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Setup Command Reference (PowerPivot for SharePoint)

SQL Server 2008 R2 Setup includes new commands for installing PowerPivot for SharePoint on a new or existing farm. PowerPivot for SharePoint adds support for viewing and accessing PowerPivot workbooks SharePoint farm.

This topic includes the following sections:


Installation Parameter List for a PowerPivot installation

Setup roles

New Farm Configuration Option

'PowerPivot' Instance Name

Accounts in a PowerPivot Installation


The following examples illustrate sample commands for installing PowerPivot server components in a SharePoint farm. For instructions on how to use and modify these commands, see How to: Install PowerPivot for SharePoint from the Command Prompt.

Install PowerPivot in an existing SharePoint farm

Setup.exe /q /IAcceptSQLServerLicenseTerms /ACTION=install /ROLE=SPI_AS_ExistingFarm /INSTANCENAME=PowerPivot /INDICATEPROGRESS
/ASSVCACCOUNT=<DomainName\UserName> /ASSVCPASSWORD=<StrongPassword> /ASSYSADMINACCOUNTS=<Domain\UserName> 

Install PowerPivot in a new farm that is configured during setup

Setup.exe /q /IAcceptSQLServerLicenseTerms /ACTION=install /ROLE=SPI_AS_NewFarm /INSTANCENAME=PowerPivot /INDICATEPROGRESS
/SQLSVCACCOUNT=<DomainName\UserName> /SQLSVCPASSWORD=<StrongPassword> /SQLSYSADMINACCOUNTS=<DomainName\UserName> 
/AGTSVCACCOUNT=<DomainName\UserName> /AGTSVCPASSWORD=<StrongPassword> 
/ASSVCACCOUNT=<DomainName\UserName> /ASSVCPASSWORD=<StrongPassword> /ASSYSADMINACCOUNTS=<DomainName\UserName> 
/FARMACCOUNT=<DomainName\UserName> /FARMPASSWORD=<StrongPassword> /PASSPHRASE=<StrongPassword> /FARMADMINPORT=<availablePort> 

Installation Parameter List for a PowerPivot installation

Use the parameters in the following table to develop command line scripts for a PowerPivot installation. This table includes new commands that are used exclusively for installing Analysis Services in a SharePoint farm. It also includes existing commands that are required or recommended for a PowerPivot installation.

SQL Server component



SQL Server Setup Control



Required to indicate the installation workflow.

Supported values:

  • Install

SQL Server Setup Control



Specifies that Setup runs in a quiet mode without any user interface. This is used for unattended installations.

SQL Server Setup Control



Specifies that Setup runs and shows progress through the UI, but does not accept any input or show any error messages.

SQL Server Setup Control


Required only when the /Q or /QS parameter is specified for un-attended installations

Required to acknowledge acceptance of the license terms.

SQL Server Setup Control



Specifies that the verbose Setup log file is piped to the console.

SQL Server Setup Control



Specifies the 'PowerPivot' instance name, required for a PowerPivot installation. Although the instance name is required for a PowerPivot installation, you can omit it from the command. Setup will use the 'PowerPivot' instance name even if it is not specified.

SQL Server Setup Control



Specifies the product key for the edition of If this parameter is not specified, Evaluation is used.

SQL Server Setup Control



Specifies which Analysis Services setup role to install.

Supported values:

  • SPI_AS_NewFarm

  • SPI_AS_ExistingFarm

Analysis Services



Specifies the account for the Analysis Services service.

Analysis Services



Specifies the password for the Analysis Services service.

Analysis Services



Specifies the startup mode for the Analysis Services service.

Supported values:

  • Automatic

  • Disabled

  • Manual

Analysis Services



Specifies the administrator credentials for Analysis Services. The /assysadminaccounts parameter must be set to the identity of the user who is running SQL Server Setup. You must specify at least one system administrator. Note that SQL Server Setup no long grants automatic sysadmin permissions to members of the built-in Administrators group.

Analysis Services



For new farm configuration only, specifies the account used to run the Central Administration service and connect to the SharePoint configuration database.

Analysis Services



Specifies the password for the farm account.

Analysis Services



For new farm configuration only, specifies a pass phrase that farm administrators must provide if they add or remove application servers or Web front end servers in the farm.

Analysis Services



For new farm configuration only, specifies a port number used to connect to the SharePoint Central Administration web application. Although a port number is required for configuring Central Administration, you can omit it from the command. Setup will choose random number that is not used by an existing port

SQL Server Browser



Specifies the startup mode for SQL Server Browser service.

Supported values:

  • Automatic

  • Disabled

  • Manual

SQL Server Engine



Specifies the startup account for the SQL Server service.

SQL Server Engine



Specifies the password for SQLSVCACCOUNT.

SQL Server Engine



Specifies the startup mode for the SQL Server service.

Supported values:

  • Automatic

  • Disabled

  • Manual

Setup roles

A setup role is a fixed selection of SQL Server components and application files that install the component in a specific context. In the case of Analysis Services, a setup role installation is used to deploy SQL Server PowerPivot for SharePoint in either an existing SharePoint farm, or a new un-configured farm. Two setup roles are provided to support each scenario. Each setup role is mutually exclusive of other roles, and of the feature tree that is used to select individual components. You can only choose one setup role to install at a time. If you choose a setup role, setup installs the features and components that belong to the role. You cannot vary the features and components that are designated for that role.

A setup role is specified through the /ROLE parameter. /ROLE is used in place of the Setup /FEATURE parameter. If you add a /ROLE parameter to your command, you cannot use the /FEATURE parameter in the same command.

The following table defines the setup roles that are available for PowerPivot for SharePoint:




Analysis Services in SharePoint integrated mode

PowerPivot System Service

PowerPivot solution packages

Updated Analysis Services client libraries and OLE DB provider

SQL Server Books Online


Installs and configures PowerPivot for SharePoint in the default configuration. For more information, see Default Configuration for PowerPivot for SharePoint.

New Farm Configuration Option

Through the /ROLE=SPI_AS_NewFarm parameter, Setup provides a new farm option to expedite deployment for users who want a dedicated PowerPivot server. Although the parameter is named "NewFarm", SQL Server Setup does not install a new SharePoint server for you. You must have SharePoint installation media and you must run it manually in advance to get the SharePoint server program files on the computer.

Once you have SharePoint server program files on the computer, you run SQL Server Setup to complete the deployment of a PowerPivot server. SQL Server setup installs a Database Engine instance to use as the database server for the farm, installs PowerPivot server components, configures SQL Server components, and configures the SharePoint server with features and limits that work best for PowerPivot operations.

In contrast with an existing farm installation option, new farm configuration requires that you specify additional values that will be used to initialize the SharePoint Products and Tools Configuration program (PSCONFIG.EXE). SQL Server Setup runs this program in the background when you specify the new farm configuration option. /FarmAccount, /FarmPassword, /Passphrase, and /FarmAdminPort are all settings that PSCONFIG.EXE requires in order to configure a standalone server or a first server in a farm.

This option is not for users who want to add PowerPivot to an established farm, nor is it for users who want to personally configure Web applications, site collections, and services. Its purpose is to support users who want a simple approach for bringing a PowerPivot server online quickly and easily. For more information about new farm configuration, see Install PowerPivot for SharePoint on a New SharePoint Server.

'PowerPivot' Instance Name

In contrast with other SQL Server services that are instance-aware, Analysis Services in SharePoint integrated mode is not a multi-instance server. You can have only one PowerPivot for SharePoint instance on any given computer at any time.

All instances of Analysis Services that you deploy in SharePoint integrated mode are installed as a named instance, using 'PowerPivot' as the instance name. This name is hard-coded. You cannot use a different instance name. If you already have a SQL Server instance (for any component) that uses 'PowerPivot' as the instance name, it will block a PowerPivot installation.

Because the instance name is hard-coded, you can omit it from the command line. If you omit /InstanceName='PowerPivot' from your command, Setup will use the correct instance name automatically. If you include /InstanceName but set it to a different value, you will get an error.

Accounts in a PowerPivot Installation

A PowerPivot command line installation includes accounts for SQL Server services, SharePoint services, server administrators, and database access.

If you are adding PowerPivot to an existing farm that already has a database server defined for it, you do not need to specify accounts for SQL Server Database Engine, Agent Service, or Broker.

All accounts must be domain user accounts. Do not use built-in machine accounts.

For more information about accounts, see Plan a PowerPivot Deployment in a SharePoint Farm and Change Service Accounts and Passwords (PowerPivot for SharePoint).