Connect to a Master Data Services Database Dialog Box
Use the Connect to a Master Data Services Database dialog box to select a Master Data Services database.
In Master Data Services Configuration Manager, this dialog is available from the following pages:
On the Database Configuration page, click Select Database. Use this dialog to select a database for which to configure system settings.
On the Web Configuration page, under Associate Application with Database, click Select to select the database to associate with your Master Data Services website or application.
Select Database
Specify information to connect to a local or remote SQL Server Database Engine instance that hosts the Master Data Services database. To connect to a remote instance, it must be enabled for remote connections.
Control Name
SQL Server instance
Specify the name of the SQL Server Database Engine instance that you want to host the Master Data Services database. This can be a default or named instance on either a local or a remote computer. Specify the information by typing:
A period (.) to connect to the default instance on your local computer.
The server name or IP address to connect to the default instance on the specified local or remote computer.
The server name or IP address, and the instance name to connect to the named instance on the specified local or remote computer. Specify this information in the format server_name\instance_name.
Authentication type
Select the type of authentication to use when connecting to the specified SQL Server instance. The credentials that you use to connect determine the databases that are displayed in the Master Data Services database drop-down list.
The authentication types include:
Current User – Integrated Security: Uses Integrated Windows Authentication to connect by using the credentials of the current Windows user account. Master Data Services Configuration Manager uses the Windows credentials of the user who logged on to the computer and opened the application. You cannot specify different Windows credentials in the application. If you want to connect with different Windows credentials, you must log on to the computer as that user and then open the Master Data Services Configuration Manager.
SQL Server Account: Uses a SQL Server account to connect. When you select this option, the User name and Password fields are enabled and you must specify credentials for a SQL Server account on the specified SQL Server instance.
User name
Specify the name of the user account that will be used to connect to the specified SQL Server instance. The account must be part of the sysadmin role on the specified SQL Server instance.
When the Authentication type is Current User – Integrated Security, the User name box is read-only and it displays the name of the Windows user account that is logged on to the computer.
When the Authentication type is SQL Server Account, the User name box is enabled and you must specify credentials for a SQL Server account on the specified SQL Server instance.
Specify the password associated with the user account.
When the Authentication type is Current User – Integrated Security, the Password box is read-only and credentials of the specified Windows user account are used to connect.
When the Authentication type is SQL Server Account, the Password box is enabled and you must specify the password associated with the specified user account.
Connect to the SQL Server instance with the specified credentials.
Master Data Services database
Displays the Master Data Services databases in the specified SQL Server instance based on the following criteria:
When the user is a member of the sysadmin server role for that instance, all Master Data Services databases in that instance are displayed.
When the user is a member of the db_owner database role for any Master Data Services databases in that instance, those Master Data Services databases are displayed.