of the non-Microsoft SQL Server Publisher. publisher is sysname, with no default.[@schema = ] 'schema'
Is the name of the schema. schema is sysname, with a default value of NULL.[@operation = ] 'operation'
Is the action to be taken on this schema. operation is nvarchar(4), and can be one of the following values.Value
Adds the specified schema to the list of schema that are not eligible for publication.
Drops the specified schema from the list of schema that are not eligible for publication.
Returns the list of schema that are not eligible for publication.
Result Sets
Column name |
Data type |
Description |
schemaname |
sysname |
Is the name of the schema not eligible for publication. |
Return Code Values
0 (success) or 1 (failure)
sp_schemafilter should only be used for heterogeneous publishers.
Only members of the sysadmin fixed server role at the Distributor can execute sp_schemafilter.