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sp_scriptdynamicupdproc (Transact-SQL)

Generates the CREATE PROCEDURE statement that creates a dynamic update stored procedure. The UPDATE statement within the custom stored procedure is built dynamically based on the MCALL syntax that indicates which columns to change. Use this stored procedure if the number of indexes on the subscribing table is growing and the number of columns being changed is small. This stored procedure is run at the Publisher on the publication database.

Topic link iconTransact-SQL Syntax Conventions


sp_scriptdynamicupdproc [ @artid =] artid


  • [ @artid=] artid
    Is the article ID. artid is int, with no default.

Result Sets

Returns a result set that consists of a single nvarchar(4000) column. The result set forms the complete CREATE PROCEDURE statement used to create the custom stored procedure.


sp_scriptdynamicupdproc is used in transactional replication. The default MCALL scripting logic includes all columns within the UPDATE statement and uses a bitmap to determine the columns that have changed. If a column did not change, the column is set back to itself, which usually causes no problems. If the column is indexed, extra processing occurs. The dynamic approach includes only the columns that have changed, which provides an optimal UPDATE string. However, extra processing is incurred at runtime when the dynamic UPDATE statement is built. We recommend that you test the dynamic and static approaches, and then choose the optimal solution.


Only members of the sysadmin fixed server role or db_owner fixed database role can execute sp_scriptdynamicupdproc.


This example creates an article (with artid set to 1) on the authors table in the pubs database and specifies that the UPDATE statement is the custom procedure to execute:

'MCALL sp_mupd_authors'

Generate the custom stored procedures to be executed by the Distribution Agent at the Subscriber by running the following stored procedure at the Publisher:

EXEC sp_scriptdynamicupdproc @artid = '1'

The statement returns:

CREATE PROCEDURE [sp_mupd_authors] 
  @c1 varchar(11),@c2 varchar(40),@c3 varchar(20),@c4 char(12),@c5 varchar(40),@c6 varchar(20),
  @c7 char(2),@c8 char(5),@c9 bit,@pkc1 varchar(11),@bitmap binary(2)

declare @stmt nvarchar(4000), @spacer nvarchar(1)
SELECT @spacer =N''
SELECT @stmt = N'UPDATE [authors] SET '

if substring(@bitmap,1,1) & 2 = 2
  select @stmt = @stmt + @spacer + N'[au_lname]' + N'=@2'
  select @spacer = N','
if substring(@bitmap,1,1) & 4 = 4
  select @stmt = @stmt + @spacer + N'[au_fname]' + N'=@3'
  select @spacer = N','
if substring(@bitmap,1,1) & 8 = 8
  select @stmt = @stmt + @spacer + N'[phone]' + N'=@4'
  select @spacer = N','
if substring(@bitmap,1,1) & 16 = 16
  select @stmt = @stmt + @spacer + N'[address]' + N'=@5'
  select @spacer = N','
if substring(@bitmap,1,1) & 32 = 32
  select @stmt = @stmt + @spacer + N'[city]' + N'=@6'
  select @spacer = N','
if substring(@bitmap,1,1) & 64 = 64
  select @stmt = @stmt + @spacer + N'[state]' + N'=@7'
  select @spacer = N','
if substring(@bitmap,1,1) & 128 = 128
  select @stmt = @stmt + @spacer + N'[zip]' + N'=@8'
  select @spacer = N','
if substring(@bitmap,2,1) & 1 = 1
  select @stmt = @stmt + @spacer + N'[contract]' + N'=@9'
  select @spacer = N','
select @stmt = @stmt + N' where [au_id] = @1'
exec sp_executesql @stmt, N' @1 varchar(11),@2 varchar(40),@3 varchar(20),@4 char(12),@5 varchar(40),
                             @6 varchar(20),@7 char(2),@8 char(5),@9 bit',@pkc1,@c2,@c3,@c4,@c5,@c6,@c7,@c8,@c9

if @@rowcount = 0
   if @@microsoftversion>0x07320000
      exec sp_MSreplraiserror 20598

After running this stored procedure, you can use the resulting script to create the stored procedure manually at the Subscribers.

See Also


System Stored Procedures (Transact-SQL)

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