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Lesson 3: Design the Parent Report using the Report Wizard

After you create a data connection and a data table for the parent report, your next step is to design the parent report using the Report Wizard in Report Designer. For more information about Report Designer, see Design Reports with Report Designer (SSRS).

To design the parent report using the Report Wizard

  1. Make sure that the top-level website is selected in Solution Explorer.

  2. Right-click on the website and select Add New Item.

  3. In the Add New Item dialog box, select Report Wizard, enter a name for the report file, and then click Add.

    This launches the Report Wizard.

  4. On the Dataset Properties page, in the Data source box, select the data set you created in Lesson 2: Define a Data Connection and Data Table for Parent Report. The Available datasets box is automatically updated with the data table that you created in Lesson 2.

  5. Click Next.

  6. In the Arrange Fields page do the following:

    1. Drag ProductID, Name, ProductNumber, SafetyStockLevel, and ReorderLevel from Available fields to the Values box.

    2. Click the arrow next to Sum(ProductID), Sum(SafetyStockLevel), Sum(ReorderLevel) and clear the Sum selection.

  7. Click Next twice, then click Finish to close the Report Wizard.

    You’ve now created the .rdlc file. The file opens in Report Designer. The tablix you designed is now displayed in the design surface.

  8. Save the .rdlc file.

Next Task

You have successfully designed the parent report using the Report Wizard. Next, you will create a data connection and a data table for the child report. See Lesson 4: Define a Data Connection and Data Table for Child Report.