Type Element (DimensionAttribute) (ASSL)
Contains the type of the attribute.
Element Characteristics
Characteristic |
Description |
Data type and length |
String (enumeration) |
Default value |
Regular |
Cardinality |
0-1: Optional element that can occur once and only once. |
Element Relationships
Relationship |
Element |
Parent element |
Child elements |
None |
The value of this element is limited to one of the strings listed in the following table.
Value |
Description |
Account |
The attribute represents the name of an account. |
AccountNumber |
The attribute represents the number of an account. |
AccountType |
The attribute represents the type of an account. |
Address |
The attribute represents an address. |
AddressBuilding |
The attribute represents a building identifier for an address. |
AddressCity |
The attribute represents a city for an address. |
AddressCountry |
The attribute represents a country or region for an address. |
AddressFax |
The attribute represents a fax telephone number. |
AddressFloor |
The attribute represents a floor identifier for an address. |
AddressHouse |
The attribute represents a house number for an address. |
AddressPhone |
The attribute represents a telephone number. |
AddressQuarter |
The attribute represents a quarter for an address. |
AddressRoom |
The attribute represents a room identifier for an address. |
AddressStateOrProvince |
The attribute represents a state or province for an address. |
AddressStreet |
The attribute represents the street for an address. |
AddressZip |
The attribute represents a postal code (ZIP code) for an address. |
BOMResource |
The attribute represents a resource for a bill of materials (BOM). |
Caption |
The attribute represents a caption. |
CaptionAbbreviation |
The attribute represents an abbreviation. |
CaptionDescription |
The attribute represents a description. |
Channel |
The attribute represents a channel. |
City |
The attribute represents a city. |
Company |
The attribute represents a company. |
Continent |
The attribute represents a continent. |
Country |
The attribute represents a country or region. |
County |
The attribute represents a county. |
CurrencyDestination |
The attribute represents the destination currency of a currency exchange. |
CurrencyISOcode |
The attribute represents the ISO code of a currency. |
CurrencName |
The attribute represents the name of a currency. |
CurrencySource |
The attribute represents the source currency of a currency exchange. |
CustomerGroup |
The attribute represents a group of customers. |
CustomerHousehold |
The attribute represents a household of customers. |
Customers |
The attribute represents a customer. |
Date |
The attribute represents a date. |
DateCanceled |
The attribute represents a cancellation date. |
DateDuration |
The attribute represents a duration. |
DateEnded |
The attribute represents an end date. |
DateModified |
The attribute represents a modification date. |
DateStart |
The attribute represents a start date. |
DayOfHalfYears |
The attribute represents the day ordinal of a half-year. |
DayOfMonth |
The attribute represents the day ordinal of a month. |
DayOfQuarter |
The attribute represents the day ordinal of a quarter. |
DayOfTrimester |
The attribute represents the day ordinal of a trimester. |
DayOfWeek |
The attribute represents the day ordinal of a week. |
DayOfYear |
The attribute represents the day ordinal of a year. |
Days |
The attribute represents days. |
DaysOfTenDays |
The attribute represents the day ordinal of a ten-day period. |
FiscalDay |
The attribute represents days in a fiscal calendar. |
FiscalDayOfHalfYears |
The attribute represents the day ordinal of a half-year in a fiscal calendar. |
FiscalDayOfMonth |
The attribute represents the day ordinal of a month in a fiscal calendar. |
FiscalDayOfQuarter |
The attribute represents the day ordinal of a quarter in a fiscal calendar. |
FiscalDayOfTrimester |
The attribute represents the day ordinal of a trimester in a fiscal calendar. |
FiscalDayOfWeek |
The attribute represents the day ordinal of a week in a fiscal calendar. |
FiscalDayOfYear |
The attribute represents the day ordinal of a year in a fiscal calendar. |
FiscalHalfYears |
The attribute represents half-years in a fiscal calendar. |
FiscalHalfYearsOfYear |
The attribute represents the half-year ordinal of a year in a fiscal calendar. |
FiscalMonth |
The attribute represents months in a fiscal calendar. |
FiscalMonthOfHalfYears |
The attribute represents the month ordinal of a half-year in a fiscal calendar. |
FiscalMonthOfQuarter |
The attribute represents the month ordinal of a quarter in a fiscal calendar. |
FiscalMonthOfTrimester |
The attribute represents the month ordinal of a trimester in a fiscal calendar. |
FiscalMonthOfYear |
The attribute represents the month ordinal of a year in a fiscal calendar. |
FiscalQuarter |
The attribute represents quarters in a fiscal calendar. |
FiscalQuarterOfHalfYear |
The attribute represents the quarter ordinal of a half-year in a fiscal calendar. |
FiscalQuarterOfYear |
The attribute represents the quarter ordinal of a year in a fiscal calendar. |
FiscalTrimester |
The attribute represents trimesters in a fiscal calendar. |
FiscalTrimesterOfYear |
The attribute represents the trimester ordinal of a year in a fiscal calendar. |
FiscalWeek |
The attribute represents weeks in a fiscal calendar. |
FiscalWeekOfHalfYears |
The attribute represents the week ordinal of a half-year in a fiscal calendar. |
FiscalWeekOfMonth |
The attribute represents the week ordinal of a month in a fiscal calendar. |
FiscalWeekOfQuarter |
The attribute represents the week ordinal of a quarter in a fiscal calendar. |
FiscalWeekOfTrimester |
The attribute represents the week ordinal of a trimester in a fiscal calendar. |
FiscalWeekOfYear |
The attribute represents the week ordinal of a year in a fiscal calendar. |
FiscalYear |
The attribute represents years in a fiscal calendar. |
FormattingColor |
The attribute represents the color used in formatting. |
FormattingFont |
The attribute represents the font used in formatting. |
FormattingFontEffects |
The attribute represents the font effects used in formatting. |
FormattingFontSize |
The attribute represents the font size used in formatting. |
FormattingOrder |
The attribute represents the order used in formatting. |
FormattingSubtotal |
The attribute represents a subtotal. |
GeoBoundaryBottom |
The attribute represents the bottommost value of a geographic boundary. |
GeoBoundaryFront |
The attribute represents the frontmost value of a geographic boundary. |
GeoBoundaryLeft |
The attribute represents the leftmost value of a geographic boundary. |
GeoBoundaryPolygon |
The attribute represents the polygon definition of a geographic boundary. |
GeoBoundaryRear |
The attribute represents the rearmost value of a geographic boundary. |
GeoBoundaryRight |
The attribute represents the rightmost value of a geographic boundary. |
GeoBoundaryTop |
The attribute represents the topmost value of a geographic boundary. |
GeoCentroidX |
The attribute represents an X-axis centroid for a geographic region. |
GeoCentroidY |
The attribute represents a Y-axis centroid for a geographic region. |
GeoCentroidZ |
The attribute represents a Z-axis centroid for a geographic region. |
HalfYears |
The attribute represents half-years. |
HalfYearsOfYear |
The attribute represents the half-year ordinal of a year. |
Hours |
The attribute represents hours. |
Id |
The attribute represents an identifier or key. |
IsHoliday |
The attribute indicates whether a date is a holiday. |
ISO8601DayOfWeek |
The attribute represents the day ordinal of a week in an ISO 8601 calendar. |
ISO8601DayOfYear |
The attribute represents the day ordinal of a year in an ISO 8601 calendar. |
ISO8601Days |
The attribute represents days in an ISO 8601 calendar. |
ISO8601Week |
The attribute represents weeks in an ISO 8601 calendar. |
ISO8601WeekOfYear |
The attribute represents the week ordinal of a year in an ISO 8601 calendar. |
ISO8601Year |
The attribute represents years in an ISO 8601 calendar. |
IsWeekDay |
The attribute indicates whether a date is a weekday. |
IsWorkingDay |
The attribute indicates whether a date is a working day. |
ManufacturingDay |
The attribute represents days in a manufacturing calendar. |
ManufacturingDayOfHalfYears |
The attribute represents the day ordinal of a half-year in a manufacturing calendar. |
ManufacturingDayOfMonth |
The attribute represents the day ordinal of a month in a manufacturing calendar. |
ManufacturingDayOfQuarter |
The attribute represents the day ordinal of a quarter in a manufacturing calendar. |
ManufacturingDayOfTrimester |
The attribute represents the day ordinal of a trimester in a manufacturing calendar. |
ManufacturingDayOfWeek |
The attribute represents the day ordinal of a week in a manufacturing calendar. |
ManufacturingDayOfYear |
The attribute represents the day ordinal of a year in a manufacturing calendar. |
ManufacturingHalfYears |
The attribute represents half-years in a manufacturing calendar. |
ManufacturingHalfYearsOfYear |
The attribute represents the half-year ordinal of a year in a manufacturing calendar. |
ManufacturingMonth |
The attribute represents months in a manufacturing calendar. |
ManufacturingMonthOfHalfYears |
The attribute represents the month ordinal of a half-year in a manufacturing calendar. |
ManufacturingMonthOfQuarter |
The attribute represents the month ordinal of a quarter in a manufacturing calendar. |
ManufacturingMonthOfTrimester |
The attribute represents the month ordinal of a trimester in a manufacturing calendar. |
ManufacturingMonthOfYear |
The attribute represents the month ordinal of a year in a manufacturing calendar. |
ManufacturingQuarter |
The attribute represents quarters in a manufacturing calendar. |
ManufacturingQuarterOfHalfYear |
The attribute represents the quarter ordinal of a half-year in a manufacturing calendar. |
ManufacturingQuarterOfYear |
The attribute represents the quarter ordinal of a year in a manufacturing calendar. |
ManufacturingTrimester |
The attribute represents trimesters in a manufacturing calendar. |
ManufacturingTrimesterOfYear |
The attribute represents the trimester ordinal of a year in a manufacturing calendar. |
ManufacturingWeek |
The attribute represents weeks in a manufacturing calendar. |
ManufacturingWeekOfHalfYears |
The attribute represents the week ordinal of a half-year in a manufacturing calendar. |
ManufacturingWeekOfMonth |
The attribute represents the week ordinal of a month in a manufacturing calendar. |
ManufacturingWeekOfQuarter |
The attribute represents the week ordinal of a quarter in a manufacturing calendar. |
ManufacturingWeekOfTrimester |
The attribute represents the week ordinal of a trimester in a manufacturing calendar. |
ManufacturingWeekOfYear |
The attribute represents the week ordinal of a year in a manufacturing calendar. |
ManufacturingYear |
The attribute represents years in a manufacturing calendar. |
Minutes |
The attribute represents minutes. |
MonthOfHalfYears |
The attribute represents the month ordinal of a half-year. |
MonthOfQuarter |
The attribute represents the month ordinal of a quarter. |
MonthOfTrimester |
The attribute represents the month ordinal of a trimester. |
MonthOfYear |
The attribute represents the month ordinal of a year. |
Months |
The attribute represents months. |
OrganizationalUnit |
The attribute represents an organizational unit. |
OrgTitle |
The attribute represents an organizational title. |
PercentOwnership |
The attribute represents a percent of ownership. |
PercentVoteRight |
The attribute represents a percent of voting rights. |
Person |
The attribute represents a person. |
PersonContact |
The attribute represents contact information for a person. |
PersonDemographic |
The attribute represents demographic information for a person. |
PersonFirstName |
The attribute represents the given name (first name) of a person. |
PersonFullName |
The attribute represents the full name of a person. |
PersonLastName |
The attribute represents the surname (last name) of a person. |
PersonMiddleName |
The attribute represents the middle name of a person. |
PhysicalColor |
The attribute represents a color. |
PhysicalDensity |
The attribute represents density. |
PhysicalDepth |
The attribute represents depth. |
PhysicalHeight |
The attribute represents height. |
PhysicalSize |
The attribute represents a size. |
PhysicalVolume |
The attribute represents volume. |
PhysicalWeight |
The attribute represents weight. |
PhysicalWidth |
The attribute represents width. |
Point |
The attribute represents a point. |
PostalCode |
The attribute represents a postal code. |
Product |
The attribute represents a product. |
ProductBrand |
The attribute represents a product brand. |
ProductCategory |
The attribute represents a product category. |
ProductGroup |
The attribute represents a product group. |
ProductSKU |
The attribute represents a product stock keeping unit (SKU). |
ProjectCode |
The attribute represents a project code. |
Projectcompletion |
The attribute represents the completion status of a project. |
ProjectEnddate |
The attribute represents a project end date. |
ProjectName |
The attribute represents a project name. |
ProjectStartDate |
The attribute represents a project start date. |
Promotion |
The attribute represents a promotion. |
QtyRangeHigh |
The attribute represents the highest value of a range of quantities. |
QtyRangeLow |
The attribute represents the lowest value of a range of quantities. |
Quantitative |
The attribute represents a quantitative attribute. |
QuarterOfHalfYear |
The attribute represents the quarter ordinal of a half-year. |
QuarterOfYear |
The attribute represents the quarter ordinal of a year. |
Quarters |
The attribute represents quarters. |
Rate |
The attribute represents a rate. |
RateType |
The attribute represents a rate type. |
Region |
The attribute represents a customer-defined region. |
Regular |
The attribute represents a regular attribute. |
RelationToParent |
The attribute represents a relation to a parent. |
ReportingDay |
The attribute represents days in a reporting calendar. |
ReportingDayOfHalfYears |
The attribute represents the day ordinal of a half-year in a reporting calendar. |
ReportingDayOfMonth |
The attribute represents the day ordinal of a month in a reporting calendar. |
ReportingDayOfQuarter |
The attribute represents the day ordinal of a quarter in a reporting calendar. |
ReportingDayOfTrimester |
The attribute represents the day ordinal of a trimester in a reporting calendar. |
ReportingDayOfWeek |
The attribute represents the day ordinal of a week in a reporting calendar. |
ReportingDayOfYear |
The attribute represents the day ordinal of a year in a reporting calendar. |
ReportingHalfYears |
The attribute represents half-years in a reporting calendar. |
ReportingHalfYearsOfYear |
The attribute represents the half-year ordinal of a year in a reporting calendar. |
ReportingMonth |
The attribute represents months in a reporting calendar. |
ReportingMonthOfHalfYears |
The attribute represents the month ordinal of a half-year in a reporting calendar. |
ReportingMonthOfQuarter |
The attribute represents the month ordinal of a quarter in a reporting calendar. |
ReportingMonthOfTrimester |
The attribute represents the month ordinal of a trimester in a reporting calendar. |
ReportingMonthOfYear |
The attribute represents the month ordinal of a year in a reporting calendar. |
ReportingQuarter |
The attribute represents quarters in a reporting calendar. |
ReportingQuarterOfHalfYear |
The attribute represents the quarter ordinal of a half-year in a reporting calendar. |
ReportingQuarterOfYear |
The attribute represents the quarter ordinal of a year in a reporting calendar. |
ReportingTrimester |
The attribute represents trimesters in a reporting calendar. |
ReportingTrimesterOfYear |
The attribute represents the trimester ordinal of a year in a reporting calendar. |
ReportingWeek |
The attribute represents weeks in a reporting calendar. |
ReportingWeekOfHalfYears |
The attribute represents the week ordinal of a half-year in a reporting calendar. |
ReportingWeekOfMonth |
The attribute represents the week ordinal of a month in a reporting calendar. |
ReportingWeekOfQuarter |
The attribute represents the week ordinal of a quarter in a reporting calendar. |
ReportingWeekOfTrimester |
The attribute represents the week ordinal of a trimester in a reporting calendar. |
ReportingWeekOfYear |
The attribute represents the week ordinal of a year in a reporting calendar. |
ReportingYear |
The attribute represents years in a reporting calendar. |
Representative |
The attribute represents a representative. |
Scenario |
The attribute represents a scenario. |
Seconds |
The attribute represents seconds. |
Sequence |
The attribute represents a sequence attribute. |
ShortCaption |
The attribute represents a short caption. |
StateOrProvince |
The attribute represents a state or province. |
TenDayOfHalfYears |
The attribute represents the ten-day period ordinal of a half-year. |
TenDayOfQuarter |
The attribute represents the ten-day period ordinal of a quarter. |
TenDayOfTrimester |
The attribute represents the ten-day period ordinal of a trimester. |
TenDayOfYear |
The attribute represents the ten-day period ordinal of a year. |
TenDays |
The attribute represents ten-day periods. |
TenDaysOfMonth |
The attribute represents the ten-day period ordinal of a month. |
Trimester |
The attribute represents trimesters. |
TrimesterOfYear |
The attribute represents the trimester ordinal of a year. |
UndefinedTime |
The attribute represents an undefined time period. |
Utility |
The attribute represents a utility. |
Version |
The attribute represents a version. |
WebHtml |
The attribute represents HTML content. |
WebMailAlias |
The attribute represents an e-mail alias. |
WebUrl |
The attribute represents a URL address. |
WebXmlOrXsl |
The attribute represents XML or XSL content. |
WeekOfHalfYears |
The attribute represents the week ordinal of a half-year. |
WeekOfMonth |
The attribute represents the week ordinal of a month. |
WeekOfQuarter |
The attribute represents the week ordinal of a quarter. |
WeekOfTrimester |
The attribute represents the week ordinal of a trimester. |
WeekOfYear |
The attribute represents the week ordinal of a year. |
Weeks |
The attribute represents weeks. |
Years |
The attribute represents years. |
The enumeration that corresponds to the allowed values for Type in the Analysis Management Objects (AMO) object model is AttributeType.
The element that corresponds to the parent of Type in the Analysis Management Objects (AMO) object model is DimensionAttribute.