Sdílet prostřednictvím

sp_syscollector_update_collection_item (Transact-SQL)

Used to modify the properties of a user-defined collection item or to rename a user-defined collection item.

Topic link icon Transact-SQL Syntax Conventions


      [ [ @collection_item_id = ] collection_item_id ]
    , [ [ @name = ] 'name' ]
    , [ [ @new_name = ] 'new_name' ]
    , [ [ @frequency = ] frequency ]
    , [ [ @parameters = ] 'parameters' ]


  • [ @collection\_item\_id = ] collection_item_id
    Is the unique identifer that identifies the collection item. collection_item_id is int with a default value of NULL. collection_item_id must have a value if name is NULL.

  • [ @name = ] 'name'
    Is the name of the collection item. name is sysname with a default value of NULL. name must have a value if collection_item_id is NULL.

  • [ @new\_name = ] 'new_name'
    Is the new name for the collection item. new_name is sysname, and if used, cannot be an empty string.

    new_name must be unique. For a list of current collection item names, query the syscollector_collection_items system view.

  • [ @frequency = ] frequency
    Is the frequency (in seconds) that data is collected by this collection item. frequency is int, with a default of 5, the minimum value that can be specified.

  • [ @parameters = ] 'parameters'
    The input parameters for the collection item. parameters is xml with a default of NULL. The parameters schema must match the parameters schema of the collector type.

Return Code Values

0 (success) or 1 (failure)


If the collection set is set to non-cached mode, changing the frequency is ignored because this mode causes both data collection and upload to occur at the schedule specified for the collection set. To view the status of the collection set, run the following query. Replace <collection_item_id> with the ID of the collection item to be updated.

USE msdb;
SELECT cs.collection_set_id, collection_set_uid, 
    ,'is running' = CASE WHEN is_running =  0 THEN 'No' ELSE 'Yes' END
    ,'cache mode' = CASE WHEN collection_mode = 0 THEN 'Cached mode' ELSE 'Non-cached mode' END
FROM syscollector_collection_sets AS cs
JOIN syscollector_collection_items AS ci 
ON ci.collection_set_id = cs.collection_set_id
WHERE collection_item_id = <collection_item_id>;


Requires membership in the dc_admin or the dc_operator (with EXECUTE permission) fixed database role to execute this procedure. Although dc_operator can run this stored procedure, members of this role are limited in the properties that they can change. The following properties can only be changed by dc_admin:

  • @new\_name

  • @parameters


The following examples are based on the collection item created in the example defined in sp_syscollector_create_collection_item (Transact-SQL).

A. Changing the collection frequency

The following example changes the collection frequency for the specified collection item.

USE msdb;
EXEC sp_syscollector_update_collection_item 
@name = N'My custom TSQL query collector item',
@frequency = 3000;

B. Renaming a collection item

The following example renames a collection item.

USE msdb;
EXEC sp_syscollector_update_collection_item 
@name = N'My custom TSQL query collector item',
@new_name = N'My modified TSQL item';

C. Changing the parameters of a collection item

The following example changes the parameters associated with the collection item. The statement defined within the <Value> attribute is changed and the UseSystemDatabases attribute is set to false. To view the current parameters for this item, query the parameters column in the syscollector_collection_items system view. You may need to modify the value for @collection\_item\_id.

USE msdb;
EXEC sp_syscollector_update_collection_item 
@collection_item_id = 9, 
@parameters = '
    <ns:TSQLQueryCollector xmlns:ns="DataCollectorType">
            <Value>SELECT * FROM sys.dm_db_index_usage_stats</Value>
            <Database> UseSystemDatabases = "false" 
                       UseUserDatabases = "true"</Database>

See Also


System Stored Procedures (Transact-SQL)

sp_syscollector_create_collection_item (Transact-SQL)

syscollector_collection_items (Transact-SQL)


Data Collection